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Elon Musk wakes up to the reality of Democrat politics.


Veteran Member
First, The reality stands is that we are not free.
Describe what you consider freedom since what the USA has lacks it, in your opinion.

What we do have at present is a culture of compulsory policymaking and mandates. That's not freedom. It's authoritarianism.
So speed limits and laws that put humans over corporate interests is excessive? You are confusing social contract theory with a lack of freedom. In functional societies there is a necessity to balance and compromise the desires of the individual to the needs of the community.

Apparently, the one who needs to accept reality is not me. Not by a long shot. We are experiencing a shift to authoritarianism at an alarming rate with plenty of sources to establish that fact.
And who is doing this, and describe the factors that you think is authoritarian.

The duopoly that exists is not working and will eventually destroy this country freedoms for something much much worse down the line.
A two party system has worked fairly well since 1776 and all of a sudden it spells doom? It's not two parties that is a problem. It's one side that refuses to compromise and cooperate in duty to citizens.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
You have the freedom of speech. You can vote.
If you won't accept the rights you have to change things and wield them go cry to someone else standing on the sidelines.
In one of those 'free speech' zones the Democrats like to employ?

Dont make me laugh because thats the funniest thing I heard lately.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Describe what you consider freedom since what the USA has lacks it, in your opinion.

So speed limits and laws that put humans over corporate interests is excessive? You are confusing social contract theory with a lack of freedom. In functional societies there is a necessity to balance and compromise the desires of the individual to the needs of the community.

And who is doing this, and describe the factors that you think is authoritarian.

A two party system has worked fairly well since 1776 and all of a sudden it spells doom? It's not two parties that is a problem. It's one side that refuses to compromise and cooperate in duty to citizens.

You don't do the thinking for me. This has nothing to do with speed limits or whatever crazy comparison you invent and make up.

What Democrats attack is private and economic autonomy for individuals through the deployment of compulsory policymaking and the rule by mandate.


Veteran Member
You don't do the thinking for me. This has nothing to do with speed limits or whatever crazy comparison you invent and make up.

What Democrats attack is private and economic autonomy for individuals through the deployment of compulsory policymaking and the rule by mandate.
Vague. So you can't explain what you consider ideal freedom in the USA? You insist there is none.

I think you just hate Democrats. And that's all there is to it.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Vague. So you can't explain what you consider ideal freedom in the USA? You insist there is none.

I think you just hate Democrats. And that's all there is to it.
Anything involvong my own private property and person that dosent require a fee, tax, surcharge, red tape, police tickets, and harassment.

Not to mention how "three men in a room" exemplifies the Democrats dictatorship and authoritarianism in all its glory and how they raped and milked the people in New York .

Democrats are pathological control freaks, embrace centralized government power and that's the facts.

I lived a long enough life to know what has been lost.

Apparently you don't.
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Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Musk is the largest producer of electric cars. He is supposedly acquiring twitter for free speech(to get supporters)
If you don't think he has hidden agenda you're an idiot.
It's not hidden. In fact Musk openly stated he has the majority of ev's and Democrats had completely disregarded that fact favoring those who benefit their seats of power and control.

It's never been a secret agenda, because Musk openly stated as such and is a result of buying twitter as a person who believes in free speech and the Democrats hate free speech unless it's their own speech.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
You have the freedom of speech. You can vote.
If you won't accept the rights you have to change things and wield them go cry to someone else standing on the sidelines.
Good. Then you should have no problem with a multi billionaire who believes in free speech buying twitter then.

Unless of course you think free speech is exclusive only to Democrats alone and only them and nobody else.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
If you are one of the world's richest and most talked about people?

Try to change the system
It's a shame it has to take that type of person to do it.

But I'm happy Musk sees that freedoms are being threatened by the authoritarian left, and is doing what he can to preserve it.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
His tweet...

Elon Musk

In the past I voted Democrat, because they were (mostly) the kindness party. But they have become the party of division & hate, so I can no longer support them and will vote Republican. Now, watch their dirty tricks campaign against me unfold …


The Democrats are as corrupt as the Republicans, but are they meaner? The party of division and hate more so than Republicans?

I don't think Musk is serious. Or if he is, he's biased against the party more likely to increase his taxes.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
In one of those 'free speech' zones the Democrats like to employ?

Dont make me laugh because thats the funniest thing I heard lately.
I already said go cry to someone else who is also standing at the side lines crying about living in an authoritarian system. I'm busy using my rights and practicing civic duties that far too many neglect.

Ella S.

Well-Known Member
Every ideology and major organization is going to have its fair share of those who are prejudiced towards outsiders of that group, maybe even sowing division within it. I think this is just inevitable, because as more people join a group or self-identify with an ideology the Law of Averages means one of them will almost inevitably be an awful person.

This is not even political or religious, either. We see the same mechanics with fandoms and subcultures, too.

Our current political division is, in my opinion, mostly due to the fault of an entirely different kind of group: news stations.

At one point, the news attempted to be impartial, merely informing the public about facts. Over time, however, news has become more editorialized and sensationalized. Headlines blatantly tell readers to feel that certain things are "terrifying," for instance. Selective reporting to cater to the stated political aims of certain news outlets also seems to have become commonplace.

Nowadays, people on different sides of the political divide cannot even agree on simple facts thanks to this, causing everyone's worldview to exist in idiosyncratic bubbles that are designed to be impenetrable to the out-group.


Veteran Member
Anything involvong my own private property and person that dosent require a fee, tax, surcharge, red tape, police tickets, and harassment.
Do you think this is a Democrat issue? Or government issue? You tell me where anywhere in the world that would allow you the freedoms you want.

Taxes and policing don't exist just to bother you. There are reasons of social order and safety that require these. If you don't like what social order requires of you as a citizen, then move. That's up to you. There is going to be a variety of municipal or community standards you have to follow if you move into a certain property. If you don't like their rules, find someplace else to live that suits what you want and can tolerate. Far right conservatives like yourself who are hostile to public order are the reason there are rules for society.

For example it was people "free" to shoot their guns at any time of night in the city that led to laws against shooting and loud noises. Why would this kind of law infringe on shooter's rights? Because other citizens have to right to quiet enjoyment. Look up quiet enjoyment, it is an actual thing. And of course this right will infringe on the desires of some to make noise all night and have fun. Of course these few anti-social and personally irresponsible folks will be mad at government and its rules.

The solution is for these folks to move into the middle of nowhere and make all the noise they want to make, so lang as they don't interfere with the rights of others. Conservative scan move to red states if they offer a "no government" solution for you. But they don't either. Why? Because anarchy doesn't work.

Not to mention how "three men in a room" exemplifies the Democrats dictatorship and authoritarianism in all its glory and how they raped and milked the people in New York .
That story was a unique power grab and corruption. It does not represent all Democrats, or even government as a whole. Government corruption exists due to lack of ethics of specific individuals, and the solution is more rules of conduct and more oversight. That's happening with the Jan 6 investigation and numerous election conspiracy investigations against Trump and other republicans. Unfortunately the Trump type of corruption IS a serious problem in the GOP today. How many still lie about Trump winning in 2020? The GOP nominee for PA governor is an election denier. We see many GOP candidates siding with Trump's corruption trying to get the conservative voter base to choose them. This is vastly worse and conspiracy and corrupt movement than your New York reference. Those guy resigned when they got caught. Trump won't even admit he lost the election.

How about you adjust your views to who is really authoritarian. It's not Democrats.

Democrats are pathological control freaks, embrace centralized government power and that's the facts.
This is your biased interpretation of a political party that wants stability and social order. Your approach is anarchy and chaos. That does not help society in any way. It would would catastrophic to life, liberties, and the economy. I'm referring to the pandemic here. Your approach of "everyone for themselves" would mean many more deaths and more damage to the economy, It makes no sense. Even Navarro expected 2 million deaths if Trump set no public health polices. Trump didn't, but many states did, and this helped save lives and the economy.

I lived a long enough life to know what has been lost.
Perhaps you've lived too long to reason objectively and without right wing influence.

Apparently you don't.
Unlike you I can actually explain why social order is an advantage for the whole of society, and you want to be upset because there is social order. You don't seem to understand that society means you will benefit from being part of it, but that you will have to compromise to some degree to get those benefits. That you can live comfortably and safety is due to there being a government. Without a government we would be living like the Walking Dead. Good luck finding formula.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Do you think this is a Democrat issue? Or government issue? You tell me where anywhere in the world that would allow you the freedoms you want.

Taxes and policing don't exist just to bother you. There are reasons of social order and safety that require these. If you don't like what social order requires of you as a citizen, then move. That's up to you. There is going to be a variety of municipal or community standards you have to follow if you move into a certain property. If you don't like their rules, find someplace else to live that suits what you want and can tolerate. Far right conservatives like yourself who are hostile to public order are the reason there are rules for society.

For example it was people "free" to shoot their guns at any time of night in the city that led to laws against shooting and loud noises. Why would this kind of law infringe on shooter's rights? Because other citizens have to right to quiet enjoyment. Look up quiet enjoyment, it is an actual thing. And of course this right will infringe on the desires of some to make noise all night and have fun. Of course these few anti-social and personally irresponsible folks will be mad at government and its rules.

The solution is for these folks to move into the middle of nowhere and make all the noise they want to make, so lang as they don't interfere with the rights of others. Conservative scan move to red states if they offer a "no government" solution for you. But they don't either. Why? Because anarchy doesn't work.

That story was a unique power grab and corruption. It does not represent all Democrats, or even government as a whole. Government corruption exists due to lack of ethics of specific individuals, and the solution is more rules of conduct and more oversight. That's happening with the Jan 6 investigation and numerous election conspiracy investigations against Trump and other republicans. Unfortunately the Trump type of corruption IS a serious problem in the GOP today. How many still lie about Trump winning in 2020? The GOP nominee for PA governor is an election denier. We see many GOP candidates siding with Trump's corruption trying to get the conservative voter base to choose them. This is vastly worse and conspiracy and corrupt movement than your New York reference. Those guy resigned when they got caught. Trump won't even admit he lost the election.

How about you adjust your views to who is really authoritarian. It's not Democrats.

This is your biased interpretation of a political party that wants stability and social order. Your approach is anarchy and chaos. That does not help society in any way. It would would catastrophic to life, liberties, and the economy. I'm referring to the pandemic here. Your approach of "everyone for themselves" would mean many more deaths and more damage to the economy, It makes no sense. Even Navarro expected 2 million deaths if Trump set no public health polices. Trump didn't, but many states did, and this helped save lives and the economy.

Perhaps you've lived too long to reason objectively and without right wing influence.

Unlike you I can actually explain why social order is an advantage for the whole of society, and you want to be upset because there is social order. You don't seem to understand that society means you will benefit from being part of it, but that you will have to compromise to some degree to get those benefits. That you can live comfortably and safety is due to there being a government. Without a government we would be living like the Walking Dead. Good luck finding formula.

It's not a unique story. Three men in a room has been going on for decades and it's still going on right now. Unabated and unchallenged.

A lot of freedoms lost here that i want back are thankfully still around in other states that are essentially Republican controlled, without having state tax raping your wallet along with a much better regulatory climate that dosent dictate your life every waking moment from cradle to grave.

If the opportunity ever arises, I'm outta New York as far away from the Democrats tyranny as I can.

We Never Know

No Slack
It's not hidden. In fact Musk openly stated he has the majority of ev's and Democrats had completely disregarded that fact favoring those who benefit their seats of power and control.

It's never been a secret agenda, because Musk openly stated as such and is a result of buying twitter as a person who believes in free speech and the Democrats hate free speech unless it's their own speech.

And I would bet he just hates gas getting so high lol

We Never Know

No Slack
Do you think the high cost of fuel is the incentive for someone to purchase a Tesla?
How Much Does a Tesla Cost in 2022? New & Used Prices!

"It was certainly news in the summer of 2021 when the average price for a new car crossed over the $40,000 threshold, but now that it's 2022, car shoppers would probably love to see those numbers on their car's sticker. That's because the average new car price in the U.S. in December rose to $47,077"

New Car Price Keeps Climbing, with Average Now at Almost $47,100.



aged ecumenical anthropologist
We started out with using laissez-faire capitalism and abandoned it because it became a complete train wreck, but those who don't study history probably wouldn't know that.

Today, every country in the world has what we call a "mixed economy" [mixture of capitalistic & socialistic programs in varying degrees], and they all did as such because this has worked much better. So yes, mandates are called for at times because the alternative has shown us historically to be much worse.