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Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had priests come to her San Francisco home to preform an "exorcism


Well-Known Member
I have a novel idea for you: why not leave the judging to God?

And it seems to me you have supported Trump who never attends any services, but then you get on Pelosi's case who does attend regularly? That 1213, is blatantly unethical.

Leave the judging to God!

I don't count person to side of Jesus on basis of how often he attends to "service". I count it by how person lives and what he speaks. But, I will leave judging to God, what I said was not meant to be a judgment, just saying what it looks like.


Well-Known Member
How so? It was totally on-brand for the MAGA mindset.

Why do you think so?

I think the story is full of weird things, starting from that how the message has changed about what really happened. Can you tell a straight story, what happened in the house of Pelosi, what did the "attacker" do and why?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I wonder if Pelosi's goofball (IMO) religious belief
will cause Democrats to temper their criticism of
Republicans for being "evangelical" & "fundamentalist"?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I don't count person to side of Jesus on basis of how often he attends to "service". I count it by how person lives and what he speaks. But, I will leave judging to God, what I said was not meant to be a judgment, just saying what it looks like.
So, do you honestly think that Trump "speaks" more closely to what Jesus taught than Biden? Maybe it's time to open your eyes and your heart.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I wonder if Pelosi's goofball (IMO) religious belief
will cause Democrats to temper their criticism of
Republicans for being "evangelical" & "fundamentalist"?
Probably not because unlike Republican Evangelicals Pelosi is not pushing her views on others, not legislating this, and because Republican Christians are widely fundamentalists. Pelosi, on the other hand, is out to ban gay marriage or abortion.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Probably not because unlike Republican Evangelicals Pelosi is not pushing her views on others, not legislating this, and because Republican Christians are widely fundamentalists. Pelosi, on the other hand, is out to ban gay marriage or abortion.
I think you made an error in your last sentence.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Probably not because unlike Republican Evangelicals Pelosi is not pushing her views on others, not legislating this, and because Republican Christians are widely fundamentalists. Pelosi, on the other hand, is out to ban gay marriage or abortion.
Every politician is there to push their views on others.
She's no exception, with her letish agendas.
It just isn't noticed by those who agree with her.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Every politician is there to push their views on others.
She's no exception, with her letish agendas.
It just isn't noticed by those who agree with her.
She's not pushing her religion on others. That's why the Republicans will continue to have a problem with fundamentalist Evangelicals who want legislate from the pulpit.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
She's not pushing her religion on others. That's why the Republicans will continue to have a problem with fundamentalist Evangelicals who want legislate from the pulpit.
How do you know that her left leaning agenda
doesn't have it's origin in her religion?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
How do you know that her left leaning agenda
doesn't have it's origin in her religion?
She's Catholic. That means things like voting in favor of abortion and gay rights actually does go against the policies and rules of her religion.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
She's Catholic. That means things like voting in favor of abortion and gay rights actually does go against the policies and rules of her religion.
The Church is also rather socialist leaning,
& likes big government.
But even if it weren't the source of her views
on governance, she still has views that she
imposes upon others, eg, eviction ban,
high income taxes.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The Church is also rather socialist leaning,
& likes big government.
But even if it weren't the source of her views
on governance, she still has views that she
imposes upon others, eg, eviction ban,
high income taxes.
Her voting record doesn't support the idea of her being a good Catholic. But it's not unusual for a Catholic to hold conservative beliefs while voting for liberal politicians.
Fundamentalist, Evangelical Protestantism condemns such a thing. They are conservative and strongly expected to vote for conservative Christian values.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Her voting record doesn't support the idea of her being a good Catholic. But it's not unusual for a Catholic to hold conservative beliefs while voting for liberal politicians.
Fundamentalist, Evangelical Protestantism condemns such a thing. They are conservative and strongly expected to vote for conservative Christian values.
Still, when someone imposes their values on others
who don't share there, them it doesn't matter whether
the source is religion or something else. Our problem
with authoritarianism isn't solely Christian fundies.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Still, when someone imposes their values on others
who don't share there, them it doesn't matter whether
the source is religion or something else. Our problem
with authoritarianism isn't solely Christian fundies.
Actually it does matter, because a well reasoned position (such as allowing gays to get married) is a more appropriate place to base legislation than something not really thought out and pulled from an ancient books of superstitions that wasn't even translated into English that well to begin with.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
An exorcism? :eek::rolleyes:o_O

"Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had priests come to her San Francisco home to preform an "exorcism" after her husband was severely attacked in November, according to her daughter.

Alexandra Pelosi, the daughter of Nancy Pelosi, told the New York Times that her mother called priests to perform an exorcism of the house over Thanksgiving, just weeks after David DePape allegedly attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer.

Nancy Pelosi, her daughter said, felt "guilty" that her husband was injured by a man who was looking for her.

"I think that weighed really heavy on her soul. I think she felt really guilty. I think that really broke her. Over Thanksgiving, she had priests coming, trying to have an exorcism of the house and having prayer services," Alexandra Pelosi told the New York Times"

Nancy Pelosi called priests to perform 'exorcism' after husband's hammer attack, daughter says
Too bad they didn't give one to her. I think she's still banned from receiving Communion in her diocese.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member