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Random Meaningless Insults To Posters


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Revoltingest wears combat boots -
He or she doesn't give any hoots
If one likes it or not -
Real or a bot,
He or she still cuts and still shoots.

Hey, did y'all know that Cut N Shoot is actually a town in Texas? I love that name! So I had to use it.
Actually, I wear Crocs most of the time.
At a Croc outlet store, I found 4 pairs of size 14
Crocs on sale & then marked down further.
How many guys are willing to wear white Crocs
with pink & violet flowers all over'm, eh. People
find my shoes most amusing at engine shows.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Actually, I wear Crocs most of the time.
At a Croc outlet store, I found 4 pairs of size 14
Crocs on sale & then marked down further.
How many guys are willing to wear white Crocs
with pink & violet flowers all over'm, eh. People
find my shoes most amusing at engine shows.

And they go so well with you skirt too

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Quite the compliment from a fashion maven.



It was on fire when I laid down on it.
OK so the bear pic is great. I mean, as far as bears in coats goes.

Or Revoltingests in flowery Crocs. My goodness. (Kathryn clutches her pearls, which were in fashion once but are no more.)


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
John53 sneaked into the kitchen and got into the peanut butter, but he was spotted due to his bright plumage and not so bright technique.