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Help regarding tea


se Dex me saut.
Staff member
Premium Member
So it's not called herbal tea abroad? Didn't know that. Learn something new each day/gen
It's called herbal tea here. I only hear Poirot saying tisane and I had to look it up. It is, as others have said tho, not technically tea as in the tea plant. Others like to use the word infusion for these drinks.


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Oh no. I drunk a gallon of black tea. That's a lot of caffeine. Due to my ADHD caffeine makes me sleepy and mellows me out. Two cups of coffee is enough that I sleep for about an hour. A gallon of tea has much more caffeine then that. I now feel kinda drugged.


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Hey so I can avoid doing that again unless I want my brain that calm what kind of teas have caffeine?


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Hey so I can avoid doing that again unless I want my brain that calm what kind of teas have caffeine?
As ppl said, every tea with actual tea leaves in them. Though green tea will have less of it than black tree.
By the way, this, in my opinion, is the best tea in the world
Thurbo Whole Leaf Single Estate Darjeeling Tea - Goodricke Tea
A more premium variant
Castleton Premium Muscatel Darjeeling Tea - Goodricke Tea

A brief description here
Darjeeling tea - Wikipedia

With the exception of the first flush, orthodox (i.e. not crush, tear, curl) Darjeeling teas are generally prepared in the same manner as other black teas. Tea connoisseurs recommend a water temperature ranging between 90 °C (194 °F) to 95 °C (203 °F) in a single infusion of 3 to 4 minutes, whereas first flushes, like other early spring teas such as Jin Jun Mei tea, use water of slightly lower temperature at 85 to 90 °C and an infusion time of 2 to 3 minutes. For every 150 milliliters (2⁄3 cup) of water used, 2 to 3 grams (one tablespoon) of loose leaf tea is added. As Darjeeling teas are low in malt and bitter characteristics and are appreciated for delicate floral and fruit aromas, milk and sweeteners are typically not added. Their high tannin content allows them to be paired well with carbohydrate-rich foods, such as baked goods and pasta.[18]

Darjeeling teas are best known for the muscatel flavour, described as a "musky spiciness",[21] "a unique muscat-like fruitiness in aroma and flavour",[22] that develops in the second flush and is present to a lesser degree in the subsequent autumnal flush. While general tea flavours are created by thearubigins and theaflavins, chemical analysis on Darjeeling teas show their unique muscatel flavour is the result of 3,7-dimethyl-1,5,7-octatrien-3-ol and 2,6-dimethyl-3,7-octa-diene-2,6-diol, with other aromatic compounds coming from linalool, benzyl alcohol, cis-3-hexenol, α-farnesene, benzyl nitrile, indole, nerolidol and ocimene.[2] Otherwise, Darjeeling teas are described as possessing a flowery fragrance and fruity (grapes, plums, apricots, peaches, pineapple, guava, or citrus fruits), flowery and woody aroma notes, and a little more astringency than their Chinese counterparts.[18][4][23]


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
As ppl said, every tea with actual tea leaves in them. Though green tea will have less of it than black tree.
By the way, this, in my opinion, is the best tea in the world
Thurbo Whole Leaf Single Estate Darjeeling Tea - Goodricke Tea
A more premium variant
Castleton Premium Muscatel Darjeeling Tea - Goodricke Tea

A brief description here
Darjeeling tea - Wikipedia
Anything with tea leaves (not herbal teas) not labeled as decaf contains caffeine.

How would i know if they contain actual tea leaves? I know black tea does and so does green tea. Any other teas?


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
As ppl said, every tea with actual tea leaves in them. Though green tea will have less of it than black tree.
By the way, this, in my opinion, is the best tea in the world
Thurbo Whole Leaf Single Estate Darjeeling Tea - Goodricke Tea
A more premium variant
Castleton Premium Muscatel Darjeeling Tea - Goodricke Tea

A brief description here
Darjeeling tea - Wikipedia
Just read your edit now I know Darjeeling tea is a type of black tea. I'd have to try it. I've decided to go on about trying true teas and herbal teas im so curious what different types taste like I ordered yesterday a package of samples of different types of herbal teas. I'd have to see if i can find one with black teas and other types of true teas

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Im making tea. Do i leave the leaves in? I never made tea before...

View attachment 72778

Chinese leave the leave in and just keep adding hot water throughout the day. Others take them out... and there is no standard time to let tea steep, that to is a variable... but many strictly adhere to what they grew up with. and in some cases call all others wrong........it is up to you


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Im making tea. Do i leave the leaves in? I never made tea before...

View attachment 72778
It's a rooibos tea, which is an herbal infusion. It's technically not a tea, but we call it that anyway.

One thing about these 'teas' is that you can do multiple steepings of the tea. Don't just though away the tea after one steep. For a rooibos, you should be able to get at least 4 or 5 good steepings out of them. There is a saying I've heard that "tea is expensive to buy, but cheap to drink". That's because you can do multiple steepings, depending on the type of tea it is.

I use these for convenience, and reuse of the leaves. https://www.amazon.com/Modern-Filter-Disposable-Infuser-Filters/dp/B010RV814S/ref=sr_1_1?crid=395431DU4YHAO&keywords=t-sac&qid=1679239934&s=home-garden&sprefix=t-sac,garden,101&sr=1-1&th=1


LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member
How would i know if they contain actual tea leaves? I know black tea does and so does green tea. Any other teas?
Black tea, white tea, oolong tea, and green tea are the main types of tea, of which there are many varieties. Also look for the words chai or macha which are also types of tea that contain caffeine.