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Enlightenment....Its Dark Side


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
"avoid them without trying them" is very clear

But your "prefer" is a lot less complicated, also when talking about spiritual things. Now I can also say "I prefer Heaven over this life". Normallly I would not do that, because I have not experienced Heaven. But I always need to be very careful how to word it

So, I am all for your "prefer" use. I prefer "easy going" anyway.

So, thanks for the feedback:). RF life gets a lot easier with this.
Preferring isn't about being right or certain.


Veteran Member
We have a saying to the effect that its the root of all evil.
That is quite a strong saying "root of all evil", but it can be quite destructive

IF true THEN the antonym might point out how to solve that "evil"
self-indulgence. Antonyms: abstemiousness, abstinence, continence, fasting, frugality, moderation, self-control, self-denial, self-restraint, sobriety, temperance


Veteran Member
That is quite a strong saying "root of all evil", but it can be quite destructive

IF true THEN the antonym might point out how to solve that "evil"

Other than what comes from insanity, what evil is not based in self indulgence?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
In the news...
Meditation can 'boost feelings of superiority', study finds | Daily Mail Online

The path to enlightenment is an ego trip: Meditation and mindfulness lead to narcissism and feelings of 'spiritual superiority', study finds
  • Study finds a link between those engaged in spiritual practices and superiority
  • People engaged in 'energetic' therapies like aura reading were the most smug
  • Spiritual training 'has the paradoxical effect of boosting superiority feelings'
Meditation and spiritual enlightenment can 'boost feelings of superiority' by stoking the ego, a new study has found.

Dutch experts studying questionnaires of nearly 4,000 people found a link between practising spiritual training, like meditation, and feelings of 'spiritual superiority'.

Forms of spiritual training – including mindfulness, meditation, self healing and reading auras – are supposed to distance people from their ego and any feelings of self-worth.

But spiritual training appears to actually have the opposite effect, by enhancing people's need to feel 'more successful, more respected or loved', the experts say.


Meditation (pictured) is a form of 'spiritual training'. Other forms include self healing and reading auras

Thy found that those who were engaged in the more bizarre 'energetic' therapies, such as aura reading, were the most smug.
For once in my life I will use this vulgate expression rooted in a lack of scientific understanding but one I want to throw out here because I suspect I'm not the only one to notice.
They needed a study for that? This group does include a large number of arrogant arses who try to force this "spiritual" thing on us, like a Muslim claiming we are all Muslim by default. They also like to broadcast they are spiritual and boast of their practices and routines. Sort of like a holier than thou vegan going on about their percieved superior moral position. And like the true believer with all the answers, we all just need to do what they do and we'll just fine.


Veteran Member
Other than what comes from insanity, what evil is not based in self indulgence?
Yes, true. At first I was taking it at a personal level "indulge in excessive eating, drinking", destroying one's own body, hence not really evil IMO. But when it comes to indulging in power and control of others easily evil starts

Self indulgence might even be the root of insanity. At least IMO "evil is quite insane"


Veteran Member
For once in my life I will use this vulgate expression rooted in a lack of scientific understanding but one I want to throw out here because I suspect I'm not the only one to notice.
They needed a study for that? This group does include a large number of arrogant arses who try to force this "spiritual" thing on us, like a Muslim claiming we are all Muslim by default. They also like to broadcast they are spiritual and boast of their practices and routines. Sort of like a holier than thou vegan going on about their percieved superior moral position. And like the true believer with all the answers, we all just need to do what they do and we'll just fine.
Not just in spirituality or vegans. What do you think of Hollywood and one girl more beautiful than the other? People are brainwashed with this idea that one is/knows better than the other all day long 24/07.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
That is your opinion, you have not convinced me that is true
It's not so much of an opinion as it is drawing from education and professional background.
Self indulgence doesn't cause mental illness, insanity or otherwise. Doing some is even good for our mental health, and none at all is damaging.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Not just in spirituality or vegans. What do you think of Hollywood and one girl more beautiful than the other? People are brainwashed with this idea that one is/knows better than the other all day long 24/07.
Yeah, but not all groups are equally prone to doing this. It does take a degree of dogma and adherence to it to promote beliefs as making one better and superior to others.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
In the news...
Meditation can 'boost feelings of superiority', study finds | Daily Mail Online

The path to enlightenment is an ego trip: Meditation and mindfulness lead to narcissism and feelings of 'spiritual superiority', study finds
  • Study finds a link between those engaged in spiritual practices and superiority
  • People engaged in 'energetic' therapies like aura reading were the most smug
  • Spiritual training 'has the paradoxical effect of boosting superiority feelings'
Meditation and spiritual enlightenment can 'boost feelings of superiority' by stoking the ego, a new study has found.

Dutch experts studying questionnaires of nearly 4,000 people found a link between practising spiritual training, like meditation, and feelings of 'spiritual superiority'.

Forms of spiritual training – including mindfulness, meditation, self healing and reading auras – are supposed to distance people from their ego and any feelings of self-worth.

But spiritual training appears to actually have the opposite effect, by enhancing people's need to feel 'more successful, more respected or loved', the experts say.


Meditation (pictured) is a form of 'spiritual training'. Other forms include self healing and reading auras

Thy found that those who were engaged in the more bizarre 'energetic' therapies, such as aura reading, were the most smug.


Veteran Member
Yeah, but not all groups are equally prone to doing this. It does take a degree of dogma and adherence to it to promote beliefs as making one better and superior to others.
Not true. We see narcs everywhere nowadays, and they are not spiritual at all (most of them)


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
For once in my life I will use this vulgate expression rooted in a lack of scientific understanding but one I want to throw out here because I suspect I'm not the only one to notice.
They needed a study for that? This group does include a large number of arrogant arses who try to force this "spiritual" thing on us, like a Muslim claiming we are all Muslim by default. They also like to broadcast they are spiritual and boast of their practices and routines. Sort of like a holier than thou vegan going on about their percieved superior moral position. And like the true believer with all the answers, we all just need to do what they do and we'll just fine.
Reminds me of electric vehicles, which emit smug at the tailpipe.