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Is the idea of hell forever a rational idea?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
(1) Temporary acts don't merit forever recompense.

When it comes to paradise, no one has a problem with it because it's an act of forever gratitude from God. It seems the problem with hell, is because it's a forever wrath and vengeance from him.

The issue seems to be then not about temporary vs forever, but an issue if forever wrath is the proper response. If forever gratitude and reward for goodness is the proper response, seems rational, forever vengeance and punishment is proper response for evil.

(2) God loves us more then we love our children.

The Quran shows that family were cut off by companions of Mohammad (s) and even fought some of their own family, when it came to truth. That is not that they didn't have affection and care for their parents, or siblings, but they detached themselves at the moment of battle between them and when their opponents showed hostility and fought the Prophet (s).

Of course, they direly wanted them to be guided, but at the end, it's not in their control.

The issue is God does want to save us before we die, and tries to intervene through intercession of his chosen from humans and Angels, and try to guide us, but at the end there is consequences for having died evil.

(3) Why can't we just change on judgment day?

This is a question. Why can't we change after? The reality is, good will and motivation is not possible in this scenario. It becomes purely a selfish act and the prayer is purely selfish with no love of God in it if you ask for God to forgive you at this point.

God set it up that death is like a pressure that motivates good deeds. That is we wish to help ourselves and others in terms of peace and guidance and relationship to God and his chosen lights on the mystic journey.

The choice is that there is forever consequences in preferring that which is lower (darkness) over that which is higher (light) and to journey downwards and running away from God's light, there is consequences.

Of course, if there was no consequences and we had forever time, it makes this trial of life with all it's complexities and simplicities meaningless.

For life to be a lesson with no consequence or reward, would make the nature of good and evil a joke play by God, it bears no reality.

On the other hand, that we have to face consequences of our actions and the faith gains light from good actions and good actions repel and purify evil actions to bring one closer to faith if have no faith, is the trial.

This also shows for similar reasons, hell is forever, as nothing can calm down God when you can't do anything of merit anymore at this point.

(4) Three things caused them to go to hell per Quran and if one was done, they would have avoided it.

(1) didn't connect to God through his established way of connecting'
(2) didn't emphasized on feeding the poor humans in need of food (Yemen ahem Yemen, etc)
(3) would vain talk with the vain talkers

If any of these are avoided or positively done (negated), if one connects to God, the other two will be avoid. If one seeks to take side of oppressed and feed the hungry, they will want also the world solution for this, and would see that lies in accepting God's guidance and kings appointed by him for justice. If one avoids vain talk, they will realize the seriousness of the two above.

Any of these, caring to feed poor, or connecting God through proper avenues, or avoiding wasting time in vain speech over and over again in one life time, they would've attained salvation.

But when all three of these are avoided...

(5) Justice is a reality

Everything no matter how little or big is assessed. None escapes God's judgment, guilt is a warning sign of a justice taking full form one day with respect to evil deeds.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
One of the steps along my way was deciding that I could not believe in God and accept permanent hell (and by extension) heaven. A loving God is to me totally incompatible with such a vision.
A loving God towards people who die evil is not possible, but a loving God who loves those who die good and forgives their evil deeds, and hates those who die evil, is compatible.

Imam Ali (a) is recorded to have said "Glory be to who his love and kindness towards his friends doesn't prevent him from his wrath and punishment towards his enemies"

A God who loves good and evil, seems unbalanced to me.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
A God who loves good and evil, seems unbalanced to me.
Why would God have to love evil to accept that humans are materially made a certain way, and that their actions seem to stem from the way nature made them, not from what direction their spirit calls them?

To punish the spirit for the doings of a broken body that is possibly outside the control of the spirit would seem injust to me.

I get that you are probably a firm believer in free-will, but I have my doubts having personally suffered schizophrenia and being completely reformed of it by medication. This suggests to me that brain chemistry and structure plays a bigger role in our actions than firm believers in free will are prepared to admit.

Then there is the whole issue of whether infinite punishments are befitting finite crimes which you hand waved away as though it were not one of the central issues as though mere assertion were enough to make it so.

In my opinion.
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Active Member
Premium Member
Neither heaven or hell are rational concepts. There is no evidence of such places, which exist only as descriptions in mildewed books and minds.


(1) Temporary acts don't merit forever recompense.

When it comes to paradise, no one has a problem with it because it's an act of forever gratitude from God. It seems the problem with hell, is because it's a forever wrath and vengeance from him.

The issue seems to be then not about temporary vs forever, but an issue if forever wrath is the proper response. If forever gratitude and reward for goodness is the proper response, seems rational, forever vengeance and punishment is proper response for evil.

(2) God loves us more then we love our children.

The Quran shows that family were cut off by companions of Mohammad (s) and even fought some of their own family, when it came to truth. That is not that they didn't have affection and care for their parents, or siblings, but they detached themselves at the moment of battle between them and when their opponents showed hostility and fought the Prophet (s).

Of course, they direly wanted them to be guided, but at the end, it's not in their control.

The issue is God does want to save us before we die, and tries to intervene through intercession of his chosen from humans and Angels, and try to guide us, but at the end there is consequences for having died evil.

(3) Why can't we just change on judgment day?

This is a question. Why can't we change after? The reality is, good will and motivation is not possible in this scenario. It becomes purely a selfish act and the prayer is purely selfish with no love of God in it if you ask for God to forgive you at this point.

God set it up that death is like a pressure that motivates good deeds. That is we wish to help ourselves and others in terms of peace and guidance and relationship to God and his chosen lights on the mystic journey.

The choice is that there is forever consequences in preferring that which is lower (darkness) over that which is higher (light) and to journey downwards and running away from God's light, there is consequences.

Of course, if there was no consequences and we had forever time, it makes this trial of life with all it's complexities and simplicities meaningless.

For life to be a lesson with no consequence or reward, would make the nature of good and evil a joke play by God, it bears no reality.

On the other hand, that we have to face consequences of our actions and the faith gains light from good actions and good actions repel and purify evil actions to bring one closer to faith if have no faith, is the trial.

This also shows for similar reasons, hell is forever, as nothing can calm down God when you can't do anything of merit anymore at this point.

(4) Three things caused them to go to hell per Quran and if one was done, they would have avoided it.

(1) didn't connect to God through his established way of connecting'
(2) didn't emphasized on feeding the poor humans in need of food (Yemen ahem Yemen, etc)
(3) would vain talk with the vain talkers

If any of these are avoided or positively done (negated), if one connects to God, the other two will be avoid. If one seeks to take side of oppressed and feed the hungry, they will want also the world solution for this, and would see that lies in accepting God's guidance and kings appointed by him for justice. If one avoids vain talk, they will realize the seriousness of the two above.

Any of these, caring to feed poor, or connecting God through proper avenues, or avoiding wasting time in vain speech over and over again in one life time, they would've attained salvation.

But when all three of these are avoided...

(5) Justice is a reality

Everything no matter how little or big is assessed. None escapes God's judgment, guilt is a warning sign of a justice taking full form one day with respect to evil deeds.

Islam doesn't have the concept of original sin, so it isn't as if people have given themselves over to an innate sinful nature to be even remotely worthy of punishment for eternity, humans were actually deliberately made with such weaknesses.

As far as I understand Islam, human beings were deliberately placed on earth to be tested, and because of our human forms we commit "sins".

So my question is: did we humans voluntarily agree to be tested in such a way? And if we were forced to be here, being influenced in a situation where we are tested, why should we have to suffer for eternity considering all the socio-economic and biological factors that affect us mentally? Islam also doesn't have the concept of the Spirit indwelling us as a helper, which christianity does, so we have no superhuman way to resist our inclinations to evil deeds. It just seems like people are being punished based off a DnD dice roll with Allah rolling on behalf of each one of us. Some people will naturally have a more difficult test than others depending on the luck of the roll. So the nature of the test isn't fair in the first place.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Neither heaven or hell are rational concepts. There is no evidence of such places, which exist only as descriptions in mildewed books and minds.

They are to me very rational concepts as this entire creation is that of opposites.

Hot - cold.
Light - Darkness.
Heaven - Hell.
Love - hate.

So a good analogy to understand heaven and hell is that of light and Darkness.

Darkness is the absence of light, darkness is not an independent force.

Heaven is a state of being, hell is the lack of those heavenly attributes. Hell is not an independent force.

So God is all the Attributes, Satan is the total lack of those attributes. That is how this reality is created.

Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

Regards Tony


Active Member
Premium Member
It just seems like people are being punished based off a DnD dice roll with Allah rolling on behalf of each one of us. Some people will naturally have a more difficult test than others depending on the luck of the roll. So the nature of the test isn't fair in the first place.

This raises an important question to believers: Why would a just, fair, and loving god provide an unfair testing ground for the soul?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
A loving God towards people who die evil is not possible, but a loving God who loves those who die good and forgives their evil deeds, and hates those who die evil, is compatible.
Perhaps you've never heard any of Jesus' teachings? From Matthew chapter 5:

38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.​

And then of course, upon the cross being unjustly murdered, Jesus prayed for his enemies saying, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do". That doesn't sound like a vengeful, spiteful, vicious, and violent God to me!

Imam Ali (a) is recorded to have said "Glory be to who his love and kindness towards his friends doesn't prevent him from his wrath and punishment towards his enemies"
How very different from Jesus he was!

A God who loves good and evil, seems unbalanced to me.
I don't believe anyone is saying God loves evil, as you just said. I don't believe that. Jesus never taught that. But you know what seems unbalanced to me? A God whose very being is Love, torturing those who don't measure up to him. A God who is Love, and yet hates, is unbalanced.
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Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
(1) Temporary acts don't merit forever recompense.

When it comes to paradise, no one has a problem with it because it's an act of forever gratitude from God. It seems the problem with hell, is because it's a forever wrath and vengeance from him.

The issue seems to be then not about temporary vs forever, but an issue if forever wrath is the proper response. If forever gratitude and reward for goodness is the proper response, seems rational, forever vengeance and punishment is proper response for evil.

(2) God loves us more then we love our children.

The Quran shows that family were cut off by companions of Mohammad (s) and even fought some of their own family, when it came to truth. That is not that they didn't have affection and care for their parents, or siblings, but they detached themselves at the moment of battle between them and when their opponents showed hostility and fought the Prophet (s).

Of course, they direly wanted them to be guided, but at the end, it's not in their control.

The issue is God does want to save us before we die, and tries to intervene through intercession of his chosen from humans and Angels, and try to guide us, but at the end there is consequences for having died evil.

(3) Why can't we just change on judgment day?

This is a question. Why can't we change after? The reality is, good will and motivation is not possible in this scenario. It becomes purely a selfish act and the prayer is purely selfish with no love of God in it if you ask for God to forgive you at this point.

God set it up that death is like a pressure that motivates good deeds. That is we wish to help ourselves and others in terms of peace and guidance and relationship to God and his chosen lights on the mystic journey.

The choice is that there is forever consequences in preferring that which is lower (darkness) over that which is higher (light) and to journey downwards and running away from God's light, there is consequences.

Of course, if there was no consequences and we had forever time, it makes this trial of life with all it's complexities and simplicities meaningless.

For life to be a lesson with no consequence or reward, would make the nature of good and evil a joke play by God, it bears no reality.

On the other hand, that we have to face consequences of our actions and the faith gains light from good actions and good actions repel and purify evil actions to bring one closer to faith if have no faith, is the trial.

This also shows for similar reasons, hell is forever, as nothing can calm down God when you can't do anything of merit anymore at this point.

(4) Three things caused them to go to hell per Quran and if one was done, they would have avoided it.

(1) didn't connect to God through his established way of connecting'
(2) didn't emphasized on feeding the poor humans in need of food (Yemen ahem Yemen, etc)
(3) would vain talk with the vain talkers

If any of these are avoided or positively done (negated), if one connects to God, the other two will be avoid. If one seeks to take side of oppressed and feed the hungry, they will want also the world solution for this, and would see that lies in accepting God's guidance and kings appointed by him for justice. If one avoids vain talk, they will realize the seriousness of the two above.

Any of these, caring to feed poor, or connecting God through proper avenues, or avoiding wasting time in vain speech over and over again in one life time, they would've attained salvation.

But when all three of these are avoided...

(5) Justice is a reality

Everything no matter how little or big is assessed. None escapes God's judgment, guilt is a warning sign of a justice taking full form one day with respect to evil deeds.
It's amazing how these things take hold willy nilly.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
Heaven and Hell are not places. They are states, or conditions of the soul’s existence, in the life after death. Their descriptions in the Qur’an are visual representations of an inner fact, i.e., their character.

Hell, in the words of the Qur’an, is ‘God’s kindled fire which rises above the hearts’ (Al-Humazah 104:6-7). In other words, this ‘fire’ originates in a person’s inner consciousness. This clearly alludes to the spiritual nature of the ‘fire’ in a person’s belated realization of wrongdoing. It is a painful realization of one’s failure as a person that arises within one’s own consciousness, not imposed by an external agency.

There is no such thing as eternal damnation in Islam. The word ‘eternity’ used in certain verses in the Qur’an relating to Hell, is explained by the Qur’an itself to mean only a period of time (An-Naba 78:23).

The Qur’an suggests an undiminished survival of the individual personality and consciousness in the life after death. In the Qur’anic view of the life to come, death and resurrection are continuous stages in the career of each human soul.


Well-Known Member
(1) Temporary acts don't merit forever recompense.

When it comes to paradise, no one has a problem with it because it's an act of forever gratitude from God. It seems the problem with hell, is because it's a forever wrath and vengeance from him.

The issue seems to be then not about temporary vs forever, but an issue if forever wrath is the proper response. If forever gratitude and reward for goodness is the proper response, seems rational, forever vengeance and punishment is proper response for evil.

(2) God loves us more then we love our children.

The Quran shows that family were cut off by companions of Mohammad (s) and even fought some of their own family, when it came to truth. That is not that they didn't have affection and care for their parents, or siblings, but they detached themselves at the moment of battle between them and when their opponents showed hostility and fought the Prophet (s).

Of course, they direly wanted them to be guided, but at the end, it's not in their control.

The issue is God does want to save us before we die, and tries to intervene through intercession of his chosen from humans and Angels, and try to guide us, but at the end there is consequences for having died evil.

(3) Why can't we just change on judgment day?

This is a question. Why can't we change after? The reality is, good will and motivation is not possible in this scenario. It becomes purely a selfish act and the prayer is purely selfish with no love of God in it if you ask for God to forgive you at this point.

God set it up that death is like a pressure that motivates good deeds. That is we wish to help ourselves and others in terms of peace and guidance and relationship to God and his chosen lights on the mystic journey.

The choice is that there is forever consequences in preferring that which is lower (darkness) over that which is higher (light) and to journey downwards and running away from God's light, there is consequences.

Of course, if there was no consequences and we had forever time, it makes this trial of life with all it's complexities and simplicities meaningless.

For life to be a lesson with no consequence or reward, would make the nature of good and evil a joke play by God, it bears no reality.

On the other hand, that we have to face consequences of our actions and the faith gains light from good actions and good actions repel and purify evil actions to bring one closer to faith if have no faith, is the trial.

This also shows for similar reasons, hell is forever, as nothing can calm down God when you can't do anything of merit anymore at this point.

(4) Three things caused them to go to hell per Quran and if one was done, they would have avoided it.

(1) didn't connect to God through his established way of connecting'
(2) didn't emphasized on feeding the poor humans in need of food (Yemen ahem Yemen, etc)
(3) would vain talk with the vain talkers

If any of these are avoided or positively done (negated), if one connects to God, the other two will be avoid. If one seeks to take side of oppressed and feed the hungry, they will want also the world solution for this, and would see that lies in accepting God's guidance and kings appointed by him for justice. If one avoids vain talk, they will realize the seriousness of the two above.

Any of these, caring to feed poor, or connecting God through proper avenues, or avoiding wasting time in vain speech over and over again in one life time, they would've attained salvation.

But when all three of these are avoided...

(5) Justice is a reality

Everything no matter how little or big is assessed. None escapes God's judgment, guilt is a warning sign of a justice taking full form one day with respect to evil deeds.

Your god seems to come up very lacking. If God can create universes, should not God come up with a better way than frying His children??

I see your god as a creation of mankind in which your god values so many of the petty things mankind holds so dear.

Mankind wants to rule and control others. Mankind uses threats, intimidation along with trying to use pain in an attempt to alter the actions of others.

Could not an Intelligent God teach His children? Further, Could not a God teach His children without teaching them to use threats, fear, intimidation along with the use of pain to alter their actions?

Mankind wants payback, punishment, and revenge all in the name of justice. Isn't it better to solve the real problems rather than to hate and teach hate?? Would not an Intelligent God have a much better way?

Mankind destroys that which is not easily fixed. Would not an Intelligent God fix no matter how long it would take rather than frying the kids?

How little you understand God. For God to be at a Higher Level, God can not value those petty things mankind holds so dear. Why not? Just look at mankind's results. Clearly those petty things incorporated in society and religion, teaching so many the wrong way, will never lead to the Best Results. It is not intelligent.

God hides nothing. It is out in the world, not in any book written by mankind. If one stopped following and ventured into undiscovered country, one might Discover it has been staring everyone in the face all this time. There was never ever a need for holy books, religions, prophets, middle men, and followers.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

If God created Hell knowing that anyone would Go there, that would make God a Monster!! God is no Monster. Hell does not exist.

Intelligence exists far beyond the Beliefs of mankind. No one should allow the threats or fear of Hell alter their choices in life. Why not? It's not an Intelligent thing to do. We are all meant to THINK rather than be dependent helpless followers needing crutches. God does not want that for His children. Hopefully, no parent does.

That's what I see. It's very very clear!!

WE all have the power to choose what we value. We can choose to see the bad in everyone or we can choose to see the goodness. I choose to see the goodness. By nurturing the goodness, one can point others to the Higher Level which will lead to those Best choices everyone is really seeking.

God places knowledge all around us. Neither God nor I make demands of any kind. I merely POINT!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
(1) Temporary acts don't merit forever recompense.

When it comes to paradise, no one has a problem with it because it's an act of forever gratitude from God. It seems the problem with hell, is because it's a forever wrath and vengeance from him.

The issue seems to be then not about temporary vs forever, but an issue if forever wrath is the proper response. If forever gratitude and reward for goodness is the proper response, seems rational, forever vengeance and punishment is proper response for evil.

(2) God loves us more then we love our children.

The Quran shows that family were cut off by companions of Mohammad (s) and even fought some of their own family, when it came to truth. That is not that they didn't have affection and care for their parents, or siblings, but they detached themselves at the moment of battle between them and when their opponents showed hostility and fought the Prophet (s).

Of course, they direly wanted them to be guided, but at the end, it's not in their control.

The issue is God does want to save us before we die, and tries to intervene through intercession of his chosen from humans and Angels, and try to guide us, but at the end there is consequences for having died evil.

(3) Why can't we just change on judgment day?

This is a question. Why can't we change after? The reality is, good will and motivation is not possible in this scenario. It becomes purely a selfish act and the prayer is purely selfish with no love of God in it if you ask for God to forgive you at this point.

God set it up that death is like a pressure that motivates good deeds. That is we wish to help ourselves and others in terms of peace and guidance and relationship to God and his chosen lights on the mystic journey.

The choice is that there is forever consequences in preferring that which is lower (darkness) over that which is higher (light) and to journey downwards and running away from God's light, there is consequences.

Of course, if there was no consequences and we had forever time, it makes this trial of life with all it's complexities and simplicities meaningless.

For life to be a lesson with no consequence or reward, would make the nature of good and evil a joke play by God, it bears no reality.

On the other hand, that we have to face consequences of our actions and the faith gains light from good actions and good actions repel and purify evil actions to bring one closer to faith if have no faith, is the trial.

This also shows for similar reasons, hell is forever, as nothing can calm down God when you can't do anything of merit anymore at this point.

(4) Three things caused them to go to hell per Quran and if one was done, they would have avoided it.

(1) didn't connect to God through his established way of connecting'
(2) didn't emphasized on feeding the poor humans in need of food (Yemen ahem Yemen, etc)
(3) would vain talk with the vain talkers

If any of these are avoided or positively done (negated), if one connects to God, the other two will be avoid. If one seeks to take side of oppressed and feed the hungry, they will want also the world solution for this, and would see that lies in accepting God's guidance and kings appointed by him for justice. If one avoids vain talk, they will realize the seriousness of the two above.

Any of these, caring to feed poor, or connecting God through proper avenues, or avoiding wasting time in vain speech over and over again in one life time, they would've attained salvation.

But when all three of these are avoided...

(5) Justice is a reality

Everything no matter how little or big is assessed. None escapes God's judgment, guilt is a warning sign of a justice taking full form one day with respect to evil deeds.
No, a forever hell is Not rational because biblical hell is temporary.
Bible hell is simply mankind's temporary stone-cold grave for the 'sleeping' (aka un-conscious) dead.
( According to -> John 11:11-14; Psalms 6:5; Psalms 13:3; Psalms 115:17; Isaiah 38:18; Ecclesiastes 9:5 )
Temporary death until Resurrection Day ( meaning Jesus' Millennium-Long Day of governing over Earth )
Acts 24:15 uses the future tense because there 'is going to be a resurrection...'
Biblical hell comes to a final end according to Revelation 20:13-14 because everyone in biblical hell will be resurrected out of hell/grave before biblical hell is cast empty into that symbolic ' second death ' for vacated biblical hell.

Matthew 25:31-33,37 is Judgement Day for the living, showing the figurative haughty ' goats ' will not change.


Veteran Member
This raises an important question to believers: Why would a just, fair, and loving god provide an unfair testing ground for the soul?
Adam and Eve I find were tested on the grounds of the paradisical Garden of Eden.
Not tested by God, but tested by His enemy Satan.
In a sense, disobedient Adam set up Satan's kingdom over God's kingdom.
So, we are living in Satan's world, which is Not God's world or kingdom as Eden was.
Sinner Satan set up the ' testing ground ' for the righteous man Job (Job 2:4-5).
By way of extension we are all in Satan's testing ground.
Satan's challenge is: ' Touch our Flesh....' ( loose physical health ) and we would Not serve God.
Adam and Eve under ideal conditions proved unfaithful.
On the other hand, Jesus and Job under very adverse conditions proved faithful.
Thus, we too can prove Satan a liar.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
It's not a completely irrational idea. I suspect it's mostly an idea. Hell isn't necessary, either. Living life and living with one's choices is enough.

Instead of focusing on avoiding hell. Why shouldn't people focus on bettering their lives? Or if they believe in a God focus on serving that God?


Spiritual but not religious, new age and omnist
Heaven and Hell are not places. They are states, or conditions of the soul’s existence, in the life after death. Their descriptions in the Qur’an are visual representations of an inner fact, i.e., their character.

Hell, in the words of the Qur’an, is ‘God’s kindled fire which rises above the hearts’ (Al-Humazah 104:6-7). In other words, this ‘fire’ originates in a person’s inner consciousness. This clearly alludes to the spiritual nature of the ‘fire’ in a person’s belated realization of wrongdoing. It is a painful realization of one’s failure as a person that arises within one’s own consciousness, not imposed by an external agency.

There is no such thing as eternal damnation in Islam. The word ‘eternity’ used in certain verses in the Qur’an relating to Hell, is explained by the Qur’an itself to mean only a period of time (An-Naba 78:23).

The Qur’an suggests an undiminished survival of the individual personality and consciousness in the life after death. In the Qur’anic view of the life to come, death and resurrection are continuous stages in the career of each human soul.
Do you also believe in reincarnation? Do sufi muslims believe in reincarnation?

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
Do you also believe in reincarnation? Do sufi muslims believe in reincarnation?
I can only speak for my self.
So in a way yes I believe it is possible, but can of course not say for certain if it happens or not.
Since I believe Hell is a state of mind, even after physical death, and hell is not a permanent torment one has in some way be able to reincarnate up from hell state toward heaven state.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Islam also doesn't have the concept of the Spirit indwelling us as a helper, which christianity does, so we have no superhuman way to resist our inclinations to evil deeds.

It does, and we are supposed to reach out to God and the Imam who is the holy spirit that can help everyone defeat their sins. He can help, but there is still free-will involved. But seeking God's help in terms of being helped by a spirit from him and word of light which is the Imam of our time and the Ahlulbayt, is not only recommended, there is no way out of darkness of our sins into the light without their company.

I've made a thread about Ahlulbayt (a) being in the journey: Ahlulbayt spiritual station and their accompanying believers on the journey.