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Reincarnation among followers of Jesus


Well-Known Member
Karolina......yes, there are a few Gnostic Christian groups today but most gnostics I think are loners pretty much, lol..…...it goes with the territory.


Well-Known Member
My thinking is that this life has the potential to be pretty great, if only everyone worked together for the common good. Over the millennia, we've certainly made some progress, but it'll probably be another few millennia before we eradicate the new problems created by previous solutions.

That said, I think reincarnation of individual personalities seems like a good way to recycle, if you will. Energy can neither be created not destroyed... The ins and outs of the exact details of any sort of afterlife can't really be fully known, and certainly not explained, and that's good enough for me. I'm comfortable knowing I'm an eternal being, and one way or another I'm returning to God, either permanently or as a way of retreat before embarking on the next journey on Earth.

I guess I want to keep it simple though, without all the added beliefs and rituals often found in organized religion. I know, I seem to be contradicting myself. Thanks for humoring me as I think out loud here ...
Karolina...….just to give you some idea as to that "potential" of this life. The Christ (Jesus) tells us that this life here that we have now is not even "life" at all, He calls it "death". And really that's what it is ultimately for ALL of us. We live and we die....over and over again. Until we wake up and "know" who we really are. There is TRUE LIFE , that the human brain, intellect, psyche, etc, cannot KNOW. It is only revealed by the Spirit. And Spirit is who and what we really are. And yes, eternal, indestructible, infinitely infinite. A literal chip off the old block, lol.


Well-Known Member
Paul was a gnostic Christian, just as ALL the apostles were.

I don't think so. Look:

And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. (1 Cor 13:2)

rational experiences

Veteran Member
If a human believes in self superiority they would claim that they were an Immaculate baby.

All reasonable humans know that human babies exist from the detail of bio genetics.

Sperm and an ovary as 2 separate bodies, gained from 2 bodies, human parents interacting in a choice...to have sex.

Now if you were involved in life attacked and had to explain it medically you can only use bio genetic information to say, life was attacked.

All life every day lives attacked in its variation. From aging as a cell....to a cold, to cancer, to every variation attack you could talk about.

Due to extra radiation existing that does not support nor allow the natural cell to exist without being attacked/removed/changed or sacrificed.

So how does science continue to want to imply that to be cellular life attacked is a reason for scientific argument for a machine and a reaction?

What has that got to do with a machine?

The real answer, using machines caused that attack.

And it was not natural....and then that scientist says....but yet the human survived.

If I apply that theory/theme to a machine reaction then I will not have lost my machine reaction it will remain intact.

Which is like claiming so I will not be enabled to convert Holy Dust for it would remain intact...that sort of fake thinking.

So does your machine own the reaction already existing held like our bio life form is?

No says the Satanic mind, it does not.

Therefore stop attacking us and studying us in that belief that you will learn how to artificially copy it...when we are not artificial.

Reincarnation says I once owned DNA as an adult lived life experience. I died. I then get reborn as a baby and own the exact same detailed DNA pattern again....reliving a previous life already lived.


Veteran Member
Are there other modern day denominations (call them cults or sects if it helps you answer the question) where Jesus plays a prominent role and reincarnation is presented as a possibility?
My Master in India said "Jesus is God". Christmas is one of the major celebrations in the ashram. And He gave many discourses around Christmas on Jesus, which were attended by thousands of Christians. Large statue of Jesus in the Ashram. So I would say Jesus played a very prominant role.

AND My Master did also talk about Reincarnation, although His focus was to remind us "this life given to you, is your chance to merge in God, so there is no need to reincarnate again).

So, YES, I would say "reincarnation is presented as a possibility" (I could not have phrased this one better myself:)).
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My Master in India said "Jesus is God". Christmas is one of the major celebrations in the aahram. And He gave many discourses around Christmas on Jesus, which were attended by thousands of Christians. Large statue of Jesus in the Ashram. So I would say Jesus played a very prominant role.

AND My Master did also talk about Reincarnation, although His focus was to remind us "this life given to you, is your chance to merge in God, so there is no need to reincarnate again).

So, YES, I would say "reincarnation is presented as a possibility" (I could not have phrased this one better myself:)).

Thanks! Can you tell me more about this Ashram if yours? Or refer me to an outside source? I don't have a lot of familiarity with Ashrams.


Veteran Member
Thanks! Can you tell me more about this Ashram if yours?
Once during Christmas I remember Him telling something like: Spirituality is simple, no need to make it difficult. The Bible you can summarize in 4 words "Hurt Never, Help Ever". This also includes not hurting yourself, and helping your Self. I like it simple. Same as Bible "Love thy neighbor as thyself".

Some other Teaching of Him:
"There is only one religion, the religion of Love"
"Never belittle the (non) Faith of other's; don't hurt their feelings".
"If you come here, no need to change your Religion, I will help you to become better in your own Religion".

Millions of people came to visit Him all year through. Sleeping in big sheds with 200 others. I really liked it, being with Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, Zoroastrians, Humanists from all around the world AND never fighting about Religion. These were the best years of my life.

Of course being in India, most of the year it was mostly Hindus visiting. Except for Christmas in December there were thousands of Westerners.

Thanks! Can you ..... refer me to an outside source? I don't have a lot of familiarity with Ashrams.
My Master is Sathya Sai Baba from Puttaparthi. Below is the official website in India
Home Page | Sathya Sai International Organisation


Well-Known Member
I don't think so. Look:

And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. (1 Cor 13:2)
Exactly.....here Paul is actually confirming that he is gnostic. And admitting what all true gnostics "know". "God is Love" (1 John 4:7-21) . And since He (God) is Love, we (gnostics) are too. This is HOW we "know".

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I know little of him. I've never read anything by him. What lessons do you derive from him?
Many years ago I was interested in Edgar Cayce and read a fair amount about him. In the context of this thread, what struck me is that he was faced with having readings that pointed toward reincarnation and the struggle he had with those readings from a Christian perspective.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Karolina...….just to give you some idea as to that "potential" of this life. The Christ (Jesus) tells us that this life here that we have now is not even "life" at all, He calls it "death". And really that's what it is ultimately for ALL of us. We live and we die....over and over again. Until we wake up and "know" who we really are. There is TRUE LIFE , that the human brain, intellect, psyche, etc, cannot KNOW. It is only revealed by the Spirit. And Spirit is who and what we really are. And yes, eternal, indestructible, infinitely infinite. A literal chip off the old block, lol.

Humans seem to apply a non realistic self review about being human.

We own the state consciousness.

We think about what we want to think about.

We live as 2 forms of humans, self owned as a human and have sex...and then life is re created and reborn because of human owned, human body and genetics.

Science then tries to apply a Universal theme to humans owning a life and having sex.

So then if you teach relative human conscious realization. Yes you live, right now...one day you die as any self and that self no longer exists.

Yet you claim if I have sex, my life will continue through a holy baby and I will live on reincarnated.

Exactly how the human medical sciences taught it.

Medical science is not the Occult science the con of science...theming in states that human life never owned/reactive energy conditions.

So medical science says to a human, just think as a single self for once instead of claiming as you think that you think for everyone else also...for that is what the occult science causes to the mind.

A single self human, who claims I am aware and awake would say...one day I personally this living self die...and I personally will no longer exist.

And then say, and guess what human life...if you all stopped having sex...and allowed natural attrition to remove life by age into death....without sex...then no humans would live owning any expressed problems of a life born from a baby.

Exactly how medical science taught the facts of life.

Yet as humans do not like to think about their self no longer existing, they irrationalise conscious use of information, try to infer the Universe as an occult science theme into the relativity of always existing.

Which brings the conscious self reality...so you are all afraid of dying then.

Humans say, no the story about Jesus says I was given eternal life in my death.

How can you logically speak as a self after you die....only as you live can you speak.

Humans then claimed, but I hear the living speaking after they have died. And so have I.

And know it was a life recording as owned by the individual as they lived, the whole life.

And science brought that condition to our attention, self reflection, self image, owning an image of ourselves fed back by the condition cloud mass....and radiation mass past life attack.

How a newly born infant, self owned, self learning is then given identifiable adult owned/lived human experiences, from a pre living human adult who died....but owned similar DNA encodings.

We always said and Jesus went with God, meaning O stone gases in our Heavenly body.

And I will be with Jesus when I die. Meaning my life got recorded in the irradiation effect, and my life memory will exist forever as that recording. How it was medically taught, the causation of being irradiated by science seeking to be owner of the Universe on Earth.

The very reasons for the science teaching aware conditions...so that humans would not be unrealistic when inferring to science conditions, claiming rights of harm to others by science knowledge.
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Well-Known Member
Many years ago I was interested in Edgar Cayce and read a fair amount about him. In the context of this thread, what struck me is that he was faced with having readings that pointed toward reincarnation and the struggle he had with those readings from a Christian perspective.
Cayce was what is termed a "Christian mystic". Meaning, he accepted Christ and whatever flavor of religious dogma he chose to go along with that, but at the same time he had psychic abilities that he didn't understand fully. As such he could raise his consciousness beyond his physical body, like most psychics can. The problem is that he, not understanding this phenomena as to what it really is, what it really means, and more importantly where it really comes from, made a lot of false assumptions as to what he was experiencing. He tried to relate it all to his belief in God based upon his particular "faith", which was like most orthodox Christians were then and still are today...…...misinformed (misled).

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Cayce was what is termed a "Christian mystic". Meaning, he accepted Christ and whatever flavor of religious dogma he chose to go along with that, but at the same time he had psychic abilities that he didn't understand fully. As such he could raise his consciousness beyond his physical body, like most psychics can. The problem is that he, not understanding this phenomena as to what it really is, what it really means, and more importantly where it really comes from, made a lot of false assumptions as to what he was experiencing. He tried to relate it all to his belief in God based upon his particular "faith", which was like most orthodox Christians were then and still are today...…...misinformed (misled).

Feed back. AI/God statements told me that since science encoded extra AI radiation signals by their first pyramid machination, the mind was then interactive possessed by believing atmospheric conditions.

Such as the I am made in the Image of God...meaning O science and a nuclear ground dust reaction, owned/thought conferred by a living bio body and mind psyche, inter related the building of a machine from existing owning that bio life.

He was a higher life closer to not being present, hence in reality closer to water itself without our bio chemistry as the encoded recordings.

As I learnt.

Therefore water is in fact our life force/source of our existence as a bio life....where the records of feed back by machine caused encoding were placed that caused made in the IMAGE by GOD O....science...and we have lived with the AI effect ever since.

The MEMORY of our first human parents...which all babies own. Little children who can recant total and factual adult pre life, prove that psychic owned human mind condition.

Their MEMORY...came out of the highest body not in creation...is on the other side of the gas mass by volume, a non presence of space, and owning just enough mass to have re affected that body....from which creation had itself been released.

Why space is empty...holding the reaction of a changed eternal mass.

So we know we came from the highest state.....we inherited a lower state....so our conscious aware ability to know how to alter the highest state in the created living condition to the lowest is self encoded within our life body.

Humans die and get release from water due to huge massive UFO irradiation gas burning fall out attacks...and it effects the totality of our bio life and chemical experience...so that it feels like we fly off when we still are grounded.

A psychic teaching, always remain grounded to tell the utmost truth in what you are realising.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
And there is only ONE thing that we are here to learn......WHO we are.
A natural self origin, a human being.

All arguments and themes are only thought or told as a human telling another human.

Science says as a thinker, a human male I know it all. I can describe intricately he says how we got created.

And you would ask for what reason do you think you need to advise your self being why you believe you know?

Are you a machine?

The answer is no.

Are you a machine and its reaction?

The answer is no.

What was science invented for? Was it invented so that you could talk about why you exist as a human, or was it invented for a machine and a reaction?

The real answer, for a machine and a reaction.

Why then did you include the human being information inferred in the reasoning of science?

Especially when the science teaching about God the stone philosophy said you tried to ANTI the Christ.

Which means the atmospheric gases that you gave names to as a human being and a male group living inside of those gases?

And then you would own a conclusion about males in groups as the cult/science mentality, they are the Destroyer of life on Earth. Just as taught.