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Occult, Nazi Occult


Get me off of this planet
RF needs an occult section.

We're nearing the 100 year anniversary and people are still and just now learning
things about WW2 and the Reich.

I'm looking for material on the Nazi Occult... What have any of you RF patrons made
of the Nazi Occult? I recently studied up on it and it's been an overwhelming grief to
know so much didn't make it into the history books. All of the religious movements
the Reich was doing was put into "Occult" and disregarded by the education system.

Moving on...

The Reich was moving into abandoning Catholocism among other beliefs and
reverting back to Norse/Germanic Paganism with an attempt to find the Gods as well,
Thor or Odin in particular. The investigation was under the pretense that the Gods,
Norse Gods, were real, physical immortal beings but more than likely dead, Hitlers
was trying to call them to the Reich. He used varius terms including some Hindu
mythology as well as the term "Aryan" when he could of used the term "Nord". The
genetic movement was to restore Nord/Aryan genetics to it's origional blond hair/blue
eyed state.. If you know about Nord's the real Nord's are extremely rare, almost
extinct. He used the term "Ubermensch" for deity and held a competition where
giants from around Europe and the world journeyed to Deutschland to claim the title
of Uberman. It's just one part of the story I didn't learn in school, but I guess not
many schools teach it and put it into religious Occult when it is of extreme
significance. Although I think the major reason was to avoid associating the Gods
with the Nazi Reich, or Greater Scandinavia.

Übermensch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Documentation is getting scarce.

Material on the subject is becoming scarce but there are several parties attempting
to demonize paganism and associate it with Nazism. I mean, the photograph,
documentation I can seem to find much that I previously could a few years ago.

Share any information you have on the occult.

I was also fascinated with the New Mensch, Hitler's protege and next in command.
Hiter was planning to retire, and the "New Man" was going to be commander of the
Reich... What fascinated me most is most of his photography has become scarce as
well as the numerous statue's Hitler had created of him. I thought he looked like
St.Michael but that's just me and would infuriate a lot of people. He dropped off the
radar sometime after events in Ireland centuries ago... So when I saw the statue's in
the Reich he was the first individual I thought of. It sounds preposterous but as I said
the visage made me think of him. He would be the last mythological/ religious figure
I would want to slander.

Hitler also associated Jesus with the Reich though.

But besides that the New Man became the ultimate mystery of the Reich, unless he
defected. He didn't turn up on Nazi hunters.

The "New Man" seems to be an inside joke with some German youth...


Besides the occult with the Reich there was also other countries like Japan, Asia and even
Vietnam that had politicians coming in under the reputation of being their Gods.
Whenever this happened the US in particular seem to get involved under the
exclamations they weren't Gods. Like the Vietnamese Hochi Man... "Gotta get da
hochi man..." It was a saying in the Vietnam era.. I later found out it
was a God.

What do you know?

There seem to be various organizations that collect materials on these subjects..

Try and watch this p.o.s,

I am not a Nazi, member of the Aryan Brotherhood or sympathizer. As well as
understanding Hitler would more than likely personally hang most of the Nazi
supporters and Aryan Brotherhood for their humiliation. Hitler was also moving into
Scotland under the pretneses of annihilating England but obviously the Scots did not
maintain the alliance with the Reich. I as well took an oath to uphold and defend the
American constitution and bill of rights, I do not break my oaths.

I just want to discuss this, among other occult stuff.

It's a lot to know.
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Get me off of this planet
Yeah, I thought Wolfenstein was a pretty sweet game, too.

Very nice, I noticed that the occult material was also used in various media's. Sensationalizing it isn't really what I had in mind, it's worth putting in the history books.

You a fed?

I can't find much documentation on the occult materials. I know it's a fact that Hitler was going to convert Germany back to Norse/Germanic paganism doe.

All the materials are ****.. I would put a dossier together that was at least respectable if I could get the materials together, it's not fantasy.

Heinrich Himmler was made the head of the cultural division by Adolf Hitler.

He was leading the studies into reverting Germany back to Norse Paganism.
He was diagnosed/branded a delusional schizophrenic.

I wanted to know the whole truth about the Reich. Hitler was trying
to find Thor and some believe he did. Although Thor wasn't only a German God,
making an obvious conflict.


Did Hitler find Thor? It looks like some type of sick inside joke.


Really, I would like to put this together, I need help.

Try and watch this documentary "Nazi Temple of Doom" it's insulting.

St.Michael being involved in the Reich seems preposterous. If you believe
in him that is, I do not want the wrath of God all over my ***. He
was in Ireland and all centuries ago then just vanishes into the pages of
history. I think about him on occasion and where he went. That's a
completely different subject.

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This staged propaganda shot of Adolf coming out of a church was intended to show the world that he was a decent god-fearing Christian. It just shows that anybody can call themselves a Christian, but it doesn't necessarily mean they ARE one!
(As Jesus said-"you'll know people by their fruits")..



Incidentally Hitler is said to have had his own personal astrologer during the war despite him temporarily jailing some of them earlier..
I can just imagine it-
HITLER- "I hope you don't bear a grudge for being jailed?"
ASTROLOGER- "Of course not mein Fuhrer!"
HITLER- "Good, now tell me what the stars say I should do"
ASTROLOGER- "Invade every country in sight and become world ruler"
HITLER- "Will there be any risk in it for me?"
ASTROLOGER- "None at all!"


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Himmler may well have had sympathies for Thor. Hitler seems to have been more of a Catholic.


Get me off of this planet
Thank you for beginning your replies.

Yes, Hitler put Himmler in charge of cultural reform and it involved restoring Norse/ Germanic Paganism.
While Himmler was in charge of the program and knowledgeable on the subject, Hitler used various foreign
terms discussing his own belief like referring to the Nord Caucasian as "Aryan" among the Aryan invasion theory
which he apparently believed in.

Hitler did seem to believe in Jesus but I think he was moving to push Catholocism out of Germany as well, if that
was the goal. He thought Jesus was of the white race and that makes me think he may have been preparing to make
a transition where Jesus was Baldur. However some people believe that Jesus is Baldur, as well as it being rumored the
sacred son myths of various mythologies was used by the Church to procure conversions to catholocism.


The truth about the situation is more than likely lost.

I also thought Hitler was going to be the long term King/Fuhrer of of Deutschland but he was apparently retiring
and placing his agent "New Man" as commander of the Reich. But I mean, there's very little on the new man, Hitler
locked the credentials on him up tight. "He is intrepid and cruel" that's about it then he unveils a glorious statue of
him, which I believe was destroyed by the Allies.

It shows it in that documentary. The film isn't the best but there is a lot of material on it. I'm mostly disgusted with
my history classes over the years, man I had some ****** teachers.

Stalin apparently chose to defend Judaism for Soviet Russia and was telling Russians he was God?

It's confusing and I am not clear on the details, if you know anything feel free to reply. Stalin ghosted most of Russia
and forced villagers trained or untrained, it's not that cruel but damn they taking Men out of their houses, giving them
rifles and telling them to run west into the Nazi perimeter.

Stalin was cruel as **** as well. I mean god damn if the last century wasn't cruel as **** to complement this cruel ***
world. It just become overwhelming when people that didn't know anything got hit with a situation that could have been
otherwise resolved if they knew better.

I'm not a bleeding heart, it just gets overwhelming. The Jew's being eradicated wasn't the only thing going on in Europe.

There was other Genocides as well.

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Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Hitler didn't care about the revival of Paganism that some of his Party members, like Himmler and Rosenberg, were supporting. He thought it was stupid and a waste of time. Hitler didn't care much for religion in general. He wasn't a Christian, either, and was known to make very negative remarks about Christianity in private. They had to be pragmatic with the churches but eventually they were going to reduce their power and influence, after the war.

The form of Germanic Paganism that some Nazis were into came out of 19th century European mysticism, occultism and romantic nationalism. It was not the actual religion of the pre-Christian Germanic peoples. It was a distorted version of it.

If you want to know more about Nazi occultism, look up Miguel Serrano, Savitri Devi, Lanz von Liebenfels, Guido von List and the Thule Society.


Get me off of this planet
Hitler didn't care about the revival of Paganism that some of his Party members, like Himmler and Rosenberg, were supporting. He thought it was stupid and a waste of time. Hitler didn't care much for religion in general. He wasn't a Christian, either, and was known to make very negative remarks about Christianity in private. They had to be pragmatic with the churches but eventually they were going to reduce their power and influence, after the war.

The form of Germanic Paganism that some Nazis were into came out of 19th century European mysticism, occultism and romantic nationalism. It was not the actual religion of the pre-Christian Germanic peoples. It was a distorted version of it.

If you want to know more about Nazi occultism, look up Miguel Serrano, Savitri Devi, Lanz von Liebenfels, Guido von List and the Thule Society.

Vielen Danke, Mr.Diesel.

Thank you for your replies.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
It's forbidden by Bureau policy for me to disclose that information.
You secret is safe with me, Mein Colonel.

I think this thread is another example of why folks should not consume vast quantities of medical marijuana prior to posting on RF.


Get me off of this planet
Awesome and thanks again, St.Frankenstein.

Check out Mien Kampf as well, numerous parties want it abolished and erased from history, Jews in particular.



It's a bit of a manic read but it perpetuated Hitlers ushering into politics and began his ruthless
******* campaign on the Jews and other ethnics.

I think the idealogy it should be destroyed and abolished is idiotic and an ideology used throughout
history. It's part of the story, I want the whole story and people deserve the whole story and even the propaganda and occult.

Read about Adolf Hitler as well,


I had horrible history classes going through school. He was a highly decorated and respected WW1 veteran, I didn't learn that in school.
I was taught he lead the Nazi's and seized control of Germany as well as being a coward and extremely demonized in almost a religious overtone.

I have a more cold hearted and realistic view now, although I'm not German or a Nazi. They were taking control of Germany with major approval from
the greater portion of the German people who wanted to end multi-culturalism as well. But he was ruthless and started to invade Scotland, ultimately
Hitler wanted to annihilate England for WW1 and more than likely Israel then the rest of the middle East. He couldn't seem to be trusted in an alliance
sense but then he also turned on greater Scandinavia when they would of allied with him more than likely. Then the league of Nations took a **** on him
and all over Germany...

The US was going to lose the ground war, the Reich became overwhelmed with the Allies air bombings, which I did not learn about in school but in Germany,
was told you can't believe their version though.

I ultimately ended up unsympathetic with the Jews.
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Awesome and thanks again, St.Frankenstein.

Check out Mien Kampf as well, numerous parties want it abolished and erased from history, Jews in particular.



It's a bit of a manic read but it perpetuated Hitlers ushering into politics and began his ruthless
******* campaign on the Jews and other ethnics.

I think the idealogy it should be destroyed and abolished is idiotic and an ideology used throughout
history. It's part of the story, I want the whole story and people deserve the whole story and even the propaganda and occult.

Read about Adolf Hitler as well,

Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I had horrible history classes going through school.

I ultimately ended up unsympathetic with the Jews.
How so? They've been through a lot of rough times.


Get me off of this planet
How so? They've been through a lot of rough times.

I was raised and taught about WW2 to sympathies and feel for the Jews and now I do not. Everybody has been through rough times at one another expense, multiculturalism is tough, eh.


What did Hitler believe regarding religion is a difficult question to answer, Rosenberg preferred a NSDAP New Testament, a complete shunning of the Old Testament. Hitler at times appeared Catholic. Sometimes he was the harshest critic of Catholicism, other times according to 'Table Talks' he blasted the neo-Heathen movement that deifies him. There appears only twice where Hitler is deified by credible sources. Once by Carl Jung, the other where August Kubizek quotes from his memories that Hitler appeared almost possessed after watching a Wagnerian opera. Miguel Serrano, Savitri Devi and others, mostly South American writers have expanded upon these themes.


Well-Known Member
I'm very confused about Nazism. I've heard that Hitler was a Catholic, but Nazism is often associated with antitheism and aggressive atheism. I even saw a Satanic website, promoting Non LaVeyan Atheistic Satanism, and it said that Nazi symbols are important to Satanism. This was a website that promotes Atheistic Satanism. A Church of Satan knockoff. They were basically the same, with Satan representing individualism and freedom. How can this be? Nazism is against individualism and freedom, or at least that's what I was told.

I understand that Theistic Satanism is quite different, different people have different views of Satan.
I just don't understand "Nazi Occultism."

Was Hitler in fact a Catholic?

I really think we need an Occult section, instead of a Left Hand Path section.
It would be better, and we could have more threads for smaller Occult religions and philosophies.