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Gaza-Israel: for the record


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Personally, I find it more than a bit naive both to attempt to attribute decisive agency to the US in this conflict and to disregard the role of so-called religion to it.
I find it more than a bit evil to justify
Israel's human rights violations &
war crimes.


Veteran Member
How is it a "proxy war"?
To me that would mean USA is using Israel
against the Palestinians or Hamas. Instead,
USA is merely supporting Israel...serivilely.
It is a proxy war in the sense that foreign interests support both sides with weapons and politically. Without that support the war would end by lack of weapons and ammunition.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
So do I. Good for me that I am not proposing that, eh?
Your posts suggest otherwise.
It appears we differ on just what constitutes
oppression & war crimes. Watching the BBC
simultaneously, I see Israel bombed another
refugee camp with an air strike. It was one
that Israel didn't demand they leave.

Israel is Hamas's biggest recruiting agency.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It is a proxy war in the sense that foreign interests support both sides with weapons and politically. Without that support the war would end by lack of weapons and ammunition.
A proxy war is different from that.
"A war where two powers use third parties as a supplement to, or a substitute for fighting each other directly."

Other countries aren't using Israel to fight Palestinians.
They're supporting Israel as a sacred ally, without
Palestinian death & destruction being their goal.
That goal is singularly Israel's.

Instead of "proxy war", this is the "tail wagging the dog".
Israel = Tail
USA et al = Dogs


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Your posts suggest otherwise.
It appears we differ on just what constitutes
oppression & war crimes. Watching the BBC
simultaneously, I see Israel bombed another
refugee camp with an air strike. It was one
that Israel didn't demand they leave.

Israel is Hamas's biggest recruiting agency.
More like I am not very willing to find excuses for Hamas, I would think.

That, or you are so passionate about doing just that that you can't avoid seeing people doing the same for Israel no matter what.

I could care more about which is it. Right now it is difficult to.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
More like I am not very willing to find excuses for Hamas, I would think.
I don't excuse them either.
Are you excusing Israel's many decades of human
rights violations, & now their war crimes?

I seek to understand what motivates them to attack
Israel. This is necessary to craft a solution. If all Israel
& its apologists care about is blaming Hamas, they're
doomed to perpetual war.

That, or you are so passionate about doing just that that you can't avoid seeing people doing the same for Israel no matter what.
If you pay attention to news, you see that
their situations & behavior aren't the same.
It's also necessary to observe the history of
how Israel treats Palestinians to see why
Hamas exists.


Well-Known Member
It is a proxy war in the sense that foreign interests support both sides with weapons and politically. Without that support the war would end by lack of weapons and ammunition.

Yeah .. but Hamas not getting much support. .. so not much of a Proxy - need to arm Hamas like Ukraine was armed against the foreign occupier .. which would end the war real quick.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
I'll respond to that non sequitur with another....
Ambulances should be bombed because it's
possible that one of the health car workers or
patients might be in Hamas?

Israel has killed 9,200 so far.
Hamas killed 1,400.
Current kill ratio: 6.6
That attack was outrageous, there is no excuse for it, it's a war crime.
I fear that the Israeli leadership may have gone insane.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
Yeah .. but Hamas not getting much support. .. so not much of a Proxy - need to arm Hamas like Ukraine was armed against the foreign occupier .. which would end the war real quick.
Arm the terrorists who triggered this latest and extremely deadly round of violence?

How about no?


Well-Known Member
More like I am not very willing to find excuses for Hamas, I would think.

That, or you are so passionate about doing just that that you can't avoid seeing people doing the same for Israel no matter what.

I could care more about which is it. Right now it is difficult to.

LOL .. its more like you are desperate to find excuses for the Israeli's I would think.. a much tougher challenge to be sure.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
That attack was outrageous, there is no excuse for it, it's a war crime.
I fear that the Israeli leadership may have gone insane.
And the military, with the rampant civilian death, sexual assault, etc.
These are "God's Chosen People".
Imagine how much more heinous atheists would be.
Oh....wait...we wouldn't wage a scorched Earth religious war.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
It is a proxy war in the sense that foreign interests support both sides with weapons and politically. Without that support the war would end by lack of weapons and ammunition.
Without Iron Dome Israel would be rendered unlivable while the Arab/Jewish ratio could well portend a slaughter of historic proportions.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
It is a proxy war in the sense that foreign interests support both sides with weapons and politically. Without that support the war would end by lack of weapons and ammunition.
We all live in the same planet. There is no magical fence or anything making any so-called country protected from the existence of other countries. And it works both ways; most if not all countries have genuine reasons to want to talk and make exchanges with others.

To expect otherwise is to forget how artificial countries are to begin with.


Well-Known Member
More inhumane than beheading babies?

PLenty more inhumane .. not difficult that to figure out .. specially since were no beheaded babies .. but even if there were .. WAy Way Way more inhuman than a little child sacrifice .. .. Orders of magnitude .. well OK .. maybe 1 order .. 2 is pushing the Joke a bit ...rrrr