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Is premarital sex moral or immoral?

robocop (actually)

Well-Known Member
Premium Member
So, all they have is correlation. Maybe jerks just like playing violent video games. Would you rather they kill real people? I play them and I don't have these problems. I understand what "game" means. Then again, Christians, especially white ones, in the US are responsible for most of our terrorism. The bible makes Metal Gear Solid or Mortal Kombat look silly and childish in comparison. There is a guy chopping up his hooker or whatever and mailing her chunks of meat to his neighbors. Maybe we should ban what is REALLY associated with violence in the US.

Serious crimes like killing real people go down with violent video games. However mid-level hooliganism like bullying goes up.

The Bible talks about life and death, but I would say Mortal Kombat is much more graphic and problematic here.


Well-Known Member
Abortion and homosexuality are fundy go-to issues. lol How classic. Oh sure, Jesus refused to feed and heal people or only did if they could pay for it. He hated the poor, sick and marginalized, right? That's the GOP Jesus. Narrow minded, ain'tcha?

What a load of crap.

"America’s liberals have co-opted the moral language. We are to tolerate all lifestyles, except that of the traditional family. Tolerate every “religion,” except Evangelical Christianity. Tolerate every culture, except that of the unique American civilization. We are to have compassion for America’s enemies but be “ho-hum” about our soldiers and those beheaded by our enemies. We must show compassion to criminals while caring not how victims and society live in fear. We must be sensitive to the needs of those following Haitian witchcraft, Ramadan and Kwanzaa, but do our best to prohibit nativity scenes and crosses. Sensitivity to every group, not however to white, Christian evangelicals – and their wives. We must never be racist, but bigotry is welcome when denigrating Southerners."

"Those who receive charity are taught the virtue of gratitude. When given everything by the state, however, through redistribution of wealth, recipients are taught not gratitude but a sense of entitlement. Imbibing a sense of entitlement negates and corrupts the virtue of work that God himself announces as something good for man: “Six Days Shall Ye Work”. But the leftist egalitarian is unwilling to accept a notion that there are benefactors and recipients, since it seems so “unequal.”

"It is America’s men and women of wealth, imbued with religious and civic responsibility, who have served as the greatest patrons of the civic infrastructure, be it hospitals, libraries, museums, the arts, or the charitable United Way. England once had those patrons, but they went away as redistribution of wealth came in."

"That the Bible never called for redistribution of wealth is obvious when considering that it required from its citizens only a tithing, a 10% giving. It mandated another 5% or so toward functionaries in the temple as a compensation for work they did in behalf of the citizenry, like civil servants. And while government certainly has a safety-net role, the state should eschew policies that enlarge dependency and certainly not manufacture conditions, as do the Democrats, that make redistribution of wealth inevitable."

"Although giving and charity are commanded by the Lord, nowhere in the Bible does it say that giving must first be filtered through a bloated and inefficient government bureaucracy. The Bible says that a man shall reap what he sows, but it doesn’t say we should live off of what other people sow." Obama vs. the Bible – Redistribution of Wealth
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Well-Known Member
So, all they have is correlation. Maybe jerks just like playing violent video games. Would you rather they kill real people? I play them and I don't have these problems. I understand what "game" means. Then again, Christians, especially white ones, in the US are responsible for most of our terrorism. The bible makes Metal Gear Solid or Mortal Kombat look silly and childish in comparison. There is a guy chopping up his hooker or whatever and mailing her chunks of meat to his neighbors. Maybe we should ban what is REALLY associated with violence in the US.

No. That's not how viruses work. They evolve.

If it were impossible, then smallpox would still be with us, and polio would be endemic...we'd still have the March of Dimes concentrating on buying iron lungs.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Pedos should have sex dolls and virtual porn. No actual children are harmed. They still get their rocks off.
That's how I feel about it. It's some outlet for them to turn to, it's not real and thus not hurting anyone. I've heard of them photoshopping images of adults to make them look like children, and even browsing clothing ads that feature children. Most people will state hate it, but in reality it's better than the alternative of them turn to real children in sexual situations.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
"That the Bible never called for redistribution of wealth is obvious when considering that it required from its citizens only a tithing, a 10% giving. It mandated another 5% or so toward functionaries in the temple as a compensation for work they did in behalf of the citizenry, like civil servants. And while government certainly has a safety-net role, the state should eschew policies that enlarge dependency and certainly not manufacture conditions, as do the Democrats, that make redistribution of wealth inevitable."
Then what about "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's" and "sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor?" Jesus did command those things.


Well-Known Member
Then what about "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's" and "sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor?" Jesus did command those things.

Zacharias promised to give half, and Jesus said, "Today, salvation has come to this household."

It's a matter of not making money an idol, like the rich man had done in your posting.

Who do you give your money to, the devil?

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
What a load of crap.

"America’s liberals have co-opted the moral language. We are to tolerate all lifestyles, except that of the traditional family. Tolerate every “religion,” except Evangelical Christianity. Tolerate every culture, except that of the unique American civilization. We are to have compassion for America’s enemies but be “ho-hum” about our soldiers and those beheaded by our enemies. We must show compassion to criminals while caring not how victims and society live in fear. We must be sensitive to the needs of those following Haitian witchcraft, Ramadan and Kwanzaa, but do our best to prohibit nativity scenes and crosses. Sensitivity to every group, not however to white, Christian evangelicals – and their wives. We must never be racist, but bigotry is welcome when denigrating Southerners."

"Those who receive charity are taught the virtue of gratitude. When given everything by the state, however, through redistribution of wealth, recipients are taught not gratitude but a sense of entitlement. Imbibing a sense of entitlement negates and corrupts the virtue of work that God himself announces as something good for man: “Six Days Shall Ye Work”. But the leftist egalitarian is unwilling to accept a notion that there are benefactors and recipients, since it seems so “unequal.”

"It is America’s men and women of wealth, imbued with religious and civic responsibility, who have served as the greatest patrons of the civic infrastructure, be it hospitals, libraries, museums, the arts, or the charitable United Way. England once had those patrons, but they went away as redistribution of wealth came in."

"That the Bible never called for redistribution of wealth is obvious when considering that it required from its citizens only a tithing, a 10% giving. It mandated another 5% or so toward functionaries in the temple as a compensation for work they did in behalf of the citizenry, like civil servants. And while government certainly has a safety-net role, the state should eschew policies that enlarge dependency and certainly not manufacture conditions, as do the Democrats, that make redistribution of wealth inevitable."

"Although giving and charity are commanded by the Lord, nowhere in the Bible does it say that giving must first be filtered through a bloated and inefficient government bureaucracy. The Bible says that a man shall reap what he sows, but it doesn’t say we should live off of what other people sow." Obama vs. the Bible – Redistribution of Wealth

I remember being taught that crap when I was fundy too. Ack. If you think the Bible supports capitalism, you don't know it very well. Read up on the Jubilee and Sabbatical years...

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
Zacharias promised to give half, and Jesus said, "Today, salvation has come to this household."

It's a matter of not making money an idol, like the rich man had done in your posting.

Who do you give your money to, the devil?

How old are you?


Well-Known Member
I remember being taught that crap when I was fundy too. Ack. If you think the Bible supports capitalism, you don't know it very well. Read up on the Jubilee and Sabbatical years...


The Bible says a man shall reap what he sows, not what other people show. It says he shall have his own vineyard. In addition, socialism is based in envy for other people's goods. The 10th Commandment says you shall not covet what belongs to your neighbor.

Besides, socialism doesn't work. And liberals are too ate up with stupidity to know that.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
I know a person who has 4 children to 3 different women. His life is absolute hell. The life of the children has been destroyed. The women fight over things they want, if he buys a car for one of them then the other one won’t let him see his children until she gets a car too! His shirts get ripped. He goes out with other women on top of that and they recently lit his shirt, threw it in the car and the car exploded. They were out of the car then. There is a very good reason for monogamy and this person has shown me clearly why.
And what has this man's situation got to do with 'Morals'?

He could easily be a Bahai, because Bahai divorce is not difficult.

And Bahai does not believe absolutely in monogamy.

Any community that starts to look down upon folks with marital/parental issues as 'immoral' is a bad community.

If anyone wants to have that sort of life good luck to them. I’m happily married to one beautiful soul for 40 years and I live in contentment and peace.
Good. But contentment and peace can be about Lady Luck, so don't please point to a 'moral' life for either. I know lots of folks with integrity who have led most unfortunate lives with relationships.

Dan From Smithville

Monsters! Monsters from the id! Forbidden Planet
Staff member
Premium Member
Whose morals? Certainly not human morality.

Sex is natural to almost every living thing on this planet almost since the first cells began to get together, marriage isn't, the first known marriage occured less than 4500 years ago.
I believe the people of the time called that a club wedding, since shotguns had not been invented yet.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It's a matter of not making money an idol, like the rich man had done in your posting.
So does it not matter that Jesus it's easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle than get into Heaven? Are you just ignoring his multiple and many commands to give your money to the poor, and to sell all your possessions?
Who do you give your money to, the devil?
I'm not a Christian so what does it matter to you? Mine goes to the environment and animals.


Well-Known Member
Then what about "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's" and "sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor?" Jesus did command those things.
Which was a bit stupid, if the guy really said that. We give generously to charities, but keep some for ourselves too.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Which was a bit stupid, if the guy really said that. We give generously to charities, but keep some for ourselves too.
Not really. Humans are humans, are we tend to think of ourselves and our own first, and ancient Greece is the only example I'm aware of where people weren't eager to dodge their tax responsibility (it was considered a duty to the state and eagerly paid, often more than was required, due to the idea they (the individual) have the fortune of the city-state made it possible for them to make their own personal fortune).


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
"That the Bible never called for redistribution of wealth is obvious when considering that it required from its citizens only a tithing, a 10% giving. It mandated another 5% or so toward functionaries in the temple as a compensation for work they did in behalf of the citizenry, like civil servants. And while government certainly has a safety-net role, the state should eschew policies that enlarge dependency and certainly not manufacture conditions, as do the Democrats, that make redistribution of wealth inevitable."
Acts 4:32-35:

32 The group of those who believed were of one heart and mind, and no one said that any of his possessions was his own, but everything was held in common. 33 With great power the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was on them all. 34 For there was no one needy among them, because those who were owners of land or houses were selling them and bringing the proceeds from the sales 35 and placing them at the apostles’ feet. The proceeds were distributed to each, as anyone had need.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
And what has this man's situation got to do with 'Morals'?

He could easily be a Bahai, because Bahai divorce is not difficult.

And Bahai does not believe absolutely in monogamy.

Any community that starts to look down upon folks with marital/parental issues as 'immoral' is a bad community.

Good. But contentment and peace can be about Lady Luck, so don't please point to a 'moral' life for either. I know lots of folks with integrity who have led most unfortunate lives with relationships.

It’s immoral for a reason or many reasons some of which I clearly gave. Childrens upbringing is disrupted. Disunity prevails and the rights of the child to a stable home with parents is denied.

It’s also immoral,because the purpose of sex is abused and only pursued for pleasure instead of its real purpose which is to create a stable family life and home so the next generation can fulfil its potential.

When sex is used like a hit and run Casanova it leaves behind it the wreckage of a dysfunctional and unstable life for the child which are the victims of this immorality which only seeks pleasure without responsibility.


Well-Known Member
Acts 4:32-35:

32 The group of those who believed were of one heart and mind, and no one said that any of his possessions was his own, but everything was held in common. 33 With great power the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was on them all. 34 For there was no one needy among them, because those who were owners of land or houses were selling them and bringing the proceeds from the sales 35 and placing them at the apostles’ feet. The proceeds were distributed to each, as anyone had need.

Show me where the Lord commanded them to do that?