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Not Mature


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member

The Hammer

Premium Member
I tend to keep things a little straighter here, since I don't want to upset folks. But around people that I know well, my humour definitely veers dark.

Mine too. No worries.

Some of the things we used to joke about in the Navy, would very well get me funny looks and avoidance now.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member


The point is, she's claiming NOT to be mature. So...no?
The court also claims she's not mature to make decisions, so who is to blame?

I think it's their parents and parents of her boy to blame, let them pay for the child until they become mature.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
The court also claims she's not mature to make decisions, so who is to blame?

I think it's their parents and parents of her boy to blame, let them pay for the child until they become mature.

Or let them decide what should happen?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
She could have as well take a pill to prevent conception, was she not mature enough to make that decision?
Maybe The Pill was not readily accessible. Maybe, as a teenager, she was impulsive.
The fact stands: Many do not take the precautions necessary to prevent pregnancy. That's human nature. Many become pregnant despite taking precautions.
Many pregnancies would ruin one's dreams and any hope of prosperity and a socially beneficial life. Many pregnancies lead to lives of poverty and taxpayer supported social support.

What would the downside of an abortion be?


I can't imagine, in the slightest, having a view that forces a minor to give birth.
Maybe you didn't know but there is also post-abortion trauma.
A minor is definitely not capable to understand what this means unless it can experience it,
do you think it would be fair to allow a minor to go trough that experience?