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Impeachment for Trump

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Sadly, I've tried. Even though Pence has factually stated the civil liberties of the LBGT community are beneath religious bigotry, I've actually been countered that Hillary poses just as equal a threat to civil liberties.
Personally, having my rights signed out of existence once already and a real chance of that happening again has made me rather bitter and jaded towards democracy. Hordes of ignorant yokels should not, ever, be allowed to set up something that strips away the rights of others. Seriously, in many cases, **** the will of the people! We aren't even supposed to be a Democracy for that very reason.
Tyranny by the minority is just as destructive.


Premium Member
Your rights are protected, and what Pence would be doing is also protecting the rights of religious. Best of both worlds.
Religious freedom doesn't work that way otherwise we would have work places saying they don't want satanists, atheists or certain denominations to work with them. Religious people can't choose to not work with people of different orientations same as they can't choose whether they work with minorities or women. LGBT struggle for rights is the same as the rights women struggle for due to religious and cultural hypocrisy.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Your rights are protected, and what Pence would be doing is also protecting the rights of religious. Best of both worlds.
Pence signed into law a bill that allowed for discrimination so long as it done on "sincerely held" religious beliefs. That is not protecting rights, not even for the religious.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I'm not the one advocating for people to be denied service, healthcare, education, employment, or housing.
I'm just saying it's a two way street. Drastic measures calls for drastic action dosent always work as intended.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I'm just saying it's a two way street. Drastic measures calls for drastic action dosent always work as intended.
The drastic measure and action was Pence's RFRA. It wasn't a "two-way street," it was a "one way" bulldozer for the Christian Right to trample the LBGT community. Like when Pence tried to say state employees didn't have to obey Federal law and wed homosexual couples.
Pence has been consistently anti-LBGT, up to saying employers shouldn't hire them, he's against non-discrimination laws, tried to divert AIDs funding, and he thinks homosexuality is a "pathological condition." There is no defending his anti-LBGT record, not unless you yourself are anti-LBGT and in favor of what Pence calls "religious liberty."
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Apistevist Asexual Atheist
I agree, but all of the people would have to revolt and just stop voting.

Because the ones doing the impeaching would also be ones with the dirty hands in violating human rights.

Doesn't matter at this point, it's just a downhill slide until people figure out that the state of the government is more than partially the fault of the general public.

It would be nice if there was just a little $5, 30 question simple test to take concerning politics.
It would make all the difference and this years election would be between Bernie and Jill.
The better of two goods or the lesser of two evils, which sounds better?


Premium Member
The better of two goods or the lesser of two evils, which sounds better?
I'm a Sanders fan but when it comes to calling Hillary evil I think its a different definition of what I would consider evil. Evil people don't fight for civil rights, do great things with charity work and fight corporate greed.
Because the ones doing the impeaching would also be ones with the dirty hands in violating human rights.

If it's shown that there are sufficient constitutional grounds for impeachment, would this apply? As far as I know, it's unconstitutional to impose further limitations on candidacy - nothing about applying law to them post-election. Or am I unaware of something?

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
There's a fine line I think. Regarding Pence.

One can argue that religious freedom includes proselytizing, that is being banned right here on RF for instance.

I suppose unfairly targeting a religion specifically might present a better position when it come to religious freedom, or is it freedom from religion?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
One can argue that religious freedom includes proselytizing, that is being banned right here on RF for instance.
There is no "is being" banned because it's always been banned. Forums are also poor examples because you agree to abide by certain terms when you register.
I suppose unfairly targeting a religion specifically might present a better position when it come to religious freedom, or is it freedom from religion?
Religion wasn't being targeted. Religion was targeting homosexuals and transgenders. Socially, Pence's RFRA really was a "Gay Jim Crow" law. Brake out the old signs, cross out "Negro," and write in "****," and it's legal just as long as you have a "sincerely held" religious belief. (I keep using quotations around sincerely held because such wording was the heart and soul of the bill driving the claims of "religious freedom.") I haven't heard if she's stood trial yet, but one lady even used it as a defense to whip her child with a wire. According to Pence, religion, at least in his scope of his historic record of being strongly anti-LBGT, should come above the rights and liberties of LBGT individuals. This has much deeper, more serious, and more dire consequences than denied wedding cakes.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
What about his?
In a way, it reminds of the episode of the Boondocks when Tom fails to prosecute R Kelley for sexually urinating on an underaged girl (and he was obviously guilty from every angle). It doesn't matter the facts, emotions are perhaps our greatest joy and greatest destruction in life.


Well-Known Member
There's a fine line I think. Regarding Pence.

One can argue that religious freedom includes proselytizing, that is being banned right here on RF for instance.

I suppose unfairly targeting a religion specifically might present a better position when it come to religious freedom, or is it freedom from religion?

I like what Pence says. Reading the RFRA as opposed to listening to what media sources say regarding it.

People are purposely trying to stir up fear, hate, and division. And when people are under these, they tend to think everyone is out to get them, have a difficult time seeing the other side, and turn what is not discriminating into it being discriminating. Turn what is simply equal into perceived bigotry.

And when the actual bigotry and discrimination occurs in small doses, the stories are exploited even more and everyone seems to be included in the religious bigot and discrimination category. Including Pence.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't matter at this point, it's just a downhill slide until people figure out that the state of the government is more than partially the fault of the general public.

It would be nice if there was just a little $5, 30 question simple test to take concerning politics.
It would make all the difference and this years election would be between Bernie and Jill.
The better of two goods or the lesser of two evils, which sounds better?

All this silly business is just false democracy under the guise of equal democracy.

I'd love for someone like Jill to be the first woman president.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I wonder if Bill Cosby ever wonders what he did wrong to not get the character assassination resistance that Trump has developed over his own accusations of sexual deviancy?