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Heaven and Hell - Myth or reality?


I have my own views, however I am interested in what others think. I think It would be interesting to find a correlation between different religions. what are your views?


Veteran Member
Does death exist at all or is it merely a product of the reality you've fashioned for yourself?

I don't think I believe in death.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
I have my own views, however I am interested in what others think. I think It would be interesting to find a correlation between different religions. what are your views?

In that case I will expand on my answer. In my religion (Vaishnavism, a school in Hinduism) there is talk of heaven and hell. Or rather, the Spiritual World and hellish planets. Some take these literally while others do not. I used to take it literally, but am no longer sure if they are real or symbolic.

Also, my answer of 'I hope so' is in reference to whether or not there is life after death. I'm not keen on a hell existing. But I do hope there is something more, hopefully better and meaningful.


Hamburgler Extraordinaire
I've always liked this quote from Paradise Lost: "The mind is its own place, and in it self Can make a Heav'n of Hell, a Hell of Heav'n"


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
RE: ''I don't think I believe in death.'' Im hopeless at using forums, how do i quote?

Toward the bottom right hand side of a person's post you will see it says 'quote'. Click that and it will take you to write a reply, automatically including the quoted text.


In that case I will expand on my answer. In my religion (Vaishnavism, a school in Hinduism) there is talk of heaven and hell. Or rather, the Spiritual World and hellish planets. Some take these literally while others do not. I used to take it literally, but am no longer sure if they are real or symbolic.

Also, my answer of 'I hope so' is in reference to whether or not there is life after death. I'm not keen on a hell existing. But I do hope there is something more, hopefully better and meaningful.

That is really interesting, and yet simliar to my own beliefs of an after life. Would your beliefs be rectified if you were to encounter an other-worldy experience?


Does death exist at all or is it merely a product of the reality you've fashioned for yourself?

I don't think I believe in death.

Perhaps death concerns the end in the use of the body, does this mean our spirits live on?
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I really hope that no one could design something as cruel as hell. So no, i do not really believe in the traditional view of heaven and hell, but i do not believe that life just stops.


Veteran Member
Perhaps death concerns the end in the use of the body, does this mean our souls live on?
I'd be a spoofer if I said I knew. But this is my feeling.
The body I have now is not the same one I had yesterday.
I am this body.
But this body is not a thing - it is a process of becoming. I feel like the same person as I was yesterday. But I'm clearly not. Perhaps I'm the same process? I don't think the creator is apart from the creation.
It seems I am a perspective, a flow and an active creator creating myself. Goodness knows what else I am but whatever it is it seems too much for this little mind of mine that types on the internet and reads books. I have a feeling that there is a greater intelligence than mine flowing through me. There in the pre-conscious moment.
Sometimes I feel if I could just relax enough I'd be able to put my finger on it. Of course I imagine as soon as I did it would slip from me.
Whatever the game is it's certainly a lot of fun :D

But death I don't see. Only creation and progress.


I have my own views, however I am interested in what others think. I think It would be interesting to find a correlation between different religions. what are your views?
There are two heavens: "Earthly heaven" "Heaven". and two hells: "Earthly Hell" "Hell".

Earthly Heaven: The enjoyful life on earth due to good health and wealths... (But this kind of life is tempraroy not stable)

Earthly Hell: The sad life on earth due to poor health and wealths... (But this kind of life is also tempraroy not stable)

Hell: The sad life on earth but it does not matter any good/bad healths or wealths (This kind of life is stable till salvation or heaven)

Heaven: The pleasureable life neither on earth nor in any part of the universe, This joyful life is in the sea of love, in love and love and love.. (this kind of life is ever pleasureable and stable)

One has to pass through "Hell" to reach "Heaven".:)



Hostis humani generis
I most certainly do not believe in Hell, as in, a place of torment. I'm not sure, but more open, to a kind of "purgatory" realm to purify--but someone roasting in flames is not going to really do anything. One cannot learn from that, one cannot be purified by that. Only scream and suffer. How would that help?

Heaven, well, it depends on one's definition of Heaven. A place of orgies or endless choir, no, I do not believe in such a thing. A state beyond dualisms, death and birth, and suffering, a realm of bliss? Yeah, sure thing.


There are two heavens: "Earthly heaven" "Heaven". and two hells: "Earthly Hell" "Hell".

Earthly Heaven: The enjoyful life on earth due to good health and wealths... (But this kind of life is tempraroy not stable)

Earthly Hell: The sad life on earth due to poor health and wealths... (But this kind of life is also tempraroy not stable)

Hell: The sad life on earth but it does not matter any good/bad healths or wealths (This kind of life is stable till salvation or heaven)

Heaven: The pleasureable life neither on earth nor in any part of the universe, This joyful life is in the sea of love, in love and love and love.. (this kind of life is ever pleasureable and stable)

One has to pass through "Hell" to reach "Heaven".:)


According to Roman Catholicism:
The dead remain in purgatory until they have become sufficiently purified to enter heaven.

Do you believe that committing mortal sins result in the banishment from heaven or are souls free to roam?


Well-Known Member
Is there life after death?

Supposing a life after death is the height of human vanity, or wishful thinking. We're just one small finite part of a finite world, one organic thing among many, and yet some presumptuously assume that we're uniquely deserving of special status and an eternal existence. Why?

The only thing unique about humankind is the ego!


So your spirit lives on?

That depends on your definition of 'spirit'.

I am mixed about this subject, I tend to believe in reincarnation, but also that people who die are still able to see us and are not just 'dead'. So, not too sure really.

Really the only true things I really do not believe in, or really hope not to be true - are a state of nothingness, just death and the concept of heaven and hell.


Silent Inquisitor
It would be a relief to think so, and to think that it was possible to have a second go at life.

However, I do not believe in an afterlife, or a second life. I believe that you simply die, cease to exist forever and ever.


According to Roman Catholicism:
The dead remain in purgatory until they have become sufficiently purified to enter heaven.
Yes, But only those souls who are initiationed by perfect masters and failed to compleate the course of purificiation compleatly during their life time.
Do you believe that committing mortal sins result in the banishment from heaven or are souls free to roam?
As committing mortal sins are always done for the incompleate desires in the body, "Soul" has to take birth again in this physical world.
