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Protests Stopping People From Getting Vaccinated


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Vaccines aren't stopping it. My wife has hers and has covid. I know of others that are vaxxed and have worse cases. Some are still dying.
And I know people who were injured by seatbelts; I was once burned by an airbag. What's your point?

So why are we still being told we have to have shots that aren't stopping the spread? The only ones the unvaccinated are risking are themselves, if that.
So you are in favour of government interference... as long as it's to give anti-vaxxers what they want?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Vaccines aren't stopping it. My wife has hers and has covid. I know of others that are vaxxed and have worse cases. Some are still dying.
So why are we still being told we have to have shots that aren't stopping the spread? The only ones the unvaccinated are risking are themselves, if that.
One cannot go solely by people one knows. There's great
variation in small numbers. Vaccine efficacy among my
acquaintances IRL is much higher than the general population.
But I'm still careful cuz I know the risk is higher.


Veteran Member
One cannot go solely by people one knows. There's great
variation in small numbers. Vaccine efficacy among my
acquaintances IRL is much higher than the general population.
But I'm still careful cuz I know the risk is higher.
Oh good grief. Yes, believe what the official story is over what you actually know... common sense is dead.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Oh good grief. Yes, believe what the official story is over what you actually know... common sense is dead.
What I see personally isn't as broad a picture as what
I read from epidemiologists. But let me tell you more
of what I see....
Anti-vaxers die in hospitals, or complain of being so
ill that they expected to die. The vaccinated fare much
better...only one mild breakthru case. Do you believe
that what I see personally is the total reality?


Veteran Member
What I see personally isn't as broad a picture as what
I read from epidemiologists. But let me tell you more
of what I see....
Anti-vaxers die in hospitals, or complain of being so
ill that they expected to die. The vaccinated fare much
better...only one mild breakthru case. Do you believe
that what I see personally is the total reality?
If you only see one breakthrough case you are not looking very hard.


Veteran Member
You think I should doubt what I see?
Should I instead rely upon epidemiologists?
Maybe you should believe the people. It's weird. What we see here is a sudden reversal... where now that more people are vaccinated, only a few covid deaths are being officially reported. But the amount of funerals say that the vaccine hasn't stopped the spread. Not sure what to believe anymore. Any way I still don't have symptoms and it's been 5 days since my wife started getting sick.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
How is it interfering to remove restrictions? Let people decide for themselves.
As long as "people" doesn't include a business owner who wants to protect his workers or customers, right?

Edit: a business owner can discriminate against gay customers, but not against fools trying to spread a pandemic?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Maybe you should believe the people. It's weird. What we see here is a sudden reversal... where now that more people are vaccinated, only a few covid deaths are being officially reported. But the amount of funerals say that the vaccine hasn't stopped the spread. Not sure what to believe anymore. Any way I still don't have symptoms and it's been 5 days since my wife started getting sick.
What to believe....what to believe....
Consider which sources are more trustworthy than others.
I prefer those in the business of collecting the most info, &
are skilled at analyzing it. This would be epidemiologists.
Virologists & immunologists would be useful for understanding
the details.
These sources are more reliable than my own experience
& observations, which are far smaller in scale, & don't
benefit from any relevant education.
But I'll tell ya...they say the SARS Cov-2 virus is dangerous,
& this comports with reports from friends...lots'o death &
infirmity from the unvaccinated.
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Veteran Member
As long as "people" doesn't include a business owner who wants to protect his workers or customers, right?

Edit: a business owner can discriminate against gay customers, but not against fools trying to spread a pandemic?
Where do I say that a business owner could not decide for himself? That's what I just said, lol, let people decide for themselves.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
The point is that the vaccine doesn't work.
Categorically false as has been shown over and over again:

Unfortunately, approximately 85 million people in the U.S. are still unvaccinated while the highly infectious coronavirus delta variant spreads atan alarming rate, with the potential to soon undermine the effectiveness of the vaccines. The previous belief that kids do not get COVID-19 and do not get sick from COVID-19 is wrong in the face of the delta variant. This variant is also more than twice as transmissible as the original coronavirus strain. It is so contagious that on average one person infected with it can spread the virus to up to 8 other people before even knowing it — making it nearly impossible to contain. In the face of the delta variant the previous goal of vaccinating 70% of the population to achieve herd immunity no longer applies.

Unvaccinated patients currently represent 85% to 95% of COVID-19 hospital admissions. Our intensive care units are no longer filled with just the most vulnerable. Now we are seeing the young, the previously healthy, and, most concerning, our children. Some will die, unnecessarily. This additional surge of COVID-19 patients comes as hospitals and health care organizations across the country are addressing the implications of care that was delayed or avoided in 2020. It means again being forced to cancel elective surgeries and limit care for other diseases and emergencies such as cancer, strokes, and heart attacks. It also puts an incredible strain on our already wearied doctors, nurses, and front-line workers who are putting their and their families’ lives and well-being at risk every day. Overwhelming our health care system with a single preventable illness continues a cycle that is not healthy or sustainable.
-- Vaccination Saves Lives and Our Freedom
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Veteran Member
You mean if I spit on someone when I know I'm infected? Sure that's just stupid. I'm staying away from people currently because I know I've been exposed. I'm living with someone with covid.
But when I'm healthy and haven't been exposed I'm not doing anything different than normal.
I mean if you transmit the virus to someone else. It doesn't have to be by maliciously spitting on them. You could not be aware that you're infected and pass it onto someone you're just talking with. That's the problem with asymptomatic transmission; you don't even know you're doing it necessarily.