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I'm Lost


Well-Known Member

As many of the Mormons might know, I've been strugging with my testimony recently (like the past year or so). I must admit, I have doubts about the theology, but I like the lifestyle.

Many of my posts have been angry recently and for that, I am sorry. I've been on the attack because I fear I don't know where I stand personally.

Recently, I've been looking for what I feel is right for me. I was reading what Evangelicals were posting in a Protestant DIR forum and felt (what I thought was) the Spirit move within me. I was shocked. I thought, could they be right. As I pondered this, I felt the Spirit increase and felt a love and knowledge of God I hadn't thought possible. I was compelled to post in that thread and share my knowledge that there is One God and Christ is our Lord and Savior.

I posted this.

And immediately I was rejected. I was told I wasn't welcomed and kicked out.

How could this be? I thought I had found what I've been searching for. Why would God do this to me?

I'm lost.



Obstructor of justice
Well, I am not a Christian, so feel free to ignore me, but I think that it's probably best for you to listen to your heart and what you think God is trying to tell you, and forget what anyone else has to say.
I hear a chorus over and over again here "don't reject God just because you had bad experiences with Christians". If they choose not to accept you, then it doesn't necessarily mean that it's not the direction you should go, it just means that those particular people are too narrow-minded to try and fellowship with someone who needs it.

Anyhow, I hope that helps. :)


Well, nutshell, it is my experience that (hu)men reject people, not God. In this case, I believe the forum atmosphere...perhaps had you prefaced your repsonse with what you have told us, the response of the others may have been different. I don't know. But, keep looking, God will find you wherever you go. Peace.


Not your average Mormon
Recently, I've been looking for what I feel is right for me. I was reading what Evangelicals were posting in a Protestant DIR forum and felt (what I thought was) the Spirit move within me. I was shocked. I thought, could they be right. As I pondered this, I felt the Spirit increase and felt a love and knowledge of God I hadn't thought possible. I was compelled to post in that thread and share my knowledge that there is One God and Christ is our Lord and Savior.

I posted this.

And immediately I was rejected. I was told I wasn't welcomed and kicked out.

How could this be? I thought I had found what I've been searching for. Why would God do this to me?
Okay, devil's advocate speaking here...

How could what be? How could Evangelical Christians tell you you aren't welcome on their forum? Isn't that the same thing as asking, "How could someone misuse his agency and not behave like a Christian should behave?"

Why would God do what to you? What makes you think He is responsible for how people behave?

I'm lost.
No you're not. Good try, though.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member

How could this be? I thought I had found what I've been searching for. Why would God do this to me?

I'm lost.


Maybe He was telling you to heed the message but ignore the messengers. Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn from time to time.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Sorry to hear it Nutshell. People should try a bit of politeness now and then...

You may feel lost, but take it as a chance to explore your spirituality a bit. Feel around a bit, like Quagmire's blind squirrel. Existence is rich in spirit. Might as well sample!

Jesus said something along the lines of "Where two or more of you gather in my name, there I shall be." I wouldn't worry about the label of those you gather with. Just make sure you enjoy their company.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure they'll be really nice to you now. :)

People usually show off their true character until they want something out of you. Then they'll do what it takes to get it. Once they've got it, they'll keep you around as long as they get some sort of benefit or satisfaction for having your around. After you no longer are giving them what they want, they'll go back to showing their true character again. This isn't a stab at Evangelicals. It's just what I've observed from people in general.

This philosophy is why, while I accept people's apologies and forgive them, I still see the initial act as the act of their true character and how they really feel towards me or others. The apology is an admission that they have a character flaw (as we all do).

I know it's a pretty pesimistic view of interpersonal relationships, but it's what life has taught me.

Anyone who is honest will admit to struggling with their faith from time to time. Otherwise, it wouldn't require faith. If you ever want to talk, I'm willing.


The Feisty Penguin
I'm sorry for your troubles, I find it really sad that some people chose to exploit small differences in opinions rather than embrace the large amounts of similarities.

I honestly don't know what else to say, what I wanted to has already been said. I wish you luck and strength that you find what you are looking for.


Well-Known Member
The sad thing is, they don't even come to me for support - even now - After I've confessed my experience and desires and confusion. :(


The Feisty Penguin
The sad thing is, they don't even come to me for support - even now - After I've confessed my experience and desires and confusion. :(

I honestly don't mean to discourage you at all but, perhaps that in itself says something.

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
Don't let anybody deter you from where God is leading, if you really feel pulled to the evangelical beliefs, don't let the representation here disuade you. I would suggest visiting the respective worship services of those churches you are drawn to.


Mother Heathen
Hi Nutshell,

I just wanted to say hello and let you know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers as you work this out.

I understand very well what you're going through. I've struggled with where I belong. A little over a year ago, I had a church family. I was confident with my "station" as a Pentecostal and then something changed within me. Not my belief in Christ and my core beliefs but I felt like I really didn't fit in anymore and that I needed to go elsewhere.

It's a hard process to go through. My bitterness towards denominations and many of the traditions of organized religion stems from the fact that much of the time, I feel displaced, like I don't know where I belong within those denominations and traditions.

What keeps me grounded is knowing with all of my heart is that Christ Jesus died for me, so that I can have everlasting life with Him. This knowledge sustains me and gives me peace and comfort. I figure, with Christ, I can always belong.

My prayers for you are that your journey will result in something beautiful. I feel that if you keep Jesus at the wheel, it will not matter where you're being led, it will be a blessed place.

Fortunately for all of us, Jesus promised that he'd never leave us alone. So, we can't be but so lost. :hug:

"If you love Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever, the Spirit of turht, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you."

John 14:15-18 NKJV

And you know me, I can't help but provide you with a link to a song. This song always puts things in perspective for me when I'm feeling down. And there's no mention of Mormon or Evangelicalism. It's just uplifting.:)



Well-Known Member

As many of the Mormons might know, I've been strugging with my testimony recently (like the past year or so). I must admit, I have doubts about the theology, but I like the lifestyle.

Many of my posts have been angry recently and for that, I am sorry. I've been on the attack because I fear I don't know where I stand personally.

Recently, I've been looking for what I feel is right for me. I was reading what Evangelicals were posting in a Protestant DIR forum and felt (what I thought was) the Spirit move within me. I was shocked. I thought, could they be right. As I pondered this, I felt the Spirit increase and felt a love and knowledge of God I hadn't thought possible. I was compelled to post in that thread and share my knowledge that there is One God and Christ is our Lord and Savior.

I posted this.

And immediately I was rejected. I was told I wasn't welcomed and kicked out.

How could this be? I thought I had found what I've been searching for. Why would God do this to me?

I'm lost.


Hi Nutshell!
Thats cleared my confusion up! I was wondering why there was "evangical in training" when you were an LDS.
Well that was a bit mean of them to do that? Did they know you were speaking as a "evagical in training" or did they think it was your LDS view point? Listen to your heart..... and God and you cant go far wrong! Gods not doing it to you....men are!
Can I ask - has something happened in your life which has brought on this confusion? or are you generally just seeing things from a different perspective?
Best Wishes, God Bless.
:) :rainbow1:


Well-Known Member

As many of the Mormons might know, I've been strugging with my testimony recently (like the past year or so). I must admit, I have doubts about the theology, but I like the lifestyle.

Many of my posts have been angry recently and for that, I am sorry. I've been on the attack because I fear I don't know where I stand personally.

Recently, I've been looking for what I feel is right for me. I was reading what Evangelicals were posting in a Protestant DIR forum and felt (what I thought was) the Spirit move within me. I was shocked. I thought, could they be right. As I pondered this, I felt the Spirit increase and felt a love and knowledge of God I hadn't thought possible. I was compelled to post in that thread and share my knowledge that there is One God and Christ is our Lord and Savior.

I posted this.

And immediately I was rejected. I was told I wasn't welcomed and kicked out.

How could this be? I thought I had found what I've been searching for. Why would God do this to me?

I'm lost.

You shared with them that you believe there is one God and Christ is our Lord and Saviour, then they kicked you out??? What reason did they give for kicking you out? Point me to the thread, I would like to get to the bottom of it and perhaps help you out if I possibly can in any way.
Love, Grace, and Peace,

Special Revelation

Active Member
You shared with them that you believe there is one God and Christ is our Lord and Saviour, then they kicked you out??? What reason did they give for kicking you out? Point me to the thread, I would like to get to the bottom of it and perhaps help you out if I possibly can in any way.
Love, Grace, and Peace,

Hey Mike,

Check out the Thread called "Fellowship - Faith Alone Christians only". Our first reaction: Nutshell is a mole in our Fellowship Thread. I cannot read his heart and motive. I have asked him to post of what he believes in regards to Joseph Smith, but Nutshell has not answered. I will bow out with my discussion with Nutshell for it appears that I am breaking forum rules with my conversations with him. This has been brought to my attention in a formal way. Have fun sharing the Faith with Nutshell.


Well-Known Member
Hey Mike,

Check out the Thread called "Fellowship - Faith Alone Christians only". Our first reaction: Nutshell is a mole in our Fellowship Thread. I cannot read his heart and motive. I have asked him to post of what he believes in regards to Joseph Smith, but Nutshell has not answered. I will bow out with my discussion with Nutshell for it appears that I am breaking forum rules with my conversations with him. This has been brought to my attention in a formal way. Have fun sharing the Faith with Nutshell.
Yeah, I did. What is wrong with you guys? Nutshell has had questions about his religion and is trying to tell you he is now trusting alone in Christ alone! I looked at the posts, he did not say anything bad, but everyone else attacked him. I have to say you can count me out of that kind of thing. If he is sincere it will show, and if not, then if he posts something there that is hostile or whatever, that is, if and when, not until then, and only then, should anyone take action. Right now is the time to love him and be open and kind and as helpful as possible. If he has a question he may need to ask that is 'flammable' to the thread, he can pm or start another thread. I just read those posts and am not happy about it, he was attacked as soon as he joined and that was wrong. Give him a chance, then another...etc. He has been here a long time searching for truth and deserves your respect. Time will tell if there is a problem, but you must give him time and patience. Maybe I am missing something, and if so the laugh is on me, but I believe he comes with a pure heart and pure motives, hear him out.