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Satanism and Sex


Satanism is pro-sexuality. Sexuality is a pure form of pleasure, something that satisfies our deepest purpose in life. Modern life allows us to enjoy sex without the risks of unplanned pregnancies and sexual diseases assuming that sense is taken. Which it should be. Satanism supports any fetish, kink or flavor of sexual encounter as long as all parties involved are consenting. Some people like quality, some people like quantity.

A number of essays and texts by LaVey concentrate on the use and expression of sexual energy, but as social tools and energy within ritual. Boyd Rice says 'LaVey understood that wasn't one cookie-cutter for everyone [...] Sexual freedom doesn't mean having as much sex as possible, it means having the kind of sex you want.' Our strongest emotions and desires are sexual, we are sexual beings, it drives and motivates us more than any other factor.

Our sexuality is fluid: It cannot be oppressed. Denying our sexuality simply causes it's waters to flow into other areas, sometimes in very unhealthy ways, honestly and expression fare much better than repression. Satanism is informed by modern and learned psychological, medical and scientific opinions on sex, there is no dogmatic principles or religious intolerance of sexuality within Satanism. It is very optimistic, positive and healthy: This can only be expected of such a carnal religion of the flesh such as Satanism!

"...the Satanist would not intentionally hurt others by violating their sexual rights. If you attempt to impose your sexual desires upon others who do not welcome your advances, you are infringing upon their sexual freedom. ... If all parties involved are mature adults who willingly take full responsibility for their actions and voluntarily engage in a given form of sexual expression - even if it is generally considered taboo - then there is no reason for them to suppress their sexual inclination."
Anton LaVey's The Satanic Bible pp70

"LaVey understood that there wasn't one cookie-cutter for everybody. What makes one person happy might well make someone else miserable. In terms of sex, for example, some people are happy living a totally monastic lifestyle, others are happy being total libertines. Sexual freedom doesn't mean having as much sex as possible, it means having the kind of sex you want."
Interview of Boyd Rice in Lucifer Rising p161

"Satanists are self-aware and honest about their needs," Gilmore states flatly. When asked if the two ideas are at odds with each other, Waytz declares, "Absolutely not. Sexual hedonism and romanticism are the same thing!" The materialism of Satanic philosophy dismisses any so-called spiritual life that's divorced from, or "higher than," physical existence"

"Sex & the Devil: Satan Really Wants You" by Rick Hall

"Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal" is the fifth Satanic Rule of the Earth.

Of the Four Crowned Princes Of Hell I equate the Aspect of Leviathan with sexuality.


Well-Known Member
linwood said:
I don`t think it`s as much a marketing technique as it is common sense.
read it again without considering the source.

He makes perfect sense.
Actually I have since this post found out that Satanism is not what I thought it was.:p


Like Rex stated, to the Satanist to force one's self sexually upon another without their consent is an affront to their personal sexual freedom and liberty. Nobody belongs to anybody else.

Do all Satanists believe this? Who imposes this system of morality, limiting the creed "Do what thou wilt" to "Do what thou wilt except when someone else doesn't want you to do it"? And why?

Is there any LHP religion that is not limited by this kind of morality?


Premium Member
Do all Satanists believe this? Who imposes this system of morality, limiting the creed "Do what thou wilt" to "Do what thou wilt except when someone else doesn't want you to do it"? And why?

Is there any LHP religion that is not limited by this kind of morality?

I can't speak for all Satanists, or Setians, LHPathers. For me personally as a Setian Thelema is a creed that I subscribe to. In order for one to succeed and evolve in life it is always better to have a sense of ethics even if by nature you are typically amoral. I recognize the rule of law within the society I live... you know, it's kind of hard to move forward toward self-realization if your in prison. Self-Evolution is a vital law of the Left Hand Path practicioner.

Ok, "Do What Thou Wilt, Shall Be The Whole of the Law..." is a Thelemic Magical principle. Thelema a Greek word meaning "True Will", the Aeonic Word of the Aeon of Horus/Heru ushered in by the Magus Aleister Crowley, is not always considered Left-Hand Path or Satanic. However, I personally consider it to be very Left-Hand Path.

Reyn Til Runa!
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Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Satanism is pro-sexuality. Sexuality is a pure form of pleasure, something that satisfies our deepest purpose in life. Modern life allows us to enjoy sex without the risks of unplanned pregnancies and sexual diseases assuming that sense is taken. Which it should be. Satanism supports any fetish, kink or flavor of sexual encounter as long as all parties involved are consenting. Some people like quality, some people like quantity.

A number of essays and texts by LaVey concentrate on the use and expression of sexual energy, but as social tools and energy within ritual. Boyd Rice says 'LaVey understood that wasn't one cookie-cutter for everyone [...] Sexual freedom doesn't mean having as much sex as possible, it means having the kind of sex you want.' Our strongest emotions and desires are sexual, we are sexual beings, it drives and motivates us more than any other factor.

Our sexuality is fluid: It cannot be oppressed. Denying our sexuality simply causes it's waters to flow into other areas, sometimes in very unhealthy ways, honestly and expression fare much better than repression. Satanism is informed by modern and learned psychological, medical and scientific opinions on sex, there is no dogmatic principles or religious intolerance of sexuality within Satanism. It is very optimistic, positive and healthy: This can only be expected of such a carnal religion of the flesh such as Satanism!

"...the Satanist would not intentionally hurt others by violating their sexual rights. If you attempt to impose your sexual desires upon others who do not welcome your advances, you are infringing upon their sexual freedom. ... If all parties involved are mature adults who willingly take full responsibility for their actions and voluntarily engage in a given form of sexual expression - even if it is generally considered taboo - then there is no reason for them to suppress their sexual inclination."
Anton LaVey's The Satanic Bible pp70

"LaVey understood that there wasn't one cookie-cutter for everybody. What makes one person happy might well make someone else miserable. In terms of sex, for example, some people are happy living a totally monastic lifestyle, others are happy being total libertines. Sexual freedom doesn't mean having as much sex as possible, it means having the kind of sex you want."
Interview of Boyd Rice in Lucifer Rising p161

"Satanists are self-aware and honest about their needs," Gilmore states flatly. When asked if the two ideas are at odds with each other, Waytz declares, "Absolutely not. Sexual hedonism and romanticism are the same thing!" The materialism of Satanic philosophy dismisses any so-called spiritual life that's divorced from, or "higher than," physical existence"

"Sex & the Devil: Satan Really Wants You" by Rick Hall

"Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal" is the fifth Satanic Rule of the Earth.

Of the Four Crowned Princes Of Hell I equate the Aspect of Leviathan with sexuality.

I'd agree. In LaVeyan Satanism Leviathan is the best to associate with sexuality.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Do all Satanists believe this? Who imposes this system of morality, limiting the creed "Do what thou wilt" to "Do what thou wilt except when someone else doesn't want you to do it"? And why?

Is there any LHP religion that is not limited by this kind of morality?

"Do what thou wilt" is not the creed. The actual creed is "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the Law. Love under Will." It is saying not that one should do whatever they want by that one should follow their True Will.

True Will - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Me Myself

Back to my username
The Bible says that Satan masquerades as an angel of light. He's not going to show his horns if it will hurt his cause to influence people against God. When you realize that Satan's purpose is not necessarily to "ruin" society, but rather to lead people away from salvation through Jesus Christ, you'll catch on to what is going on. Everyone thinks the devil, and evil, will look a certain way, with horror, abuse, and hatefulness involved. That's not necessarily the case.

1- You are in a DIR

2- Judge by the fruits. If it has good fruits, it is good.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The Bible says that masquerades as an angel of light. He's not going to show his horns if it will hurt his cause to influence people against God. When you realize that Satan's purpose is not necessarily to "ruin" society, but rather to lead people away from salvation through Jesus Christ, you'll catch on to what is going on. Everyone thinks the devil, and evil, will look a certain way, with horror, abuse, and hatefulness involved. That's not necessarily the case.
It can also be said the light of Jehova blinds people from his more sadistic motives. Personally I wouldn't want to follow a god that is big into people being owned by people.


Thanks for the answers. Lavay's writing is a lot closer to Christianity than I expected! I'm going to start a new thread since I'm getting a bit off-topic.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Thanks for the answers. Lavay's writing is a lot closer to Christianity than I expected! I'm going to start a new thread since I'm getting a bit off-topic.
You do realize LeVay took several blasphemous stabs at Christianity don't you? In one part of the Satanic Bible he portrays Satan dipping his finger in the blood of Christ as he was hanging from the cross, and writing on him "Behold the true Prince of Evil - The King of Slaves." He also wrote of indulgence in pleasuring the flesh, rather than abstaining from the world (especially sex). It's rather actually quite abit different than Christianity, especially considering a Satanist would only worship themselves if anything.


You do realize LeVay took several blasphemous stabs at Christianity don't you?

I just mean that I expected Satanism to have no moral code, but if Satanists believe that sex must be consensual universally, then it turns out Christian moral code and Satanic moral code are more similar than I expected.