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Swapping Religion for a day


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
If you could swap a religion, just for the day, what would you be and why?
If i were to swap non-religion for a religion i'd probably go for any of;
1. Unitarian Universalism (for inclusivity)
2. Secular Humanism (I appreciate their devotion to science and reason)
3. Buddhism (I admire the moral fibre of the Buddhist clergy for standing up to the Myanmar millitary at great personal cost).

In my opinion


Veteran Member
Premium Member
If you could swap a religion, just for the day, what would you be and why?

Lefthanded path, get telepathy powers and sexual influence powers and do plenty of sex that day with a lot of women.


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
Lefthanded path, get telepathy powers and sexual influence powers and do plenty of sex that day with a lot of women.
*Blinks in left handed path...*

I um what? I don't think that's how this typically works...


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Lefthanded path, get telepathy powers and sexual influence powers and do plenty of sex that day with a lot of women.
LHP is a paradigm, not a religion.

That said, which LHP religion do you think practices telepathy and has sexual influence powers?


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Premium Member

If that's how left handed paths worked a lot more people would be into left handed paths.

It's part of it is you embrace whatever desire you have, and go out in it. You act on what you desire and that's what is most important. If that's marriage, then okay. If it's something else, then okay.

I've read books on this, but, left-handed path has spectrums, but if this is my desire, and the gods with me are willing to help me in it, and telepathy wise I gain power of influence, how is this not a thing? It's part of the left handed path and a lot of people are this, simply, because of this.

You are allowed to manipulate whatever you wish for what you wish. Just don't go killing people or physically harming people, that's about the only law there is.


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LHP is a paradigm, not a religion.

That said, which LHP religion do you think practices telepathy and has sexual influence powers?

Religion is hard to define in this respect. Wiccan and LHP neopaganism is not defined totally because there is no central books nor central authorities.


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
It's part of it is you embrace whatever desire you have, and go out in it. You act on what you desire and that's what is most important. If that's marriage, then okay. If it's something else, then okay.

I've read books on this, but, left-handed path has spectrums, but if this is my desire, and the gods with me are willing to help me in it, and telepathy wise I gain power of influence, how is this not a thing? It's part of the left handed path and a lot of people are this, simply, because of this.

You are allowed to manipulate whatever you wish for what you wish. Just don't go killing people or physically harming people, that's about the only law there is.
I'd go into my issues but it's off topic and I do not have the spoons nor do I care enough to write a long winded reply.


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I'd go into my issues but it's off topic and I do not have the spoons nor do I care enough to write a long winded reply.

There is rules that govern spiritual world, and you learn to manipulate rules as well, in lefthanded. No rules are actually absolute in lefthanded path.


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No. Just no.

I mean, sex is part of WIcca, but it's not seen as something done as a recreational activity. Sex is sacred in Wicca.

Well, there is different views. I agree sexual energy is sacred in Wicca, but it's not that you can only do marriage or there are rules that govern how to act on it. It's pretty open ended.


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
There is rules that govern spiritual world, and you learn to manipulate rules as well, in lefthanded. No rules are actually absolute in lefthanded path.
Again i dont have the spoons(spoons mean energy). I feel extermely sick close to fainting. Im sitting down so not to do so. My blood pressure must be low


Veteran Member
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Your desire for sex in Wicca is sacred too. There's no need to not embrace your desire or not get the gods to help you fulfill sexual fantasies. Lots of books is how to embrace your fantasies and not feel ashamed of them.


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
@Link it's not the wanting to have sex that im having an issue with its other things. Like i said I'd go into it but I don't feel like it at the moment. Im not feeling well.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Well, there is different views. I agree sexual energy is sacred in Wicca, but it's not that you can only do marriage or there are rules that govern how to act on it. It's pretty open ended.

Wiccan commitment ceremonies are called handfasting, not marriage, and sex is not exclusively practiced between committed couples. Ritualistic sex is often practiced between the high priest and high priestess, and they are sometimes in a committed relationship with another.