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Painted Wolf - Mod

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painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Figured I should have one of these thingies....

Name: Katherine (kathy)
Gender: female (wolves can be girls too)
Location: New Hampshire, USA (home of the "worlds worst" weather)
Religion: Native American (cherokee, but with some New England influence)
Occupation: Student (art/Biology)
Chocolate: Dark

well, that sums it up. Naturally I've missed some things, so if you have any questions just let me know. :cool:



The Feisty Penguin
Are you Native American by blood as well as in sprituality? Do you believe that having Native blood is important to Native sprituality?


have you always lived in New Hampshire? and if you could live anywhere else in the country, where would you head? :)


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Figured I should have one of these thingies....

Name: Katherine (kathy)
Gender: female (wolves can be girls too)
Location: New Hampshire, USA (home of the "worlds worst" weather)
Religion: Native American (cherokee, but with some New England influence)
Occupation: Student (art/Biology)
Chocolate: Dark

well, that sums it up. Naturally I've missed some things, so if you have any questions just let me know. :cool:


What's wrong with Milk Chocolate ?:D

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Mike said:
how did you get into your religion? can you remember what your first sauce of knowledge was for your religion?
mmm... tasty.
I slowly grew into the religion. I was raised LDS but christianity never quite fit me. The more I developed my own sence of self, the more I realized I was walking the wrong path. I talked with an Abnaki elder in my early teenage years and that really sparked my intrest. It was a few more years before I met any cherokee in the area, so before then my spirituality was a bit "pan-indian". (ie it was more genaric than Nation specific)

Gentoo said:
Are you Native American by blood as well as in sprituality? Do you believe that having Native blood is important to Native sprituality?
I am, through my Father, so unfortunatly from a traditional standpoint I'm not "true Cherokee". Heritiage is passed Matraliniarly. However according to the Nations laws I can still be an "offical Cherokee". ;)
I don't think you NEED to have First Nations blood to believe in what we do. I know a great many people who have no blood ties but are some of the strong spritiually. Historically we have never judged people based on thier race or creed, we have been very inclusive.
Sadly events with the Western Band of the Cherokee Nation have made me rethink my political ties with the Nation. I'm strongly against the vote to remove the 'freemen' from the Nation. I'm holding out hope for the Georga and Eastern Cherokee to re-think this policy.

gracie said:
have you always lived in New Hampshire? and if you could live anywhere else in the country, where would you head?
I have, I've lived in just about every part of the State except the southern part. But that may be changing soon if I get the transfer to the Univiersity I want. My spiritual roots are here, with the land. I think I can live elcewhere, but I know in my Heart that I will come back eventually.
I went to New Mexico, where my mother and one of my oldest College friends lives. I loved it out there. It was so very diffrent.
Regardless of where I end up living, it will have to be someplace I can reach the wilderness. I'd go crazy being in a city too long.

michel said:
What's wrong with Milk Chocolate ?
ick, blasphemy! Is there anything good about milk chocolate? ;)



I have, I've lived in just about every part of the State except the southern part. But that may be changing soon if I get the transfer to the Univiersity I want. My spiritual roots are here, with the land. I think I can live elcewhere, but I know in my Heart that I will come back eventually.
I went to New Mexico, where my mother and one of my oldest College friends lives. I loved it out there. It was so very diffrent.
Regardless of where I end up living, it will have to be someplace I can reach the wilderness. I'd go crazy being in a city too long.

i have a friend here who is Aleut, who has lived down in New Mexico- so she kind of grew up around the Navajo and Pueblo, even though her roots are up north. she loved it there! i would love to see that part of the country some day, and i'm glad you've been able to go!
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