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Teaching kids about homosexuality?

What should kids be taught about homosexuality in schools?

  • That homosexuality is not a choice.

    Votes: 32 57.1%
  • That homosexuality is a choice.

    Votes: 13 23.2%
  • That homosexuality is a perversion.

    Votes: 3 5.4%
  • That homosexuality is not a perversion.

    Votes: 32 57.1%
  • That homosexuality is moral.

    Votes: 28 50.0%
  • That homosexuality is not moral.

    Votes: 5 8.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Here is part of it - the original source, a respected dutch newspaper, must have already deleted it from their site:

A German couple who went to a fertility clinic after eight years of marriage have found out why they're still childless - they weren't having sex. Folks at the University Clinic of Lubek said they'd never heard of a case like it. Doctors subjected the bizarre couple to a series of examinations and found they were both apparently fertile and should have had no trouble conceiving. "When we asked them how often they had sex, they looked blank, and said:'What do you mean?" "We're not talking retarded people here, but a couple who were brought up in a religious environment who were simply unaware, after eight years of marriage, of the physical requirements necessary to procreate." The 30-year-old wife and her 36-year-old hapless hubby are now being given sex therapy lessons.
This is why we need sex ed.

By the way, snopes.com has yet to investigate this one. From where I've seen it (at several news sources) I think it's true.


User of Aspercreme
A German couple who went to a fertility clinic after eight years of marriage have found out why they're still childless - they weren't having sex. Folks at the University Clinic of Lubek said they'd never heard of a case like it. Doctors subjected the bizarre couple to a series of examinations and found they were both apparently fertile and should have had no trouble conceiving. "When we asked them how often they had sex, they looked blank, and said:'What do you mean?" "We're not talking retarded people here, but a couple who were brought up in a religious environment who were simply unaware, after eight years of marriage, of the physical requirements necessary to procreate." The 30-year-old wife and her 36-year-old hapless hubby are now being given sex therapy lessons.
There's a couple that will be together forever.

Isabella Lecour

Active Member
Should sex ed be taught in school?
Should sex ed include homosexuality?

I voted on the poll that it isn't a choice and that it's not a perversion.

This topic for me is a hard one to handle. I've got some major bias on this issue. I think sex ed should be taught in school and at an early age. I'm a suriver of sexual abuse and I feel that sex ed could have taught me what was going on and how to handle it. I was one of those kids who's parents choose to opt out their child for religious reasons. It's great if a parent really decides to teach but sometimes someone should question just how are they going to teach it!

As to homosexuality, I see no problem teaching about it or any other sexual issue. I'd rather any sex ed course stick with medical facts instead of religious or cultural bias. That being said a safer sex course should be taught with as much strength as sex ed.

Thats my two jumbled thoughts,


Veteran Member
Right now in Britain it is against the law (local government act 1988) to promote homosexuality as a viable life choice or family relationship except in Scotland, where the law was repealed in 2000. England woudn't have it though.


Flaming Queer
truthseekingsoul said:
Right now in Britain it is against the law (local government act 1988) to promote homosexuality as a viable life choice or family relationship except in Scotland, where the law was repealed in 2000. England woudn't have it though.
yes but that should be changing in september - i think - i stand to be corrected on that though

i voted that homosexuality is not a perversion and it is moral -

i didnt not say if it was a choice or not because for some people it is and for some people it isnt - but i think the main point is that it should be tough in schools that homosexuality is NOT fundamentally wrong.

i dont think we have a choice about who we have feelings for, but we do have a choice about what we do with those feelings.

i dont intend to start a big debate about this subject - but i am christian and also gay - i am not in a relationship at the moment but i have been in a long term one previously.

anyway, in school (a place of learning) if kids show that they think being gay is wrong then it should be challenged - along with transexuality. abortion is viewed by many as wrong and by many as acceptable - both sides of this arguement are shown in schools - why not both sides of homosexuality?



Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
truthseekingsoul said:
Right now in Britain it is against the law (local government act 1988) to promote homosexuality as a viable life choice or family relationship except in Scotland, where the law was repealed in 2000. England woudn't have it though.
Corrupt_Priest; the only info I could find was as below:
Local Government Act 1988, England and Wales (Amendment) Bill 2003

The repeal of Section 28 of the Local Government Act was voted for by the House of Commons in March 2003 and by the House of Lords in July 2003. It received its Royal Assent on September 18th 2003 and came into effect on November 18th 2003. Section 28 of the Act stated that a local authority was not permitted to "…promote the teaching in any maintained school of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship.".(Of course if you know of something later than that, please post it)

I would suggest that ........."to promote homosexuality as a viable life choice or family relationship"..............has not really any bearing in education on sexual matters; children need to be educated without the implication that something being taught is seen as 'O.K' - it is better to teach children about all aspects of life - after all, they are taught about smolking and drugs.............;)


Flaming Queer
michel said:
Corrupt_Priest; the only info I could find was as below:
Local Government Act 1988, England and Wales (Amendment) Bill 2003

The repeal of Section 28 of the Local Government Act was voted for by the House of Commons in March 2003 and by the House of Lords in July 2003. It received its Royal Assent on September 18th 2003 and came into effect on November 18th 2003. Section 28 of the Act stated that a local authority was not permitted to "…promote the teaching in any maintained school of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship.".(Of course if you know of something later than that, please post it)

I would suggest that ........."to promote homosexuality as a viable life choice or family relationship"..............has not really any bearing in education on sexual matters; children need to be educated without the implication that something being taught is seen as 'O.K' - it is better to teach children about all aspects of life - after all, they are taught about smolking and drugs.............;)
sorry mate i got mixed up lol

its same-sex union their allowing in september

but i would assume that if their allowing same-sex union then pretty soon they'l allow homosexuality to be openly discussed

i think that schools should engage children in discussion about homosexuality like they do with drugs and abortion and other ethical issues - i just dont like the "lets not talk about it and hope it goes away" stance the government has at the moment

just my opinion though - it could just be my bad experiences of talking about homosexuality in schools thats annoyed me so much - so im very biased in my oppinions



Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Hey, don't apologise for being passionate, I understand strong feelings about principles. I am much the same.;)


Veteran Member
Michel said:
the only info I could find was as below:
I stand corrected. Thank you for the information.

Michel said:
I would suggest that ........."to promote homosexuality as a viable life choice or family relationship"..............has not really any bearing in education on sexual matters; children need to be educated without the implication that something being taught is seen as 'O.K' - it is better to teach children about all aspects of life - after all, they are taught about smolking and drugs.............;)
Fair point.


Active Member
I voted to teach that it is not a choice and that it is not a perversion.

I didn't make any choice on the moral thing because I don't think any sexualixy is moral or immoral. A sexuality isn't good or bad in itself.

It would be nice if things like this were taught, but with so much trouble keeping Creationism and ID out of schools here I somehow doubt it would get in much.


Well-Known Member
Parents? My parents provided food, water, electricity, internet, insurance, later gas, now college. I don't object to any of this in the slightest. However, I didn't get the slightest bit of moral instruction from them. I couldn't even relate to them because I took up a very different way of looking at the world very early on. Being educated in history, sociology, and health, reading books, watching television, and observing the way people around me treated each other is where I got the majority of my moral instruction.

I think that the schools should absolutely explain homosexuality to students and do everything possible to get those students who are homosexual to understand that being homosexual does not excuse a person from taking basic steps to protect him/herself and others. I think that all students should be made to understand any special risk factors involved in anal penetration and how important it is to take double measures to enforce the use of protection should they attempt it. As a homosexual myself, I am highly concerned with the cavalier attitude much of the gay community takes toward sexuality. It makes them a danger not only to themselves but to me and those whom I care about.

Also, the only entity that's likely to explain the importance of these things to homosexual teens is the state because parents seem to have so much difficulty adjusting to the idea that their children are homosexual that they end up shirking their most important responsibilities as parents, particularly in regard to shielding their children from those who are just out to take advantage of them and encouraging them to form close, lasting relationships. Face it: if your son were to turn out gay, you wouldn't be inviting his boyfriend over to ask him to be a part of your family, and you really wouldn't distinguish much between one boyfriend and the other. You'd just throw up your hands and decide that you've failed as a parent. Mine sure did, and I'm fortunate enough to have found someone who values me as a person and believes in the ideas of loyalty and trust.

The thing is, this would have to be taught alongside sex education targeted at heterosexuals because it's unfair and wrong to put homosexual teens into a seperate classroom. In fact, it's unfair to expect them to even KNOW their sexual orientation at that age. It is very important for everyone, no matter their sexual orientation, to know how and why they should protect themselves and that nobody is excluded from this responsibility to themselves and to the world at large.


The cake is a lie
Wow, what a first post! :) Welcome to the forums, and I completely agree with you. I must admit I haven't really been in the gay community IRL to see the attitudes toward sex... but I might just fit that that you speak of; as long as there's protection and nobody's sneaking around behind someone's back, I don't see a problem with it. If it's a problem with ignorance, though, that definately needs to be remedied. Though there's no lack of information, not every person is going to search for it (which I can't understand).

Heheh, part of me suggests promoting lesbian encounters as being the least risky... they have the lowest STD transmission rate. ;D Join the dark side, ladies! ;)


Well-Known Member
Jensa said:
Wow, what a first post! :) Welcome to the forums,
Thank you.
and I completely agree with you. I must admit I haven't really been in the gay community IRL to see the attitudes toward sex... but I might just fit that that you speak of; as long as there's protection and nobody's sneaking around behind someone's back, I don't see a problem with it. If it's a problem with ignorance, though, that definately needs to be remedied. Though there's no lack of information, not every person is going to search for it (which I can't understand).
Yeah, that's pretty much my take on it. No matter one's orientation, one should take a responsible attitude toward sex. This is something that affects me, so I feel that I am not out of place to ask others to behave with common sense in regard to sexual encounters.

Heheh, part of me suggests promoting lesbian encounters as being the least risky... they have the lowest STD transmission rate. ;D Join the dark side, ladies! ;)
I have heard of this.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Hi Flappycat;

Welcome to the forum - sounds like you are on the same wavelength as quite a few of us!

As Jensa said, that was quite a first post - and a good one at that - you make very salient points. I would rather homosexual teenagers were given the opportunity of feeling loved rather than shunned; I can't imagine how many lives have been ruined because 'different' people have been made to feel 'dirty'...........:(


Active Member
Sex is the least talked about subject in school in my opinion. I am not only talking about sex, but with a view to the way young people refer to each other. Young men and women refer to each other as *****, ******, whoa etc. This is the common vernacular. It has become so prevalent that it no longer has the orriginal conotation.

Our children need to be taught about self respect and a feeling of being worthy of love. When one is constantly referred to in a negative manner, they begin to take on that persona.
Homosexuality is a real condition of life and it should be spoken of in the schools. What's the difference if you are born that way or have a proclivity towards the same sex? Teachers should be trained in the art of speaking to youth about these subjects.

Perhaps I would begin to talk to a child by saying, " Sometimes in life some people find themselves being drawn to someone of the same sex. When this happens you should stop and think about why that is happening to you. What are the reasons behind your feelings? " Most likely the response will be, " I don't know why." Opening a dialog with a child will help them sort through the feelings. Never condemn. Never!


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
martha said:
Sex is the least talked about subject in school in my opinion. I am not only talking about sex, but with a view to the way young people refer to each other. Young men and women refer to each other as *****, ******, whoa etc. This is the common vernacular. It has become so prevalent that it no longer has the orriginal conotation.

Our children need to be taught about self respect and a feeling of being worthy of love. When one is constantly referred to in a negative manner, they begin to take on that persona.
Homosexuality is a real condition of life and it should be spoken of in the schools. What's the difference if you are born that way or have a proclivity towards the same sex? Teachers should be trained in the art of speaking to youth about these subjects.

Perhaps I would begin to talk to a child by saying, " Sometimes in life some people find themselves being drawn to someone of the same sex. When this happens you should stop and think about why that is happening to you. What are the reasons behind your feelings? " Most likely the response will be, " I don't know why." Opening a dialog with a child will help them sort through the feelings. Never condemn. Never!
Well said ( and not just because you agree with me:D )

I mean it.:)


World Leader Pretend
I'd say homosexuality is a choice, it is not a perversion, it is neither moral or immoral. I think schools should stay clear of moral issues. They should be teaching math, english, history and so forth, not raising children; children have families for that. Also, I don't think people should argue over homosexuality. What people do in their bedrooms with their mates is their business. It is their happiness that matters, not whether or not it is a choice or moral. Sex is private and dictated by the relationship and not popular culture.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I'm all for teaching kids about homosexuality so long as the curriculum stresses that homosexual kids should become as hysterical about their sexuality as today's abstinence only curriculum for heterosexual kids stresses that heterosexual kids should become hysterical about their sexuality. I think it's crucially important for kids of any and all sexual orientations to become hysterical about their sexuality. Only with a growing population of people who are hysterical about their own sexuality will the US be able to maintain its world leadership in sexual problems of all kinds. Keep the US a leader! Support sexual hysteria!

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Jensa said:
Heheh, part of me suggests promoting lesbian encounters as being the least risky... they have the lowest STD transmission rate. ;D Join the dark side, ladies! ;)
Curse you, Jensa, I'm only just admitting to myself I'm toastersexual! Now you've got to bring yet another option it!

Sunstone, that might just become my new sig in a few months.


Well-Known Member
Darkdale said:
I'd say homosexuality is a choice, it is not a perversion, it is neither moral or immoral. I think schools should stay clear of moral issues. They should be teaching math, english, history and so forth, not raising children; children have families for that. Also, I don't think people should argue over homosexuality. What people do in their bedrooms with their mates is their business. It is their happiness that matters, not whether or not it is a choice or moral. Sex is private and dictated by the relationship and not popular culture.
I'm actually quite a strong example of how little parents can have to do with moral instruction. Also, sex ed is more about personal health and hygeine than about morality, and this is very much the school's business, just as it's the school's business to teach kids how to keep their bodies in good physical condition.