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Rama and Hercules


Well-Known Member
I dreamt about this but isn't the Ramayan the Indian version of Hercules?

Like Hades, Ravana kidnaps Rama's/Hercules' wife. In the ensuing battle, Hercules/Rama cuts off the head of the Hydra but more regrow in its place- just like how Ravana's heads grew back when they were cut off. Rama needed a divine weapon to kill Ravana

The Reverend Bob

Fart Machine and Beastmaster
I dreamt about this but isn't the Ramayan the Indian version of Hercules?

Like Hades, Ravana kidnaps Rama's/Hercules' wife. In the ensuing battle, Hercules/Rama cuts off the head of the Hydra but more regrow in its place- just like how Ravana's heads grew back when they were cut off. Rama needed a divine weapon to kill Ravana
And Hercules like Samson was betrayed by his lover


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
I dreamt about this but isn't the Ramayan the Indian version of Hercules?

Like Hades, Ravana kidnaps Rama's/Hercules' wife. In the ensuing battle, Hercules/Rama cuts off the head of the Hydra but more regrow in its place- just like how Ravana's heads grew back when they were cut off. Rama needed a divine weapon to kill Ravana
Umm Hades/Pluto never kidnaps Hercules’/Heracles’ wife. In fact, the two rarely interact in the original myths. Heracles/Hercules 12th labour is to kidnap Cerberus, Hades’ three headed hound. (Fun fact, some translators contend that Cerberus roughly translates to “Spot.”) Hades loans Cerberus to Herc on the provision the Demigod does not harm the “hell hound.”
Hades does kidnap Persephone, but that’s basically how all the Greek/Roman gods got their wives. And their relationship is relatively healthy, all things considered.
Hades is actually more neutral and just sorta of minds his own business.
Occasionally giving out quest objects to various heroes.
He does screw over two guys, but in fairness they tried to kidnap Persephone. So they deserved it.
Are you thinking of the Disney movie, perhaps?
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Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Umm Hades/Pluto never kidnaps Hercules’/Heracles’ wife. In fact, the two rarely interact in the original myths. Heracles/Hercules 12th labour is to kidnap Cerberus, Hades’ three headed hound. (Fun fact, some translators contend that Cerberus roughly translates to “Spot.”) Hades loans Cerberus to Herc on the provision the Demigod does not harm the “hell hound.”
Hades does kidnap Persephone, but that’s basically how all the Greek/Roman gods got their wives. And their relationship is relatively healthy, all things considered.
Hades is actually more neutral and just sorta of minds his own business.
Occasionally giving out quest objects to various heroes.
He does screw over two guys, but in fairness they tried to kidnap Persephone. So they deserved it.
Are you thinking of the Disney movie, perhaps?
Made me think of the Disney movie, too. They basically made Hades into Satan in that movie. A bit annoying. Just like they made Ares into Satan in Wonder Woman.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Made me think of the Disney movie, too. They basically made Hades into Satan in that movie. A bit annoying. Just like they made Ares into Satan in Wonder Woman.
Ahh that’s always my pet peeve in movie adaptations of Greek/Roman myth!!!
Just sets me off on a nerd rage every time, waxing lyrical about Hades.
Mind you, at least Disney had the decency to do so with a bit of style and Woods as Hades is genuinely funny.