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The Endless Non-Stop Support Of Trump


My mom is a huge Trump fan. As far as I can tell, it's because he mirrors the prejudices that she has: anti-immigrant, anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-feminist, anti-Democrat. She sees him, bizarrely, as an "authentic man of the people" who likes his steak well done and makes fun of the eggheads (experts, scholars etc).
Pretty much the same thing I have observed with my extended family that sided with Trump.

They are terrified due to anti-LGBT/anti-immigrant/anti-SJW hysteria to the point where they will side with anyone who gives them a feeling of security from those demographics.

Disappointing to see how easily their hearts have been won with some fearmongering and misdirection.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Hmmm.. what about those of us who like our steak so rare it borders on blue if not crosses the line into blue territory altogether?
You're more Ameristanian than I am.
I like my steak chopped up into hamburger, & cooked to death.

BTW, you gots some double post action going on there.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
Let me get this straight....
- Trump ordered Pence to over-turn the election so he could remain Prez.
- Trump threatened Secretaries Of State with prosecution if they didn't
"find" him votes to over-turn Biden's win.
- Trump fomented insurrection in The Capitol Building on Jan 6.
- Trump plans persecution & prosecution of his foes, eg, news media,
politicians, critics.
- He's a serial sexual predator, & business fraudster.
- He's enduring mental decline.

And the MAGAs support all this?
Or they don't support it, but love him so much they support him anyway?
Or they deny reality?
Uh huh, In the first couple of sentences of the article you linked it mentions he is a psychopath, has a diseased mind, is evil, talks like hitler, likes violence, etc. etc. Seems like a biased article instead of a real diagnosis. So just par for the course with the American Media.

Here is the real issue with Trump and why many people support him. He did much of what he said he would do and did not get anywhere near fair coverage by the media. Also, his unfair treatment by the media, FBI, judges, prosecutors etc. Anyone can see that Trump has been unconstitutionally persecuted to try to destroy him while Biden gets a pass. There is more evidence of Bidens corruption and mental decline than anything Trump has done and no one cares. If Trump can be persecuted by the government it is only a matter of time before I am for my conservative views.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
But those things are not deal breakers for "certain Americans". Some support the racist bigot because he is a racist bigot, some don't care that he is a racist bigot. I find both positions despicable, we should no be supporting racist bigots for any reason.
Can you tell me why you think he is a racist bigot?

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
My mom is a huge Trump fan. As far as I can tell, it's because he mirrors the prejudices that she has: anti-immigrant, anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-feminist, anti-Democrat. She sees him, bizarrely, as an "authentic man of the people" who likes his steak well done and makes fun of the eggheads (experts, scholars etc).

She doesn't know or care about his policies or proposed policies because she assumes they will align with those prejudices. She is completely brainwashed by Fox News, and probably sees the insurrectionists as freedom fighters. All the things you brought up in your OP are beside the point for her.

I can honestly say that Trump supporters (who are generally conservative Christians) are some of the most hateful, obnoxious, and bigoted people I have ever met in my life. I say that with confidence because I'm a former conservative evangelical Christian and was a registered Republican for 26 years.

During this time, I had a lot of conflict with other conservative Christians over their abhorrent contempt for women, minorities, immigrants (documented or not), and LGBTQ individuals. I also grew up in a predominantly conservative Christian environment (home and town) before that and have known many conservative Christians over the years through church and in places I've lived. In other words, I'm very familiar with them and how they normally behave.

I've shared the following stories in other threads on a similar topic to this one, but I'd like to share them again in response to your post.

My family is overwhelmingly evangelical conservative Christians who firmly believe that Trump is a Christian and that God sent him to reclaim America. I'm now estranged from both sides of my family because of how they treated me while I was still a Christian and refused to support and vote for Trump. I have aunts, uncles, and cousins who have turned on me and talked about me behind my back. I was intentionally left out and not invited to our annual family reunion in the summer following Trump's election. I found out from a friend of the family that I wasn't invited to the reunion because my presence there would have upset everyone else. Unfortunately, the verbal abuse, the bullying, and the harassment increased substantially after I voted for Biden. I had to block the phone numbers of my relatives and former conservative friends, and I blocked a few of them on Facebook. But one of the worst experiences for me was having to call the police on my cousin because he threatened to physically hurt me after he found out that I voted for Biden. I've had conservative friends whom I've known for years turn their backs on me because I don't support Trump. I had to block their phone numbers and block them on Facebook.

And, lastly, I'm a former member of a Christian forum where the majority of the evangelicals genuinely believed and declared in their posts that Trump is a Christian, that God anointed him to reclaim America, and that God appointed him to purge America of liberals. When I initially voiced my objection to Trump in response to one of these Christians, I was immediately and persistently disparaged, called derogatory names, and accused of not being a true Christian. I was called evil and godless, and I was constantly called a "demon rat." After I informed another member who was also being harassed for not supporting Trump that I had voted for Biden, the harassment intensified even more. I was accused of being demon-possessed and was told that was what caused me to vote for Biden. I was also spitefully reported by several members, which led to my being permanently banned without a warning. But when I reported the members who harassed me, I was told that I was the troublemaker, and I received a warning, not the members who degraded and harassed me. A staff member who secretly sympathized with me emailed me the day after I was banned to let me know about a thread where these members were gloating about how they got me and the other harassed user perma-banned. It was upsetting to read the scathing remarks about me and the other user.

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
Let me get this straight....
- Trump ordered Pence to over-turn the election so he could remain Prez.
- Trump threatened Secretaries Of State with prosecution if they didn't
"find" him votes to over-turn Biden's win.
- Trump fomented insurrection in The Capitol Building on Jan 6.
- Trump plans persecution & prosecution of his foes, eg, news media,
politicians, critics.
- He's a serial sexual predator, & business fraudster.
- He's enduring mental decline.

And the MAGAs support all this?
Or they don't support it, but love him so much they support him anyway?
Or they deny reality?
They support a certain agenda, and though he is very flawed, he is their god's instrument to force the agenda.