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Parting of the Red Sea.....


Religious Zionist
...as far as the OP goes...i do not find it absurd at all, for those who believe, HaShem is capable of any miracle on any scale....


Religious Zionist
mormonman said:
Correct me if I'm wrong Jewscout, but Israel is God's Covenent people. But, everyone is God's people.
the term i have heard used before, and one i like using, is that Israel is G-d's First Born, meaning that they were given the Torah, the first "memo" of monotheism, and were to lead just lives and to be a light unto the nation, transmitting the monotheistic message.
first born in the sense of not being superior, for even G-d said that the Israelites were a stiff-necked people and weren't the greatest or most powerful, but first born in the sense of, well, being the first.

it's like having an older and younger son, you don't love one more than the other, but you do hold the older son to higher standards because he is the oldest and should know better. When they get in trouble you come down harder on the older son, who should have been watching out for his brother by setting the example.

that is why, IMPO, Jews have the 613 Mitzvot of the Torah and the other nations are only required to abide by 7 Noahidic laws


Active Member
All humans are created equal but the Jews are still God's chosen people. He chose them to fulfil a purpose. Just because God chooses a race of people to perform a task doesn't make them any more or less equal to every other human being on the planet - just like a doctor and a bin man are equal under law, they just have different positions in society.

I don't know if we are still discussing the hardening of pharoah's hard by God - if we are Jeffrey, then here are a few more questions that might be worth asking:

1. Did pharoah choose to harden his own heart?
2. Did God magically touch pharoah and take away his free-will and harden his heart?
3. Could God have hardened pharoah's heart by the miraculous signs he did, which caused the pharoah to react in his own pride? Remember the pharoah in ancient Egypt was himself considered to be a god.
4. If it was as a result of the pharoah's own pride reacting to the miracles that God himself did, then could this be correct, 'But the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh'?
5. Is the real question maybe not 'did the Lord harden pharoah's heart' but 'how did God harden pharoah's heart'?
6. Does the Bible lend support anywhere to the fact that the Lord hardened pharoah's heart but that pharoah also hardened his own heart? If so would these not be compatible if some of the above points are correct?

Those are just a few of my thoughts :)


Mother Heathen
Buttercup said:
I've always thought it interesting that people want to view God as a "Love" only type of benefactor. Certainly that is His greatest attribute but we must also consider that he holds more characteristics than just one. He is a jealous God as well. And it's obvious from the OT that he can get angry.

Man was made in the image of God. I have no problem with the notion of God being more than just love.
I've met my frubal limit but I'll come back by later to frubal you for this.

I believe the same.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
No doubt he's also well hung. If you're going to wallow in anthropomorphic nonsense, you might as well go all the way. I wonder if he ever lets Asherah get on top ... :rolleyes:


Mother Heathen
Jayhawker Soule said:
No doubt he's also well hung. If you're going to wallow in anthropomorphic nonsense, you might as well go all the way. I wonder if he ever lets Asherah get on top ... :rolleyes:
Are you directing this towards me?


Well-Known Member
Jayhawker Soule said:
No doubt he's also well hung. If you're going to wallow in anthropomorphic nonsense, you might as well go all the way. ... :rolleyes:
And no doubt he has a very sexy and manly beard too. Just like someone else we know with God-like attributes. (Hint, look at Mdm's Avatar)



Veteran Member
MdmSzdWhtGuy said:
And no doubt he has a very sexy and manly beard too. Just like someone else we know with God-like attributes. (Hint, look at Mdm's Avatar)

...I didn't pay attention to Mr. Grumpy's description of God.

You however...I like to check on your latest compliments/pictures of Mr. Norris. Good Stuff!


Well-Known Member
Most of them I stole from the various Chuck Norris legend sites around, but I came up with one of my own.

"Chuck Norris is my father, and if you are more than a couple of years younger than Chuck Norris . . . he is probably your father too."



The Lost One
God hardening the Pharaoh's heart is an example of God directing the action.
This could also be seen when David was in Saul's presence. God had sent an evil spirit to make Saul mad and intensely jealous of David. If Saul and the Pharaoh are not wholly in control of their own emotion, then they are not fully responsible for their actions.

I have difficulties with dealing with God's strange behaviours in the OT and NT. They seemed to be 2 totally different gods. The OT seemed to be always jealous and angry, and worse is his pride. He demands worship and obedience from his chosen people (ie Israelites); He wants to be glorified.

If a human wanted to be glorified, we would have misgivings, and a sign of megalomania. But I have similar misgivings and doubts, when a Supreme Being demands it.

Look at the Book of Judges. The Israelites are not given the right to freely worship any god but him, without facing destruction or slavery. Whenever the Israelites turn away from him, he sends the neighbor's armies to conquer and enslave them.

Let 's not forget his wager with Satan in the Book of Job and his boast near the end of this book.
To me, that's not the sign of loving, forgiving and compassionate god.

The evidence of God's jealousy is quite clear in the OT. Jesus' portrayal of loving God is a complete contradiction of the OT God.