Depending on different religions and beliefs surrounding sexuality and sex, one's opinions and experiences regarding sex, can often change.
Some religions make a lot of different sex practices out to be ''sinful,'' while others, don't. Since many of us follow various religions and belief systems, thought I'd start a discussion to see where it all falls.
Yes and no. My whole life has been about sexuality in one way or another both positive and negative. Learning about sexuality, to include sex, as an adult is quite natural. It helps me appreciate my whole life in a more intimate way via my orientation, behavior, upbringings, and creative expression.
As for religion, The (Buddha) Dharma, from what I read, is speaks of sex being between male and female. Its not religious as in it being sacred in and of itself. That's just the family unit and environment (so far reading) The Buddha lived. Not quite like the US.
He spoke more about lust of the mind which physical pleasures can distract us from training the mind outside of lust. Lust meaning motivation of our attachments.
I learned a good bit from christianity about sex and the sacredness of it. It's fine. What I like about The Dharma is that sex and marriage isn't a "salvational" issue. We aren't reborn just because we have sex.
What The Dharma says is not to practice sexual promisquity as well as adultery. It's one of the five precepts. I guess it really confirmed what I already knew. I'm not one to be with someone when they are married and all people I was with are also my friends.
So, it really gave me another view on how cultures view sexuality but neither religion made me felt negative nor positive about their views just indifferent.