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Old member returning!


Well-Known Member

I used to go to this forum a lot between 2012-2014. I've decided to return out of a new spiritual search. Back when I went here a lot I was very sure about my beliefs, now I'm much less so. And I'm probably more open minded and less prone to endless debating as a result of this uncertainty. I hope that this place will help me find what I'm looking for and also will let me pass some time with friendly discussion.

Glad to be back!


Active Member

I used to go to this forum a lot between 2012-2014. I've decided to return out of a new spiritual search. Back when I went here a lot I was very sure about my beliefs, now I'm much less so. And I'm probably more open minded and less prone to endless debating as a result of this uncertainty. I hope that this place will help me find what I'm looking for and also will let me pass some time with friendly discussion.

Glad to be back!

Nice to meet you, and welcome back!


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
You get some.....

And there's more of the haggis if you want seconds.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member

I used to go to this forum a lot between 2012-2014. I've decided to return out of a new spiritual search. Back when I went here a lot I was very sure about my beliefs, now I'm much less so. And I'm probably more open minded and less prone to endless debating as a result of this uncertainty. I hope that this place will help me find what I'm looking for and also will let me pass some time with friendly discussion.

Glad to be back!

Welcome (back) to the forums. I hope you enjoy your time here. :)

Shia Islam

Quran and Ahlul-Bayt a.s.
Premium Member

I used to go to this forum a lot between 2012-2014. I've decided to return out of a new spiritual search. Back when I went here a lot I was very sure about my beliefs, now I'm much less so. And I'm probably more open minded and less prone to endless debating as a result of this uncertainty. I hope that this place will help me find what I'm looking for and also will let me pass some time with friendly discussion.

Glad to be back!
Not so old :)
Welcome back!