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President Hillary?


User of Aspercreme
My dog has a better chance at winning than Billary, er, uh Hillary Rob 'em, um, I mean, Hillary Rodham Clinton does.

If she did win, she would be the worst president since her husband. Which means the name Clinton would be remembered as the worst political screw up in American history.


Well-Known Member
Katzpur said:
I personally don't think Mitt stands much of a chance. There are a lot more Mormon-haters out there than there are women-haters. In fact, in a recent poll, 17% of all respondants said they would never vote for a Mormon under any circumstances.
But I <3 Mormons.


User of Aspercreme
NetDoc said:

Bush senior was "OK". However his son has been the most evil and lying president we have ever had.
NetDoc, I would absolute love to have a debate with you about how evil Bush is. Let me know when a good time would be, and I will listen to all your evidence, as long as oyu listen to all of mine.


Well-Known Member
leesw said:
Well...Hillary supports partial-birth abortion. That means I will vote for whatever Republican runs against her.
You would make your decision on *one* issue and ignore the rest? Why am I asking. That's how we ended up with Bubble Boy.


Well-Known Member
EEWRED said:
My dog has a better chance at winning than Billary, er, uh Hillary Rob 'em, um, I mean, Hillary Rodham Clinton does.

If she did win, she would be the worst president since her husband. Which means the name Clinton would be remembered as the worst political screw up in American history.
I'm curious. Why do you think so?


Mellowing with Age
NetDoc said:
Yo man,

I already said in another post that I would vote for McCain FIRST.

That’s interesting. I thought this thread was about Hillary. Your implication was that I was a bigot just because I have doubts about this one woman’s candidacy credentials.

NetDoc said:
But this is not out of some misguided bull crap that she has sold her soul to the devil to gain power and influence.
I do not believe in the devil, nor did I say that.

NetDoc said:
The only thing that stops your venomous accusation from being outright libelous is that she IS a politician.
Lusting for power at all costs is not unique to Hillary. I would make the same assertion about Bill Frist or Randall Terry. Do you know a good libel lawyer?

NetDoc said:
I have CALLED you on this contention and so far you have blamed her husband (guilt by association) and have appealed to a dubious higher authority, yet without any details as to her egregious sins.
I was attempting to be civil and not make this a Hillary bashing session. Sigh … very well; most women, after several UNMISTAKEABLE occurrences of marriage infidelity would distance themselves from the offending spouse. If nothing else, this marriage has the appearance of as marriage of convenience. Hey, it happens all the time in situations of royalty and wealth. Need I go into the “disappearance” of the TravelGate records which were mysteriously found in her residence? This amounts to, at best, obstruction of justice and at worst a cover up.

Dick Morris, a dubious higher authority? That would be like saying Carl Rove has no idea what is going on in the Bush Whitehouse. Give me a break! Dick Morris describes the business dealings of Mrs. Clinton as downright venomous. If you want more details, read his book – do some of your own research.

NetDoc said:
I sincerely believe that you can tell a tree by it's fruit. In this respect you are merely a pawn for the Rush Limbaughs of the world, who's only goal is to SMEAR the names of their political enemies. I would offer to buy you one of his ties to show your allegiance to smear campaigns but I refuse to support someone who's sole purpose is to create cash flow by assassinating someone else's character.
Do I listen to talk radio? You bet. However, I listen to Rush and Air America equally. I much prefer Neal Boortz over both. In fact, I am not even a Republican. Both parties have become very adept at smearing each other. This is not a new tactic. Politicians have been smearing since before Julius Caesar. If you want to buy me a tie, I would rather have one with Southpark characters. Kenny is my favorite.

NetDoc said:
Of course it is your right free to hate freely and to help keep politics mean spirited; that's your choice. In the same vein, I am allowed to expose such attempts to impugn the honor of ANY candidate merely because the Republican spin factory feels they have a right to do so.
Oh yes, “hate” and “mean-spirited”. Those are the adjectives that people throw around when they lack real substance. Neither party corners the market on spin. And it is always seen as “dirty politics” when the other guy is doing it.

tkdrocks said:
Now, I will ask a question: What are Hillary's accomplishments as a Senator? Please list the legislation that she has authored or even assisted with. I think it would be more fair to judge a candidate on their record over sound bytes.
Yeah, I could not think of any either.


Active Member
Did someone say McCain! I voted for him at the 2000 primaries, and Id vote for him above anyone in congress. Rudy Giuliani is another that I WISH would run.
Hillary I wouldnt vote for, even if she was a man, I wouldnt vote for her period. If she won, I think it would take her 2 terms to do a good job(If she could even make it 2.) Her first few years would be very hard on her, and she would be mocked and not given a fair chance. Partially because shes a woman, and partially because shes an ex 1st Lady.
Though Im not anti-bush, but not a buush supporter either.. I really hope Jed doesnt run! LMAO

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I'm going to predict the future here and say someone will say the Bushes are the worst political family ever.
Your Right. BUSH SUCKS! And so does the Indiana governor he endorsed. *points finger towards Indy and Mitch Daniels* I HATE Daniels.

I really hope Jed doesnt run! LMAO
Im movin to Canada if he runs and wins.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Lusting for power at all costs is not unique to Hillary.
Again, I would LOVE to see some evidence on this. So far you have only given us her husband and that you think his press secretary accused her of something (though you won't say what). This is the worst type of ad hominem, and one worthy of Rush and his ilk.

Do I listen to talk radio? You bet.
Well that says it all. I might as well be talking to a Klansman. Hate is not a family value my friend.


Mellowing with Age
NetDoc said:
Again, I would LOVE to see some evidence on this. So far you have only given us her husband and that you think his press secretary accused her of something (though you won't say what). This is the worst type of ad hominem, and one worthy of Rush and his ilk.

Well that says it all. I might as well be talking to a Klansman. Hate is not a family value my friend.
Talking to brick wall.:bonk: Wow, listening to the radio makes one a klansmen. Perhaps one should learn to read. I have no more to say on this. I am glad that Netquack is not a representative of the whole of this group. Please do not refer to me as "your friend" psycho.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...

I never called you a klansman. However, those who ascribe to the rabid right talk shows exhibit similar tendencies at not listening. I definitely did not twist your name or call you a psycho. Name calling is usually employed by those who have run out of truth. BTW, I am sure that you could come up with SOMETHING better than "Netquack".


It's not my fault that your logic is as skewed as your talk show hosts. You have parroted them well. That I was able to ascertain that you were one of their devotees has saved BOTH OF US a lot of time.
I scare myself sometimes... I have only fragments of Hillary's track record, least not as a senator, but I would not vote Republican in a million years, for what they've done. (scary because I will be able to vote in the next election >.<) Hillary by default!

I have no opinion on the partial birth abortion issue... I dont' think it should be up to men to decide.


User of Aspercreme
NetDoc said:
However, those who ascribe to the rabid right talk shows exhibit similar tendencies at not listening.
NetDoc, I have to disagree with you here. Listening to radio talk shows does not automatically make you a right wing nut. It is subscribing to everything that they say and believing it as the gospel truth without doing any real research. What has made right wing talk show hosts so popular is that they have made those that listen to them lazy. I mean, if you can find out everything that you need to know about politics by listening to a talk show host for a couple of hours, then where is the need to do any real research, read books and newspapers or watch others news sources. They make those who let them, lazy. For me, I am a listener of talk radio and many times I tend to agree with them, but not always and not just because they say so. We are not all zombies no matter what you may think, and our opinions are our own.


Religious Zionist
i don't like Hillary and i don't like the idea of her being president...

don't ask me why, i don't have a good reason...she just rubs me the wrong way...


Active Member
jewscout said:
i don't like Hillary and i don't like the idea of her being president...

don't ask me why, i don't have a good reason...she just rubs me the wrong way...
I think that there's a lot of that going around, and a lot of it has to do with the relentless propaganda campaign that has been run against her year after year. A lot of it has to do with her having been a woman with a brain living as the first lady. That's not very acceptable to a lot of people, who prefer mindless drone types, who smile a lot, and don't speak very much. I'd imagine some of it has to do with the old republican establishment hating her for having participated to some extent in legal work in regards to watergate when she was young. To a much lesser extent, there are a few objections to policy or comments here and there. My only objection to her political career is that she has not been strong enough of an opposition leader against the Republicans for my liking.
I doubt that she'll be able to become President, though I think she would make a decent one. I think the reason that her chances of winning are slim, more than the strength of the right wing, and its ability to mobilize the herd, is because of women voters. I doubt they'd go for her, or any other woman for that matter.