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Iran is at fault.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
The problems started over ~70 years ago I think,since then we have had numerous administrations republican and democrat. Sometimes the host countries were /are glad we are there, some aren't so happy It's been a mess for decades and Trumps been in less than four years.

So that makes it all ok then


So that makes it all ok then

You have to use the cards you are dealt and in this case it seems they were tracking this guy for years waiting for an opportunnity. The good thing is they eliminated a lot of civilian casualties, they had a chance and took it.


RF's Swedenborgian
Maybe if the Zionist state of Israel wasn’t the oppressor of the entire Middle East. And maybe if the world’s bully wasn’t spending trillions of dollars building things to kill people, then there might me peace on earth. But that’s another story.

I have visited Iran a number of times, and didn’t notice alleged oppression of women that you speak of. I lived in the Middle east for quite a few years, and traveled throughout the area (not Israel), and I found the people there to be quite wonderful. Perhaps you should do some research of what life is really like there. But that’s another story.

Please check out the New UN Report Document regrading Iran's Continued Human Rights Abuses

FDD | New UN Report Documents Iran’s Continued Human Rights Abuses

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Is the US leadership insane?
(insane = Inability to do what is good and believe what is true.

View attachment 36116

This was posted on the Ron Paul website, with a statement showing how Iran is totally at fault.
They had the nerve to place their country right in the middle of 35 American military bases.

Lol. You should tell that one to Reuven Rivlin.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Maybe if the Zionist state of Israel wasn’t the oppressor of the entire Middle East. And maybe if the world’s bully wasn’t spending trillions of dollars building things to kill people, then there might me peace on earth. But that’s another story.

I have visited Iran a number of times, and didn’t notice alleged oppression of women that you speak of. I lived in the Middle east for quite a few years, and traveled throughout the area (not Israel), and I found the people there to be quite wonderful. Perhaps you should do some research of what life is really like there. But that’s another story.

Iran 2018


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
You have to use the cards you are dealt and in this case it seems they were tracking this guy for years waiting for an opportunnity. The good thing is they eliminated a lot of civilian casualties, they had a chance and took it.

Oh goody, killing a foreign national in a 3 rd country and causing resentment in 2 countries, possible war is a cool way to bolster support for an election campaign.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Are you really sure that was what this was about?

For a shallow guy like trump who thinks its cool to gram women by the ****** i im certain it was the deciding factor in his shallow mind


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
If it is all you got to work with....
I think Trump actually has a lot going for him in the upcoming election.
Starting a war would be a risky strategy.
In the game of go, there's a well known proverb.....
"Rich men don't pick fights."
Fights generate complexity & risk for both sides.
When one is ahead in the game, starting a fight
can risk a downside greater than one's lead.
One goes from likely victory to a crap shoot.

I don't know if Trump will see it this way, but
were he wise, he'd learn go proverbs.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Good point, but what about the tendency of the rich to get others to fight their fights, while they sheltered safely in the background?