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Micro plastics in Protein

Secret Chief

nirvana is samsara
But that doesn't mean we can't study the impact of something that, with more bioaccumulation, could be of a greater significance. It reminds me of climate change: fears of being inconvenienced or having technology regulated lead to kicking cans down the road
I still believe that is a communist plot.;)

"The year 2023 has been confirmed as the warmest on record, driven by human-caused climate change and boosted by the natural El Niño weather event."

- 2023 confirmed as world's hottest year on record

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The problem is that you don't get the one without the other. Most GMO's only modification is that it survives Roundup. No other benefits.
GMOs include more than Roundup. But that one happens to be a major dominant market force.

Secret Chief

nirvana is samsara
There are many millions, if not billions, of people that don't eat at least some of the selected supposedly common foods. For example Muslims don't eat pork and estimates put the number of them in the billions.
Just to recap because of this goalpost shifting effort:

My comment was in response to the small-minded selfish dismissal thus: "Both are also treif, so I am like 'Who cares?'"
i.e. I'm a Jew so this doesn't matter (to me, and that is all that matters).

Try again.

The Hammer

Premium Member
The problem is we aren't conservative with pushing out new technologies like we should be. You'd think that after the first several dozen times this became an issue humans would smarten up. But profit motive kills sound conservatism when it comes to technology use, unfortunately.

Without going to far off topic, what do you think this would look like? The conservative application of technology and technological changes.

This is something I've been pondering the last year or so, and think it's a good idea, but don't know how it would work in practice (because I'm not sure it ever has).


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Without going to far off topic, what do you think this would look like? The conservative application of technology and technological changes.

This is something I've been pondering the last year or so, and think it's a good idea, but don't know how it would work in practice (because I'm not sure it ever has).
There was a concept I came across a few years back called "appropriate technology." It's the notion that instead of using the most so-called "advanced" or "progressive" method of doing something, you use the appropriate method for one's objective. The idea is that this provides a good standard of living without excessive technological use that (usually) means higher monetary costs and higher environmental costs.

Just as a real simple example, take natural ventilation of buildings. It drives me bonkers that so much of modern building construction in my country utterly fails to permit for... I dunno... just opening the damned windows to ventilate the building instead of relying on expensive, energy-intensive methods of circulating air? It's beyond stupid that Americans moved away from taking advantage of natural ventilation - the wind.

Appropriate tech isn't the only element that would be involved, but it's a big one. Problem is, folks in this country worship Techne just about as much as they worship Hermes in his aspect of commerce and money. And a people are not easily parted from their gods. This country is more or less centered around excesses of both seeking money and seeking technology (which go hand-in-hand in many cases).


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
There was a concept I came across a few years back called "appropriate technology." It's the notion that instead of using the most so-called "advanced" or "progressive" method of doing something, you use the appropriate method for one's objective. The idea is that this provides a good standard of living without excessive technological use that (usually) means higher monetary costs and higher environmental costs.

Just as a real simple example, take natural ventilation of buildings. It drives me bonkers that so much of modern building construction in my country utterly fails to permit for... I dunno... just opening the damned windows to ventilate the building instead of relying on expensive, energy-intensive methods of circulating air? It's beyond stupid that Americans moved away from taking advantage of natural ventilation - the wind.

Appropriate tech isn't the only element that would be involved, but it's a big one. Problem is, folks in this country worship Techne just about as much as they worship Hermes in his aspect of commerce and money. And a people are not easily parted from their gods. This country is more or less centered around excesses of both seeking money and seeking technology (which go hand-in-hand in many cases).
That light green font is very difficult to read.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
This is genuinely terrifying to me, the very food we consume is becoming poisonous. Sure the effects can be said for certain, but in my mind I don't have to wait for studies to show that this will be terrible for our health, it's common sense that eating a lot of plastic isn't great. And it's only going to get worse the more plastic we produce.

What can we do as individuals to prevent this issue from getting worse? I do my best to recycle, I could do better.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I like all the evidence you provided of this.
And I thought the death toll was unknowable.
I didn't provide any evidence, nor am I required to do so. I have read peer reviewed studies that show this. No, I feel no need to provide the links to you. I don't have to prove the negative, especially if the point isn't disputed. If you think you want to dispute whether micro-plastics cause deaths, you need to provide your evidence.

The Hammer

Premium Member

Microplastics found in human blood for first time

The discovery shows the particles can travel around the body and may lodge in organs. The impact on health is as yet unknown. But researchers are concerned as microplastics cause damage to human cells in the laboratory and air pollution particles are already known to enter the body and cause millions of early deaths a year.​

Worse yet they cross the blood brain barrier



Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I didn't provide any evidence, nor am I required to do so.
Dint get the joke, did yah.
I have read peer reviewed studies that show this. No, I feel no need to provide the links to you. I don't have to prove the negative, especially if the point isn't disputed. If you think you want to dispute whether micro-plastics cause deaths, you need to provide your evidence.
I make no claims because I have no evidence.
You made a claim for which there is none.
So it goes with believers vs skeptics.