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Joe Biden and Xi Jinping at odds


Well-Known Member
Both leaders had a 2 hour call with one another regarding Taiwan: Xi says the USA is "playing with fire" while Joe says he is ready to defend Taiwan.

It's no secret that next year I want to go to Japan and South Korea so I hope nothing happens.

I'd also like to see Hong Kong one day

The Hammer

Premium Member
Both leaders had a 2 hour call with one another regarding Taiwan: Xi says the USA is "playing with fire" while Joe says he is ready to defend Taiwan.

It's no secret that next year I want to go to Japan and South Korea so I hope nothing happens.

I'd also like to see Hong Kong one day

All three places are interesting. Although imo South Korea smells.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Both leaders had a 2 hour call with one another regarding Taiwan: Xi says the USA is "playing with fire" while Joe says he is ready to defend Taiwan.

It's no secret that next year I want to go to Japan and South Korea so I hope nothing happens.

I'd also like to see Hong Kong one day
Honk Kong used to be at the top of the freedom index.

Now look what's happened to the place.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
My nieces were born from mainland China.

Now they have happy lives in the US.

I can't imagine what kind of lives they would have if they hadn't been adopted by my brother in law and his wife.


Active Member
Both leaders had a 2 hour call with one another regarding Taiwan: Xi says the USA is "playing with fire" while Joe says he is ready to defend Taiwan.

It's no secret that next year I want to go to Japan and South Korea so I hope nothing happens.

I'd also like to see Hong Kong one day
Not totally. USA, China (and India) have huge debts on their national banking balance sheets. Roll them over as no solution in sight.


Active Member
Both leaders had a 2 hour call with one another regarding Taiwan: Xi says the USA is "playing with fire" while Joe says he is ready to defend Taiwan.

It's no secret that next year I want to go to Japan and South Korea so I hope nothing happens.

I'd also like to see Hong Kong one day
Hope you will make it to Japan and S Korea.What would you like to see?
I like Japan as they use minimal furniture no sofa's etc so lots of open room space in traditional fashion.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Hope you will make it to Japan and S Korea.What would you like to see?
I like Japan as they use minimal furniture no sofa's etc so lots of open room space in traditional fashion.
When’s the last time you visited Japan?


Veteran Member
Both leaders had a 2 hour call with one another regarding Taiwan: Xi says the USA is "playing with fire" while Joe says he is ready to defend Taiwan.

It's no secret that next year I want to go to Japan and South Korea so I hope nothing happens.

I'd also like to see Hong Kong one day
Hong Kong is #1 best!

As for Taiwan, Biden and Xi-

Nobody appreciates another country
interfering in their internal affairs.

The Taiwan issue was created by the USA,
from first siding with the corrupt nationalists
through to today.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Both leaders had a 2 hour call with one another regarding Taiwan: Xi says the USA is "playing with fire" while Joe says he is ready to defend Taiwan.

It's no secret that next year I want to go to Japan and South Korea so I hope nothing happens.

I'd also like to see Hong Kong one day
Both Hong Kong and mainland China are nice and worth the trip, at least they were when I went there many years ago.


Veteran Member
Both Hong Kong and mainland China are nice and worth the trip, at least they were when I went there many years ago.
Depends on where you go, and what one
finds to be "nice". One might want to
read "Culture shock China" first.

I've spent a lot of time in Taiwan,
and really it's a great place to visit.
And they love Americans even though
you make them so nervous.

Currently I am in Singapore, which is
just an Incredible place.


Well-Known Member
Depends on where you go, and what one
finds to be "nice". One might want to
read "Culture shock China" first.

I've spent a lot of time in Taiwan,
and really it's a great place to visit.
And they love Americans even though
you make them so nervous.

Currently I am in Singapore, which is
just an Incredible place.

Singapore and Malaysia do not interest me. It rains at least 3x a week all year round