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If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be?


Big Queer Chesticles!
Precisely! Whatever people mean by free will seems to be at least perceived differently according to the emotional state.

When I realized that I wondered what could improve that perception, be it an illusion or a fact. And I realized that it is mainly the constrast of being a well-supported, integrated and accepted person with being disliked, avoided and insulted.

My emotional state used to be pretty bad until I saw a Psychologist (who was awesome btw). Now my choices and decisions differ like you would not believe.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
My emotional state used to be pretty bad until I saw a Psychologist (who was awesome btw). Now my choices and decisions differ like you would not believe.

Do you feel, for lack of a better wording, that he/she perceives you when looking at you, and that was just not all that frequent before? Does that ring a bell?


Well-Known Member
Is it? I don't think I agree.

If I infer from this thread correctly, everyone is blaming one point in time for their current situation or even their existence.

There are two sides of the sword with this, imo. Every time I bring something up in the past that hurt me, I tend to hold on to it even more. But some times, if I don't bring it up, then I can't let it go.

If this helps you to let it go, then I'm all for it, but please don't hold on to whatever negatives that you might attribute your current life to.

I say this with all my respect.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I'd go back and make sure I met my current wife a whole lot sooner -- like in high school. Dang! She was H.O.T. back then (still is, too!)


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
If I infer from this thread correctly, everyone is blaming one point in time for their current situation or even their existence.

Three or four of us seem to be saying that our conceptions were, objectively, mistakes. I realize that it may be shocking for some people to hear that, but it is not all that unusual a happening.

And I don't think there is too much controversy over the statement that one's own conception and birth do have a lot of consequences for any given person.

Whether that constitutes blaming... we would have to work on that to reach a consensus.

There are two sides of the sword with this, imo. Every time I bring something up in the past that hurt me, I tend to hold on to it even more. But some times, if I don't bring it up, then I can't let it go.

If this helps you to let it go, then I'm all for it, but please don't hold on to whatever negatives that you might attribute your current life to.

Sigh. I have heard that so many times. You don't even realize how destructive such a request can be, now do you?

It is a good thing that I am quite forewarned.

I say this with all my respect.

I know.


Well-Known Member
You don't even realize how destructive such a request can be, now do you?

You're referring to me asking you to let it go as being destructive? And no I don't realize how destructive it can be.

Let me tell you where that came from in my life. It came from a psychologist who helped me a lot and I can positively say I'm the better person from it.


pro scapegoat
I'd go back to those great theological disputes back in the 14th century and have the Fransiscans beat the Dominicans over whether or not Jesus owned his own clothes.

A church that despised wealth would make for a very different world today.


Well-Known Member
Three or four of us seem to be saying that our conceptions were, objectively, mistakes. I realize that it may be shocking for some people to hear that, but it is not all that unusual a happening.

And I don't think there is too much controversy over the statement that one's own conception and birth do have a lot of consequences for any given person.

Whether that constitutes blaming... we would have to work on that to reach a consensus.

I need to go finish up some things but I wanted to finish my thought.

Luis, before I joined the forums, I've read through it for about a week. I ran across a lot of your threads and admired you for your neutral style. And now I'm here.

Sorry buddy, but your initial statement is not an objective statement. I want to be clear on my view so others that come here just frankly has another view to read before they assume that they can objectively declare there conception a mistake. So let's break down your statement

1) You mentioned 3 or 4 of you. I think you can only speak for yourself here.
2) Since you refered to conception, then that meant your parents didn't plan you because that is the most common usage of a mistake concerning conception. Unless you want to clarify this.
3) Now I refered to your existence. If you had any reference to your existence a mistake then frankly that is purely subjective. There is no possible way to make that objective. You're not a bad person, I assume? No, you're here in this forum helping many others. And here's the catch, your existence is still going forward. It didn't stop at the point of when you've finished reading this thread. You have much more time and with will, you can be more than what you perceive now.
4) I don't deny that conception and birth has consequences to a person's life, but is that all you're including? What about your will? What is your will to be happy?

Luis, it's your life, so do what you want. But anyone else that comes here, read both arguments and choose for yourself.

Oh btw, here's a great source:
Disney's Frozen "Let It Go" Sequence Performed by Idina Menzel - YouTube

I've already introduced this to my kids. They love it!


Well-Known Member
suncowiam it is easier to say it than to actually do it.

Agreed, it actually is very hard. It took me a long time to let things go myself. Like I said, I went to therapy. Did it for two-three years. Over time, I basically learned to let things go. It takes training with guidance. My issue was a very low seft-esteem and extreme shyness.

In social settings, I did not realize that I was negatively talking to myself. I was always labeling myself as the social loser and these people will hate me when they find out who I really am. My therapist showed me how to counter that inner voice. And I did train myself to stop. It's still there but I catch myself really fast and stop that destructive inner voice. Over time, I became more confident and less shy. If you're further interested in what I went through and not risking me being too pushy in this thread, then pm me or even ask here.

But ask yourself why kids and dogs are a bundle of energy and excited. Because they truly live in the here and now.

If you don't want to hear my babble then this will be my last post on this thread. I just needed to offer another perspective.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
You're using an awful lot of premises of dubious relevance to the matter, that is all.


Well-Known Member
Particularly when one is literally unaware of what he is talking about.

Actually, now I have an issue with you.

You called me destructive. I think you are the destructive one with your "conception being a mistake" mantra. This is irresponsible even from an athiest.

Tell me how I was being destructive. If a song and dance to literally say "let it go" to millions of kids can be easily accepted then are you going to reason that is destructive?