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Outlawing Homosexuality Farcical


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you brought this up. I was wondering if anyone would catch the nuance you address. Those being resurrected aren't sinless. Salvation and resurrection are for sinners since all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Homosexuality is a sin like many other sins and has nothing to do with salvation or lack thereof.
So thoses verses did nothing to support your argument. Even if it was about homosexuality (which it actually doesn't), it says nothing about homosexuality being a sin or not.

Jesus is using homosexuality not as the example of some grave sin that means you can't be saved, or aren't saved; he's using society's attitude toward homosexuals, specifically allowing them to marry, as a canary in a coal mine. It's not the homosexuals that are the sign of the end times. It's society's attitude toward them. And even that, society's attitude toward homosexuality (allowing them to marry) isn't being singled out as some great crime so much as it's being singled out as a sign of the way people will think in the end times. Jesus primary intent in the text in the cross-hairs is to tell his followers what will be the sign of the end times.

Sorry, but you wishing that it says all that, does not make it so.

Since no society outside of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the antediluvian civilization, has normalized homosexuality as it's being normalized today, we would all do well to pack our bags if we intend to be among those lifted out of here. Homosexual marriage is a canary in the coal mine. It's not about judging another person's sins. It's about knowing when to pack yer bags.

Wrong again. And again, it opposes your argument. Both the society of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the antediluvian civilization normalized homosexuality, resulting in no salvation for any member of its society, but verse 34 and 35 has provided salvation for half.

So what does this mean? The content of verses 20-35 has nothing to do with homosexuality, being a sin or not. So your biblical "evidence" was not evidence at all.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Since no society outside of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the antediluvian civilization, has normalized homosexuality as it's being normalized today, we would all do well to pack our bags if we intend to be among those lifted out of here. Homosexual marriage is a canary in the coal mine. It's not about judging another person's sins. It's about knowing when to pack yer bags.:D
I'll take my chances with the gays.
Besides, the ancient Greeks were pretty gay themselves but your god didn't punish them for it.

John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
So what does this mean? The content of verses 20-35 has nothing to do with homosexuality, being a sin or not. So your biblical "evidence" was not evidence at all.

The verses you note are clearly about the coming of the end times. They're pretty undeniably about Jesus' postmortem return to earth:

But first must he suffer many things and be rejected of this generation.

Luke 17:25.​

He'll be rejected by his contemporaries as well as those reading his words in the end times. Now. ------Some here now, i.e., the end times, as it were, and is, feign blindness (or really are blind) to what he's saying in Luke chapter 17 even though his meaning, if somewhat parabolic, is nevertheless clear as day to those who want clarity.

Immediately after pointing out that both generations (his contemporaries, and those when he returns) will reject him, Jesus beings the parabolic explanation that those who don't reject him can take to the bank:

As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be also in the days of the Son of Man. They eat, drank, and married, and were given authority to marry [ἐκγαμίζω], until the day that Noah entered into the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all.

Luke 17:26-27.​

Jesus' serious students know the weight of the entire statement rests on the "they." -----Who's "they" in the statement above? ------Mind you if it's everyone, and no one in particular, then Jesus is wasting his and everyone else's time since he's supposed to be singling out a distinction between the generation of the end-times ---"they" --- and every other generation. If the "they" in the statement above is superfluous then quit reading. It's all smoke and mirrors full of sound and fury signifying nothing.

But if the "they" signifies someone unique to the end times, and the reader rejects that, then they'll be caught unawares at the end of days ---now---- and will feel Jesus' buggy whip on their backs when he returns (today, tomorrow, or soon).

The serious exegete looks for significant nuances that reveal the under-workings of the holy spirit working beneath the profane text. And such a nuance exists in the text quoted above. It's the Greek word ἐκγαμίζω. It's found related to marriage five times in the scripture and all of them are used to point out the unlawfulness of marrying the persons where the word is used.

Matthew 22:30 notes that at the resurrection its unlawful to marry (ἐκγαμίζω) since there's no dual gender, everyone is the same gender, such that sex would be same-sex, such that marriage would be unlawful. The second place the word is found, Mark 12:25, says much the same thing as Matthew 22:30 (same-sexers at the resurrection won't be allowed to marry), while the remaining three times the Greek word is used (Luke 17:27-35) is the passage we're examining. Every time "ἐκγαμίζω" is used in conjunction with marriage in the scripture it refers to the illegality of marrying the people in the cross-hairs. And why is their marriage illegal? In every case (5) they're same-sexers.

Added to the fact that Jesus uses a loaded word (ἐκγαμίζω) to give away the meaning of "they" in his parable, is the fact that when speaking of this "they," who are married illegally, Jesus singles out the only two cases in the history of humanity where homosexuality is known to have been normalized as it is today.

Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fiare and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. That's how it shall be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.

Luke 17:28-30.​



Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
The verses you note are clearly about the coming of the end times. They're pretty undeniably about Jesus' postmortem return to earth:
Not everyone agrees with you about it being undeniable, however its not the hinge about which the subject swings. The hinge is that people are sometimes homosexual, and that has always been true. Its not a bug. Its a feature. Jewish males have to give up a particular sexual position, but they may still express themselves in love, and we have two prominent examples: David-Jonathan and Jesus-Judas (I think Judas. maybe a different disciple). Of course their relationships are a thing some people debate, but in each case 'Love' is the term used. Jonathan and David have a love which surpasses that of women. Jesus has a particular disciple that he loves, a male that he does not have sex with yet that he loves over and above all other disciples. This does not fit with the idea that homosexuality is some sort of punishment or evil. Instead it appears to be a natural and fulfilling and positive aspect of humanity which is demonstrably historical.

John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
I'll take my chances with the gays.
Besides, the ancient Greeks were pretty gay themselves but your god didn't punish them for it.

Your first statement is the one Jesus singled out as a sign of the end times. And neither he nor I are necessarily demonizing your first statement. It's just that when people are so open-minded, good or bad, it signifies the end of the age.

Concerning your second statement, perhaps you could dust off your history books. :DThere were AIDS like plagues that decimated huge swaths of the Greek and Roman populations. The Apostle Paul may be speaking specifically of these homo-plagues at the end of Romans 1:27. Note that whereas Paul speaks earlier in the chapter of God sending destruction from heaven, in 1:27 Paul specifically implies they receive the error of their ways "in themselves," that is, in their bodies. Paul and everyone else watched the gays wasting away before their very eyes; and in the ancient mind, which wasn't necessarily as opened, and dare I say, scientific, as yours, God was clearly punishing them.

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John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
Not everyone agrees with you about it being undeniable, however its not the hinge about which the subject swings. The hinge is that people are sometimes homosexual, and that has always been true. Its not a bug. Its a feature. Jewish males have to give up a particular sexual position, but they may still express themselves in love, and we have two prominent examples: David-Jonathan and Jesus-Judas (I think Judas. maybe a different disciple). Of course their relationships are a thing some people debate, but in each case 'Love' is the term used. Jonathan and David have a love which surpasses that of women. Jesus has a particular disciple that he loves, a male that he does not have sex with yet that he loves over and above all other disciples. This does not fit with the idea that homosexuality is some sort of punishment or evil. Instead it appears to be a natural and fulfilling and positive aspect of humanity which is demonstrably historical.

I don't necessarily disagree with you. I'm not specifically making a judgment concerning the moral or spiritual quality of homosexuality. I'm saying, as I've said earlier in this thread, that just as we might want to set aside our personal predilections concerning homosexuality so that we not use our personal preferences to judge our fellow man, we might also want to set aside our personal viewpoint in order to properly interpret God's holy word.

If we do that, there appears, to me at least, to be ample proof that in Luke chapter 17, Jesus is giving the unlawful marriage of same-sex couples (ἐκγαμίζω) as the premier sign letting those living in the end of days know they should maybe think about packing their bags.

As I noted in message #123, the word Jesus uses, translated "given in marriage" (ἐκγαμίζω), isn't used one time in the scripture to speak of anything but the illegality of marrying people of the same sex. Surely, if the holy spirit is involved in the existence of scripture, that spirit moved Jesus to use that word, along with those civilizations (the antediluvian and Sodom and Gomorrah) for a purpose that shouldn't be ignored even if it goes against our personal open-minded sharing with same-sexers of our love and open-mindedness.

As noted by someone in this thread, in the passage we're studying, one homosexual male is taken to heaven, and the other left. This clearly shows that homosexuality isn't being treated as though that kind of sinfulness in anyway determines a person's eternal status with God. At the resurrection, as always, the issue isn't sin, but Christ. The blood of Christ covers the whole multitude of sins be they of a sexual nature, or any other nature.

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John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
Wrong again. And again, it opposes your argument. Both the society of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the antediluvian civilization normalized homosexuality, resulting in no salvation for any member of its society, but verse 34 and 35 has provided salvation for half.

You could be mixing metaphors? Throughout human history large swaths of humans, even civilizations, have been destroyed by plague and natural (so-called) disasters. In these destructions, the bodies are destroyed, while the soul and spirit goes wherever God determines it, them, to go. When people die in an earthquake, or a hurricane, or other natural disaster (so-called) we don't say they all went to hell. Some probably do, others don't.

But the end of the age, the return of the son of man, is different. It's the first corporate resurrection in human history. It's the only time that those taken are "saved" and those left are all, every one of them, in big trouble. All other disasters see some good and some bad taken seemingly indiscriminately. At the resurrection, spoken of in Luke chapter 17, we have the first case of only the good being taken from the earth, and only the bad being left.


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Concerning your second statement, perhaps you could dust off your history books. :DThere were AIDS like plagues that decimated huge swaths of the Greek and Roman populations. The Apostle Paul may be speaking specifically of these homo-plagues at the end of Romans 1:27.
Homo-plagues? AIDs like? Doesn't work like that. And, yeah, a lot of Greeks had gay sex. Like the Spartans. They may have had more gay sex than the rest of them.
Your first statement is the one Jesus singled out as a sign of the end times. And neither he nor I are necessarily demonizing your first statement. It's just that when people are so open-minded, good or bad, it signifies the end of the age.
Christians have been declaring they see signs of the end of times for about 2000 years now.
And because Jesus said it would happen while some of those around him would still be alive we can safely conclude this end isn't going to happen.

John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
Christians have been declaring they see signs of the end of times for about 2000 years now.

Yeah they have. And they've been correct that some of the signs were met early on, and others sporadically throughout time. But the two biggies, that have never been met, are gay marriage, and credit cards (numbers in your hand and eventually forehead) taking the place of all other forms of barter to include hard, tangible, currency.

And because Jesus said it would happen while some of those around him would still be alive we can safely conclude this end isn't going to happen.

Are you repeating something you've frequently heard in forums like this, or have you actually read the account? If the former, then for your information the chapter and verse are Matthew 16:28. And for your edification I'd suggest you read the next eight verses (Matthew 17:1-8).

Btw, the Greek word translated "kingdom," i.e., βασιλεία, can mean more than just "kingdom." The word can speak of royal power and glory, or even a royal cadre. Knowing that will help if you read the eight verses that follow the prophesy.

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Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I don't necessarily disagree with you. I'm not specifically making a judgment concerning the moral or spiritual quality of homosexuality. I'm saying, as I've said earlier in this thread, that just as we might want to set aside our personal predilections concerning homosexuality so that we not use our personal preferences to judge our fellow man, we might also want to set aside our personal viewpoint in order to properly interpret God's holy word.

If we do that, there appears, to me at least, to be ample proof that in Luke chapter 17, Jesus is giving the unlawful marriage of same-sex couples (ἐκγαμίζω) as the premier sign letting those living in the end of days know they should maybe think about packing their bags.

As I noted in message #123, the word Jesus uses, translated "given in marriage" (ἐκγαμίζω), isn't used one time in the scripture to speak of anything but the illegality of marrying people of the same sex. Surely, if the holy spirit is involved in the existence of scripture, that spirit moved Jesus to use that word, along with those civilizations (the antediluvian and Sodom and Gomorrah) for a purpose that shouldn't be ignored even if it goes against our personal open-minded sharing with same-sexers of our love and open-mindedness.
Normally marriage is to be encouraged, however sometimes in Israel's history it has been used to enslave women through slick and treacherous contracts. This was a problem Israel had after the return from Babylon but also at other times. In a way it was bad like the housing bubble was bad when we were buying and selling houses. Buying or selling a house is not evil, nor is getting married evil. Its how you do it and whether you are doing evil. The problem was that marriage became a way to entrap women. Technically the men weren't doing anything illegal, but they were behaving unethically.

Gays in ancient Israel don't marry for the simple reason that marriage contracts are about reproductive rights. These contracts are not relevant between males. Its not like in modern times where you get a different tax structure and benefits etc. out of a marriage.

Dave Watchman

Active Member
Wow John, excellent excellent posts on page 6 and 7. I couldn't have said it better. Really. That material about grinding at the mill, and two men in one bed, I didn't think of that.

And for sure what you're saying about it being the primary or the key indicator of the end times. The majority of the people here think we're haters, or homophobic, or in the closet. (Lol) That's not the case. It is what it is. This was baked in the cake to happen from the beginning. And now we are here. AGAIN. It feels strange, spooky, to be here. I am glad to be in the group, with you, that has the wisdom to recognize it as only He can give the wisdom to the wise. Only He can reveal the deep and the hidden things.

Jesus is using homosexuality not as the example of some grave sin that means you can't be saved, or aren't saved; he's using society's attitude toward homosexuals, specifically allowing them to marry, as a canary in a coal mine. It's not the homosexuals that are the sign of the end times. It's society's attitude toward them.

Beautiful. You caught the nuance. Like in the first century when Jerusalem was surrounded by armies, the bag should be packed, lift up our heads.

And even that, society's attitude toward homosexuality (allowing them to marry) isn't being singled out as some great crime so much as it's being singled out as a sign of the way people will think in the end times. Jesus primary intent in the text in the cross-hairs is to tell his followers what will be the sign of the end times.

Imagine people from the 50's, or even the crazy 60's, seeing a Time magazine cover like this:


Since no society outside of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the antediluvian civilization, has normalized homosexuality as it's being normalized today, we would all do well to pack our bags if we intend to be among those lifted out of here. Homosexual marriage is a canary in the coal mine. It's not about judging another person's sins. It's about knowing when to pack yer bags.:D

My grandmother used to buy me subscriptions to National Geographic:


I noticed it another way while watching the news in 2015.

1) The Netherlands (2000)
2) Belgium (2003)
3) Canada (2005)
4) Spain (2005)
5) South Africa (2006)
6) Norway (2009)
7) Sweden (2009)
8) Argentina (2010)
9) Iceland (2010)
10) Portugal (2010)
11) Denmark (2012)
12) Brazil (2013)
13) England and Wales (2013)
14) France (2013)
15) New Zealand (2013)
16) Uruguay (2013)
17) Luxembourg (2014)
18) Scotland (2014)
19) Finland: (signed 2015, effective 2017)
20) Ireland: (2015)
21) United States: (2015)<-------1290 Days------->Sun/Moon
21) United States: (2015)<-------1290 Days------->EofW

And what do you think about Luke moving these instructions, the same from Mathew 24, which occur after we see the "abomination" mentioned in the Olivet:

"On that day, let the one who is on the housetop, with his goods in the house, not come down to take them away, and likewise let the one who is in the field not turn back.​

Luke puts them in Chapter 17, not after mention of the "abomination' like in Matthew, but after a mention of the days of Noah, and: "just as it was in the days of Lot.

It's like they're trying to give us a hint that the "days of Lot", are the abomination that will maketh desolate.

When you see it standing where it ought not to be,
head for the hills.

Peaceful Sabbath.
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Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
It's homophobia that should be outlawed, not homosexuality. I wonder if conversion therapy is even possible for that mental illness. Maybe surround a homophobe with all the positivity of acceptance. It seems incurable some days.
I don’t know why people want to go to heaven if all the people they fear irrationally are there.

John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
Wow John, excellent excellent posts on page 6 and 7. I couldn't have said it better. Really. That material about grinding at the mill, and two men in one bed, I didn't think of that.

And for sure what you're saying about it being the primary or the key indicator of the end times. The majority of the people here think we're haters, or homophobic, or in the closet. (Lol) That's not the case. It is what it is. This was baked in the cake to happen from the beginning. And now we are here. AGAIN. It feels strange, spooky, to be here. I am glad to be in the group, with you, that has the wisdom to recognize it as only He can give the wisdom to the wise. Only He can reveal the deep and the hidden things.

Beautiful. You caught the nuance. Like in the first century when Jerusalem was surrounded by armies, the bag should be packed, lift up our heads.

Imagine people from the 50's, or even the crazy 60's, seeing a Time magazine cover like this:


My grandmother used to buy me subscriptions to National Geographic:


I noticed it another way while watching the news in 2015.

1) The Netherlands (2000)
2) Belgium (2003)
3) Canada (2005)
4) Spain (2005)
5) South Africa (2006)
6) Norway (2009)
7) Sweden (2009)
8) Argentina (2010)
9) Iceland (2010)
10) Portugal (2010)
11) Denmark (2012)
12) Brazil (2013)
13) England and Wales (2013)
14) France (2013)
15) New Zealand (2013)
16) Uruguay (2013)
17) Luxembourg (2014)
18) Scotland (2014)
19) Finland: (signed 2015, effective 2017)
20) Ireland: (2015)
21) United States: (2015)<-------1290 Days------->Sun/Moon
21) United States: (2015)<-------1290 Days------->EofW

And what do you think about Luke moving these instructions, the same from Mathew 24, which occur after we see the "abomination" mentioned in the Olivet:

"On that day, let the one who is on the housetop, with his goods in the house, not come down to take them away, and likewise let the one who is in the field not turn back.​

Luke puts them in Chapter 17, not after mention of the "abomination' like in Matthew, but after a mention of the days of Noah, and: "just as it was in the days of Lot.

It's like they're trying to give us a hint that the "days of Lot", are the abomination that will maketh desolate.

When you see it standing where it ought not to be,
head for the hills.

Peaceful Sabbath.

The two images in your message are hair-raising. To paraphrase the Gospels, if God doesn't destroy this generation, Sodom and Gomorrah will rise up in protest: a society worse than they is arrogantly strutting around daring God to do something.

And for me this isn't about transgender or homosexual individuals. In my opinion they deserve love, understanding, and freedom to figure themselves out like me, you, or anyone else. This is about society's attack on the realities of human existence: trying to ignore the physics and or biology of reality as it exists before our eyes and in the holy scripture.

This is to say society shouldn't necessarily be demonizing homosexuality, or transgrender individuals. But neither should they be normalizing them and sanctifying same-sex marriages. In my opinion, they should at best mind their own business and let the individual and God deal with the issue.

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John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
When you see it standing where it ought not to be,
head for the hills.

Two or three days ago, Terri Gross interviewed Dr. Jonathan Reisman about his new book, The Unseen Body. In the interview he said something interesting about the design of the throat since it appears to have been designed in a peculiar way. The part used for swallowing is so close to the part used for breathing that people can, and do, choke to death all the time.

Terry Gross pointed out that many elderly people die when the mechanisms of the throat begin to break down and they choke or develop pneumonia from germs in the throat crossing over to the airway.

Dr. Reisman theorized that nature designed the throat that way as a humane means of euthanizing elderly people so that they not die long drawn out deaths that would be traumatic for them, their family, and society in general.

In the interview Terry Gross pointed out a similar oddity regarding the genitals. The organs where life is generated are extremely close to the organs that expel waste.

Terry Gross' statement lends itself to the bible quotation above, and particularly so when it's appreciated that temple liturgy/ritual in the ancient world is directly related to the mythologization and sacerdotal ritualization of the reproduction of life and the processes of creating life. The female body is the archetype ritualized in the design of the temple, and the high priest passes through the veil of the female body as the male-member (so to say) who, by entering behind the membrane, or veil, of virginity, creates life.

In the same sense that when an individual is so senescent that their body can no longer negotiate the fine line between the necessary entry point of food, versus the far more necessary entry point for the breath of life, they die, likewise, when society, or even civilization, becomes too senescent to distinguish between the organs of life, and the nearby organs of waste, germs, and disease, which is to say, when you see "it," or society sacrilizes "it" (the priestly male-member worshiped by the phallic cults) standing erect, where it ought not be (even though it might be right near where it should be), run for the hills, for death, like the return of the Lord, is near, at the very gate.

Perhaps God designed the genital organs that way so that when a society, or civilization, is so old and degenerate that they can't distinguish between what's on either side of the perineum, then that society or civilization is at death's very doorstep.

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Dave Watchman

Active Member
The two images in your message are hair-raising. To paraphrase the Gospels, if God doesn't destroy this generation, Sodom and Gomorrah will rise up in protest: a society worse than they is arrogantly strutting around daring God to do something.

Few would find the magazine covers abrupt, or unsuitable, as they would in the days of Leave it to Beaver.

Your script reminds me of the quote attributed to Ruth Graham: "If God doesn't soon bring judgment upon America, He'll have to go back and apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah!"

And for me this isn't about transgender or homosexual individuals. In my opinion they deserve love, understanding, and freedom to figure themselves out like me, you, or anyone else. This is about society's attack on the realities of human existence: trying to ignore the physics and or biology of reality as it exists before our eyes and in the holy scripture.

This is to say society shouldn't necessarily be demonizing homosexuality, or transgrender individuals. But neither should they be normalizing them and sanctifying same-sex marriages. In my opinion, they should at best mind their own business and let the individual and God deal with the issue.

I know. I agree. It's not the individuals. It's the normalization of it on a global scale. The majority of the world has legalized, giving their approval, to the behaviour. It's not just the individual participants of the practise, but those who give approval to it. The composite beast has risen from the many nations, and peoples and tongues. The people have voted the thing in. Legalized abortion practises, pornography and same sex marriage.

It's weird, they cancelled the "pride parades" during Covid. I wonder if there's time enough remaining for them to make a comeback. If there is, I'd hate to be the heavy guy caught here dancing in the women's nightgown, on the day when the Son of Man is revealed. If he does make it to heaven, he might not be called the greatest, or shine the brightest, in the Kingdom.

Peaceful Sabbath.

Dave Watchman

Active Member
Two or three days ago, Terri Gross interviewed Dr. Jonathan Reisman about his new book, The Unseen Body. In the interview he said something interesting about the design of the throat since it appears to have been designed in a peculiar way. The part used for swallowing is so close to the part used for breathing that people can, and do, choke to death all the time.

Terry Gross pointed out that many elderly people die when the mechanisms of the throat begin to break down and they choke or develop pneumonia from germs in the throat crossing over to the airway.

Dr. Reisman theorized that nature designed the throat that way as a humane means of euthanizing elderly people so that they not die long drawn out deaths that would be traumatic for them, their family, and society in general.

In the interview Terry Gross pointed out a similar oddity regarding the genitals. The organs where life is generated are extremely close to the organs that expel waste.

Terry Gross' statement lends itself to the bible quotation above, and particularly so when it's appreciated that temple liturgy/ritual in the ancient world is directly related to the mythologization and sacerdotal ritualization of the reproduction of life and the processes of creating life. The female body is the archetype ritualized in the design of the temple, and the high priest passes through the veil of the female body as the male-member (so to say) who, by entering behind the membrane, or veil, of virginity, creates life.

In the same sense that when an individual is so senescent that their body can no longer negotiate the fine line between the necessary entry point of food, versus the far more necessary entry point for the breath of life, they die, likewise, when society, or even civilization, becomes too senescent to distinguish between the organs of life, and the nearby organs of waste, germs, and disease, which is to say, when you see "it," or society sacrilizes "it" (the priestly male-member worshiped by the phallic cults) standing erect, where it ought not be (even though it might be right near where it should be), run for the hills, for death, like the return of the Lord, is near, at the very gate.

Perhaps God designed the genital organs that way so that when a society, or civilization, is so old and degenerate that they can't distinguish between what's on either side of the perineum, then that society or civilization is at death's very doorstep.


Yikes John.

It looks like you've thought this thing through pretty thoroughly.

You are an intellectual.

I'm speechless.

Time for me to be silent again, be silent before the Day of the Lord.

Peaceful Sabbath.

We Never Know

No Slack
Teachers would often punish left handed people and try to make them right handed. People punish all kinds of innate qualities. It's sad.

In my opinion thats because...

"Being left-handed has been linked to many mental disorders, but Yale researcher Jadon Webb and his colleagues have found that among those with mental illnesses, people with psychotic disorders like schizophrenia are much more likely to be left-handed than those with mood disorders like depression or bipolar syndrome."

Left-handed people more likely to have mental disorders like schizophrenia.

However there are others studies that say it isn't correct.

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
In my opinion thats because...

"Being left-handed has been linked to many mental disorders, but Yale researcher Jadon Webb and his colleagues have found that among those with mental illnesses, people with psychotic disorders like schizophrenia are much more likely to be left-handed than those with mood disorders like depression or bipolar syndrome."

Left-handed people more likely to have mental disorders like schizophrenia.

However there are others studies that say it isn't correct.

One's handedness is an orientation, so changing the handedness doesn't change the brain. At least I don't think so. It's not a disorder in itself.