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Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Can islam truly justify the september 11th attacks on america? If so, how?
I fail to see how anyone can still believe the "official" story of 9/11. :rolleyes: Go look up the Project for a New American Century. It was something that was allowed to happen, if not made to happen as it furthered certain goals that certain groups had in the pipelines for years. "Terrorism" and "jihad" were just the scripted scapegoats (when groups like Al-Qaeda
and Daesh are creations of Western intelligence). It's all a scam.
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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Can islam truly justify the september 11th attacks on america? If so, how?
There was no justification of the 9-11 attacks. The only people who thought they were okay were terrorists. A Pew Research study discovered that most Muslims do not believe the official version of what happened. The only known celebration of the attacks taht I can remember were some Palestinians, but it is also true that Yassir Arafat and other PA leaders condemned the attack.
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Well-Known Member
The question covers a subject that is much more broad than just the one attack. Does Islam encourage physical jihad against unbelievers is the real question, and the answer is absolutely yes it does. Verses 9:29 (one of the last in Islam's 22-year evolution) says, "Fight those who believe not .......".

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
The question covers a subject that is much more broad than just the one attack. Does Islam encourage physical jihad against unbelievers is the real question, and the answer is absolutely yes it does. Verses 9:29 (one of the last in Islam's 22-year evolution) says, "Fight those who believe not .......".

Selective quoting and ignoring the context such as that is a primary weapon of those who would attack the religion that has 1.8 billion followers.

The true answer is totally and absolutely NO.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
I fail to see how anyone can still believe the "official" story of 9/11. :rolleyes: Go look up the Project for a New American Century. It was something that was allowed to happen, if not made to happen as it furthered certain goals that certain groups had in the pipelines for years. "Terrorism" and "jihad" were just the scripted scapegoats (when groups like Al-Qaeda
and Daesh are creations of Western intelligence). It's all a scam.
I can see where PNAC seems to have influenced W.'s foreign policy, especially concerning the Iraq war as that seemed to be a major goal. Note: PNAC was very neo-conservative, very Republican, very Reaganite.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Also, a Christian (or Jew) attacking Islam for what's in the Quran is subject to quoting from the Bible out of context and literally ignoring all exegesis such as Lot offering his virgin daughters to a mob to do anything they want (rape) them Genesis 19:8, later on the daughter's incest with their father, supporting slavery, supporting wars of aggression etc.


Well-Known Member
Selective quoting

Selective? What does that even mean? Is it in the Qur'an or is it not?

and ignoring the context

Right. Be sure to throw in a vague reference to "context" without explaining it.

such as that is a primary weapon of those who would attack the religion that has 1.8 billion followers.

How is the number of Muslims in any way a factor in what the Qur'an says?

The true answer is totally and absolutely NO.

Then explain verse 9:29. You're up to bat. Swing away.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Selective quoting and ignoring the context such as that is a primary weapon of those who would attack the religion that has 1.8 billion followers.

The true answer is totally and absolutely NO.
You would think so.

I certainly did back in the day.

No longer.


Well-Known Member
Also, a Christian (or Jew) attacking Islam for what's in the Quran is subject to quoting from the Bible out of context and literally ignoring all exegesis such as Lot offering his virgin daughters to a mob to do anything they want (rape) them Genesis 19:8, later on the daughter's incest with their father, supporting slavery, supporting wars of aggression etc.

I'm not a believer of any sort, so I guess this doesn't apply to me. ;)


Well-Known Member
Well, no. They believe they're following direct orders from God. Whether they are is, obviously, highly dubious. IMO at least.

The 'believe' part is understood. That's what makes them Muslims in the first place. There is no doubt that the Qur'an commands Muslims to fight unbelievers. We know that because it says, "Fight those who believe not in God".