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God can not be disproven by science


Veteran Member
Explain to them what the reality of the matter is. If they say it is something else, then, yes. Meet them half way. Is that so scary? Do you feel your position couldn't recover from that? I guarantee, it could.
I spend a lot of time explaining.
Not that any creationist ever gets any of it.

And sometimes instead of doing the
explanation, i just,say things like
' science doesnt do proof".

Not that one in ten thousand would think
to google it, or change their understanding.


Well-Known Member
Thats why theres no proof in science.

Theres nothing "ignorant" about belief in god.
Still less in mentioning same.
We doubt anyone makes such silly claims.

Thinking science does proof, though,, is
Forgive my butting in but .... 1) Science can Prove things .. hence why somethings are called Theories vs Hypothesis. A theory is something that has been proven.. No comment on the ignorant comment and projection.

Okay, in the first place, had you offered this in the beginning instead of calling me "ignorant," we maybe could have had a polite discussion. Now I just feel annoyed and tired.

I merely stated that science cannot prove God, that's consistent with what you're saying. So, I don't know why you got an axe to grind here. But that aside, people in these forums commonly use the term proof loosely as a convenience for discussion. They don't feel obligated to qualify the term when its import, even when used loosely, will suffice. Proof=knowledge of, when discussing god's existence. It is generally accepted that god, if it exists, would lie beyond the realm of science as a supernatural entity. There's rarely a need among us "ignorant" folk to clarify the obvious. Hope that clears it up for you.

"Science can not prove God" -- Hmmm .. while science can not disprove God .. I am thinking the reverse is not true .. and that indeed Science could prove God .. were such proof available .. and .. were such proof available .. you would not need science to do much proving.

If some entity showed up with the Powers of Q in Start Trek -- a God is proven .. assuming the definition of God .. is the having of certain God-like Powers that Q has. or perhaps a better example .. the Powers of Ha Satan in the Book of Job .. and the fellow who Tests Jesus ..

Them are God like powers .. being able to bring fire down from the sky Through force of will ..


New Member
And i merely stated-in agreement- that its
ignorant to think science does proof.
That isnt remotely calling you ignorant.

' course when you went full snark on me
with that thing about all scientists it was
pretty natural to figure you didnt understand it
I still cant tell for sure.
Do scientists not speak of logical or mathematical proofs? Okay, I've had enough. Let's drop it. It's my first day, I don't wanna get sick of this before I even start.


Veteran Member
Explain to them what the reality of the matter is. If they say it is something else, then, yes. Meet them half way. Is that so scary? Do you feel your position couldn't recover from that? I guarantee, it could.
Youre being a tad condescending, btw.

The Hammer

Premium Member
You said goodbye in previous post friend .. no need to come back in door after leaving to say goodbye again .. but, thanks and Okie Dokie Doodle doo to you :)



1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I'm sorry, but you just are not making any sense here. If someone finds it "condescending" and "invalidating" to acknowledge that others have differences of opinions, values, practices, and beliefs (which one doesn't necessarily share oneself), I don't even...

You're suggesting responding to someone's sincere beliefs about objective reality the way someone would respond to a child's stories of their imaginary friend. Yes, it comes across as condescending.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
And apparently, gods can’t be proven…. By anything so far.
Actually it can be proven by science eventually , as it's a yes or no question as it would most certainly require evidence and not unsubstantiated assertions or claims.

Either there are gods, or there are no gods is pretty straightforward, and thus can be answered by science.

If there is no evidence, then the entirety of the question can be equally dismissed altogether and it would be on to other things.


New Member
I spend a lot of time explaining.
Not that any creationist ever gets any of it.

And sometimes instead of doing the
explanation, i just,say things like
' science doesnt do proof".

Not that one in ten thousand would think
to google it, or change their understanding.

I've had time to think about my encounter with you. And you helped me realize on my first day in here, I've had enough of these online forums. And maybe you're right, maybe I am too ignorant. Truth is, I've never really done or said anything extraordinary in my life, and I've only read, at most, 70 books. And in a world of knowledge, what's that? It's nothing. I'll leave the discussing to the smart people like you and others. I've got better things to do anyway. You did me a favor, you spared me the embarassment of looking ignorant in here, cuz I won't be back. I wish you and the other smart people the best of luck in your pursuit of knowledge, peace, and happiness.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I've had time to think about my encounter with you. And you helped me realize on my first day in here, I've had enough of these online forums. And maybe you're right, maybe I am too ignorant. Truth is, I've never really done or said anything extraordinary in my life, and I've only read, at most, 70 books. And in a world of knowledge, what's that? It's nothing. I'll leave the discussing to the smart people like you and others. I've got better things to do anyway. You did me a favor, you spared me the embarassment of looking ignorant in here, cuz I won't be back. I wish you and the other smart people the best of luck in your pursuit of knowledge, peace, and happiness.
Weathering the forum builds wisdom and character.


Active Member
Premium Member
I've had time to think about my encounter with you. And you helped me realize on my first day in here, I've had enough of these online forums. And maybe you're right, maybe I am too ignorant. Truth is, I've never really done or said anything extraordinary in my life, and I've only read, at most, 70 books. And in a world of knowledge, what's that? It's nothing. I'll leave the discussing to the smart people like you and others. I've got better things to do anyway. You did me a favor, you spared me the embarassment of looking ignorant in here, cuz I won't be back. I wish you and the other smart people the best of luck in your pursuit of knowledge, peace, and happiness.
I hope you'll reconsider. Not everyone here feels the need to be a douche to a new member. I myself am obviously old and have a big brain..... but I say stupid **** from time to time as well. I re-evaluate, learn something, and move forward. You'll find that for every pedantic prig, there are a dozen wise souls here, and honestly, that is a rare thing in an online forum, imo. But, if you're too sensitive for the back and forth, perhaps best to run away.... (see how I did that?) :cool:


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
You're suggesting responding to someone's sincere beliefs about objective reality the way someone would respond to a child's stories of their imaginary friend. Yes, it comes across as condescending.
Not even remotely what I'm suggesting, but okay. I was having a discussion with Ella regarding differences in opinion about things being worthy or not being worthy of deification... with the understanding that whatever it is being deified obviously already exists if we're even talking about it. But okay. Apparently for you existing as a human is inherently condescending because we can't accept differences of opinion without being condescending by default. Okay, right. Let's go with that.


Veteran Member
I've had time to think about my encounter with you. And you helped me realize on my first day in here, I've had enough of these online forums. And maybe you're right, maybe I am too ignorant. Truth is, I've never really done or said anything extraordinary in my life, and I've only read, at most, 70 books. And in a world of knowledge, what's that? It's nothing. I'll leave the discussing to the smart people like you and others. I've got better things to do anyway. You did me a favor, you spared me the embarassment of looking ignorant in here, cuz I won't be back. I wish you and the other smart people the best of luck in your pursuit of knowledge, peace, and happiness.
How you managed to concoct it that
my agreeing with your post was an insult
will remain a mystery.

But you chose to take it that way- heaven
forbid asking what was intended.

There's no mistaking snark, though, and that
was what you chose.

Ifn you are too high strung and sensitive to accept
agreement, let alone reaping as you sow, then
your parting is well made.


Well-Known Member

3 times you say goodbye .. after running from the playground ball in hand .. this third time peeping in head to hurl personal invective .. the equivalent of crying out "Your Stupid" as if this constitute a Wise and valid argument for something other than back-hand Ad Hom Fallacy.

Now . what is it that has your curlers such in a fray .. that you keep returning and wanting to play .. nipping in a cha wa wa way .. at the ankles of its Master ?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Not even remotely what I'm suggesting, but okay. I was having a discussion with Ella regarding differences in opinion about things being worthy or not being worthy of deification... with the understanding that whatever it is being deified obviously already exists if we're even talking about it.

This is the first time you're raising this point, but it's not clear what you meant.

If a thing doesn't exist at all, it isn't available to be "deified"... but earlier, you objected to the idea of saying that anyone's god-belief is invalid.

But okay. Apparently for you existing as a human is inherently condescending because we can't accept differences of opinion without being condescending by default. Okay, right. Let's go with that.

Do you seriously think that this is what I'm arguing?


Veteran Member
God is Absolute Truth, The Truth.

Science is falsehood.
God would be absolute truth if he exists.

But that doesnt mean he handed any of it to you.

Going by the gross absurdity of " science is
falsehood" we'd say he didnt share much.