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stoning !!!!!!


I want Khilafah back
what the hell does that mean?:confused: if a man kills another mans wife, then the husband of the murdered woman gets to kill the murderers mom, wife, cousin, sister?:confused:


it's in support of the "a life for a life" a tooth for a tooth, a female for a female, you could even say a cow for a cow, but if the cow was killed by a human, you don't go killing his cow which is innocent, you just punish the person who did it.


Democratic Socialist

it's in support of the "a life for a life" a tooth for a tooth, a female for a female, you could even say a cow for a cow, but if the cow was killed by a human, you don't go killing his cow which is innocent, you just punish the person who did it.

oh:drool: i dont think my confusion was unfounded, female for a female sounds like........female for a female



it's in support of the "a life for a life" a tooth for a tooth, a female for a female, you could even say a cow for a cow, but if the cow was killed by a human, you don't go killing his cow which is innocent, you just punish the person who did it.

unless you have four cows that saw the cow being killed :) let the cow without sin cast the first stone.

pardon me on such a serious subject, but i couldnt help it.


and come to think of it is that he who is without sin cast the first stone attributed to Isa in the Quran?

because i think its brilliant.


Veteran Member
and come to think of it is that he who is without sin cast the first stone attributed to Isa in the Quran?

because i think its brilliant.

i think you're confusing Christianity with Islam but i agree, it is brilliant. might be something that Jesus SAW did to stop cruelty. but i don't know.



what is this?

John 7:53-8:11 in the King James Version:
7:53 And every man went unto his own house. 8:1 Jesus went unto the Mount of Olives. 2 And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them. 3 And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst, 4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. 5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou? 6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. 7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. 8 And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. 9 And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. 10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? 11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

I am not confusing it Lava, i just wondered that if Jesus said that in the Quran but it seems not.--- pity


I want Khilafah back
one things that wrong with those verses, only prophets are/were sinless people, everyone else is a sinner, we all commit sins. so if the verses are judged according to the quran and hadith, i would say that is man made (added)


Veteran Member
one things that wrong with those verses, only prophets are/were sinless people, everyone else is a sinner, we all commit sins. so if the verses are judged according to the quran and hadith, i would say that is man made (added)

i know that Prophets were special people and they did not commit big sins like adultery but according to Qur'an, everyone -even Prophets- were first in dalalat:

93:7 And He found you unaware and guided you?

if you check out original text, you'd find dalalat translated as 'unaware' and guided as 'Hidayat'...



Servant of Yahweh God Almighty
so how many adulterers have either of you stoned to death exactly?

I have not stone any adulterers because the laws of man in this land prevents stoning. But the Laws of the Almighty still stands perfect. He is dealing with this country on this issue among all of of His other laws that this country tends to ignore. Evenutally mankind will come around to His ways. This changing of the laws has always produced somewhat of a paradox in America; ever since it was against the law to kill someone for adultery. But early America did allow the killing of adulterers as corporal punishment. Alas, how I miss good ole days! :tribal2:


Democratic Socialist
I have not stone any adulterers because the laws of man in this land prevents stoning. But the Laws of the Almighty still stands perfect. He is dealing with this country on this issue among all of of His other laws that this country tends to ignore. Evenutally mankind will come around to His ways. This changing of the laws has always produced somewhat of a paradox in America; ever since it was against the law to kill someone for adultery. But early America did allow the killing of adulterers as corporal punishment. Alas, how I miss good ole days! :tribal2:

why should stupid human laws stop you from doing what god has ordered of you? would god not reward you for your bravery? what will god think of you if you dont? you know what is the right thing to do, what he has ordered of his followers, and yet you refuse because of some petty anti-god laws? pfft, some believer you are.


I have not stone any adulterers because the laws of man in this land prevents stoning. But the Laws of the Almighty still stands perfect. He is dealing with this country on this issue among all of of His other laws that this country tends to ignore. Evenutally mankind will come around to His ways. This changing of the laws has always produced somewhat of a paradox in America; ever since it was against the law to kill someone for adultery. But early America did allow the killing of adulterers as corporal punishment. Alas, how I miss good ole days! :tribal2:

Won't you be... won't you be... won't you be... my neighbor?



Servant of Yahweh God Almighty
why should stupid human laws stop you from doing what god has ordered of you? would god not reward you for your bravery? what will god think of you if you dont? you know what is the right thing to do, what he has ordered of his followers, and yet you refuse because of some petty anti-god laws? pfft, some believer you are.

All in good time. You see, whenever we are face with roadblocks such as the forbidding of corporal punishment against adulterers; then we have to seek the Almighty's advice in prayer for guidance. He has also given us holy rabbi's to help us adjust and act towards such walls that have been setup to protect adulterers. I assure you that there are brave men out there who have used ways to circumvent any laws that may threaten the lives of our families. Some have gone to the extent of killing the adulterer and adulteresses secretly; there is a lot of land in the west available for burial plots. And yes, he has rewarded such men for their bravery. However, how can the Almighty YAHWEH reward other men for their bravery, if they are in prison? I think our God see these national roadblocks as a way for Him to show the world the awful sinful results of ignoring his laws on a national scale.

And who are you to tell us how we should worship and obey our Almighty Creator seeing that you have not accepted our ways of worship. Every roadblock has a timing of punishment and it will not be rushed to fruition on your account. If you don't believe me; then read our Holy Bible of what happened to nations that forbid people from following the Holy Laws of YAHWEH. Their national punishments did not come swiftly upon them: some were allowed to wallowed in their filthy pleasures. Some were allowed to commit adultery, murder, molestation, rape, stealing, etc. But Yahweh will not be mocked: He eventually punished those nations who thought that there would be no consequences to their crimes against humanity; crimes against society; and crimes against God Himself. I would start with The Book of Genesis (pay particular attention to the timing in chapter 6). :angel2:
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Democratic Socialist
All in good time. You see, whenever we face with a road block such as the forbidding of corporal punishment against adulterers; then we have to seek the Almighty's advice in prayer for guidance. He has also given us holy rabbi's to help us adjust and act towards such walls that have been setup to protect adulterers. I assure there are brave men out there who have used ways to circumvent any laws threaten our families. Some have gone to the extent of killing the adulterer and adulteresses secretly; there is a lot of land in the west available for burial plots. And yes, he has rewarded such men for their bravery. However, how can the Almighty YAHWEH reward other men for their bravery, if they are in prison? I think our God see these national roadblocks as a way for Him to show the world the awful sinful results of ignoring his laws on a national scale.

And who are you to tell us how we should worship and obey our Almighty Creator seeing that you have not accepted our ways of worship. Everything roadblock has a timing of punishment and it will not be rushed to fruition on your account. If you don't believe me; then read our Holy Bible of what happened to nations that forbid people from following the Holy Laws of YAHWEH. Their national punishments did not come swiftly upon them: some were allowed to wallowed in their filthy pleasures. Some were allowed to commit adultery, murder, molestation, rape, stealing, etc. But Yahweh will not be mocked: He eventually punished those nations who thought that there would be no consequences to their crimes against humanity; crimes against society; and crimes against God Himself. I would start with The Book of Genesis (pay particular attention to the timing in chapter 7). :angel2:

why are you so concerned about going to prison? its the next life that matters, not this one. god will see you as a coward, and so do i. you believe adulterers should be stoned, but you wont go do it, your a coward, and god will know that


one things that wrong with those verses, only prophets are/were sinless people, everyone else is a sinner, we all commit sins. so if the verses are judged according to the quran and hadith, i would say that is man made (added)

i think that no one is without sin was the whole point, its not wrong, its right.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
so you would disobey the koran? wouldnt the adulterers need to be punished?

She was single. She should receive 100 lashes and that's only if there were 4 eye-witnesses who saw her having sex with another man.