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Does Religion Alter or Destroy the Human Spirit?


Well-Known Member
Do religions alter or destroy the human spirit? If people were free of religion would they excel more, accomplish more, achieve more, and be happier? Why or why not?

Depends on the religion

If the religion is revealed from our Creator, then it's supposed to make one more spiritual, happier and doing and accomplishing more


Because He wants us to be spiritually close to Him, and to live a happy in this world and in the Hereafter


Because He loves us and He cares for our well-being


Returning Noob
Do religions alter or destroy the human spirit? If people were free of religion would they excel more, accomplish more, achieve more, and be happier? Why or why not?

I think it depends on how the religion is interpreted by a person. Some people see their religion as being a way to force their beliefs on other people and IMO that destroys the human spirit because they are so consumed with proving that they are right and forget how to truly love their fellow humans. They forget to care about another persons feelings or rights as a human and focus on proving their point.

Other people believe that humans should pick a religion that calls to them and follow that religion without impeding on someone elses rights to do the same. To each their own. They love each human being even if they do not agree with what they believe or how they interpret a religion. This also means that they are free to love a person yet dislike his actions.



Do religions alter or destroy the human spirit? If people were free of religion would they excel more, accomplish more, achieve more, and be happier? Why or why not?

Of course it doesn't "destroy" the "human spirit". Humans have been practicing religions for thousands of years. I would argue that the simple fact that disparate groups of humanity, entirely separated from one another all developed belief systems of their own independently of one another points to "religion" very much being a part of being human.

Would we accomplish more? The "we" pointing, in my interpretation, to society/humanity as a greater whole. The answer there is no also. Many people find enormous amounts of motivation in adhering to and believing in their chosen faith. In fact, there are probably people who feel as though they couldn't function as well without it. It also brings happiness to many people that I know.

In the end, as most others have stated, it depends upon the person. I myself find no value in religion for me outside of finding it interesting to read/hear the wisdom passed down from ages ago. I have certainty about very little as pertains to "why" we are here, or what lies ahead... but neither does that bother me or make me any less happy. I have a strong sense of morality, without rules imposed by an outside force. But to someone else, it probably looks as if I am on a precarious perch. But it is not my place to say that others should live or believe as I do. Not my place at all.


Active Member
Those that put god out there some where are more apt to destroy and kill. You could say they are more industrious. They have "a can do" spirit. They would "achieve" more
Those that think god is everthing are not inclined to kill and destroy. They have a more pacifist spirit. These will be happier.


Premium Member
It stands to reason that religion by itself doesn't cause all the problems of the past (such as The Inquisition). I mean, nowadays, there aren't any kinds of inquisitions that I really know of (at least, not in the USA). It was probably a mixture of religion ideals and the mindset of the people who wanted to force it on people or kill them. I touched on some of this on my last post in this thread- about how religion itself can't do anything.
In the book "To Kill A Mockingbird", Miss Maudie told Scout that a bible is more dangerous in the hands of some men that a bottle of whiskey would be in Scout's father (Atticus Finch). After Scout's protestations that her father didn't drink whiskey, Miss Maudie explained that she meant that some men at their best are worse than some men at their worst. Or if Atticus drank whiskey until he was drunk, he would not be as bad as some men with a bible in their hands. Miss Maudie was a Christian saying these things, too (a fictional one, but more than likely based on someone real ;) )


Let's go racing boys !
I don't believe that religion in any way could destroy the human spirit. I do believe that it can alter a person's way of thinking and acting. Some react within a normal limit of God's love and grace. Many others tend to make it their mission to go on a crusade and attempt to force their belief on everyone. :rolleyes:
Suppose for one small time frame in everyone's life that somewhere in your life either yourself, your parents or grandparents probably had some type of religious affiliation in their life. I'm not saying that you can't have morals without a religious affiliation, but at sometime in your life your course was set by someone who taught values, right from wrong, good from bad. Religion doesn't alter or change a person, if it did we wouldn't have so many people sitting on death row. Many of them were brought up by family who were religious people but it didn't alter the fact that they acted upon their impulse to kill or destroy another human life. Then sometimes the religious background may have altered the course of their life, like in the case of some killers who actually want to be caught and stopped from their way of life. Maybe they desire to be caught because somewhere inside they knew they were wrong, something had altered their life something that was instilled in them at some point whether they were aware of it or not.
I probably haven't explained myself but what I mean is I guess we could find positive and negative responses in how religion may or may not alter a life. ;)


Complex bunch of atoms
I don't believe that religion in any way could destroy the human spirit. I do believe that it can alter a person's way of thinking and acting. Some react within a normal limit of God's love and grace. Many others tend to make it their mission to go on a crusade and attempt to force their belief on everyone. :rolleyes:
You see the contradiction?
Suppose for one small time frame in everyone's life that somewhere in your life either yourself, your parents or grandparents probably had some type of religious affiliation in their life. I'm not saying that you can't have morals without a religious affiliation, but at sometime in your life your course was set by someone who taught values, right from wrong, good from bad. Religion doesn't alter or change a person, if it did we wouldn't have so many people sitting on death row. Many of them were brought up by family who were religious people but it didn't alter the fact that they acted upon their impulse to kill or destroy another human life.
There have been countless decent people who ordinarily wouldn't hurt a fly, brainwashed into strapping explosives to themselves and blowing it up in a crowd of innocents, because it is 'gods will'.
Since the war in Iraq, this number has escalated at an alarming rate.

Then sometimes the religious background may have altered the course of their life, like in the case of some killers who actually want to be caught and stopped from their way of life. Maybe they desire to be caught because somewhere inside they knew they were wrong, something had altered their life something that was instilled in them at some point whether they were aware of it or not.
I probably haven't explained myself but what I mean is I guess we could find positive and negative responses in how religion may or may not alter a life. ;)

Exactly. Religion CAN have a positive effect, AND a negative effect.


Active Member
If god had made my people (i really do not believe that seperate races exist) his favorite I would probably be more self righteous. And you would not be considered my brother.


In the Original meaning of Religion which is Union, I would say that Union (with God) Anihilates all Human Concepts and unites God and Science.


Im a happy little Lesbian
Do religions alter or destroy the human spirit? If people were free of religion would they excel more, accomplish more, achieve more, and be happier? Why or why not?

all i can say is when i found out about buddhism n wicca they agreed with me to the core so initially no, i already believed these princaples but of couse i believe in a reincarnation of sorts so i guess ill find out at the true end (or not) of my existence.


What you call Human is but a referance to a certain kind of Physical Body. God is not something to be dreamt of but experienced. When One Unites with WHAT... (not who) God really is, One finds that God is not a bearded old man nore any kind of man for that matter. When you speak of that "God" you are correct-he is just a human concept. But God is everything-it is the Blanket or fabric that represents everything. Anyone can Experience "It" through sincere Meditation and None can experience it without an open Mind. Only he who knows that he Lives in the Realm of Possibilty may enable himself to sit on the throne that is his birthright.


Active Member
Any experience will be judged ultimately by the mind. All minds have filters and concepts to which events are compared. Subjective knowledge and symbols need to be purged to reach clarity. Once you give this clarity a name you have judged, analyzed, and compared. You have made it fit you.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it does alter the expression of the human spirit, but then it is itself an expression thereof, I think. So it feeds back into itself, as a way for it to know itself, and interact with itself. :angel2:


I think the human spirit is best summed up in its desire to explore ,to climb the highest mountain "just because its there" the desire to know how the universe works and religion stifles that. it gives childish answers to grown up questions


Just me
Premium Member
Do religions alter or destroy the human spirit? If people were free of religion would they excel more, accomplish more, achieve more, and be happier? Why or why not?
To alter or destroy the human spirit would be the end of religion. Religion is fueled by the human spirit, just as much as any other achievement, accomplishment or excellent thing.


Any experience will be judged ultimately by the mind. All minds have filters and concepts to which events are compared. Subjective knowledge and symbols need to be purged to reach clarity. Once you give this clarity a name you have judged, analyzed, and compared. You have made it fit you.

The Aether/Ether/Zero point energy/Quantum Vacuum Flux fills all space, governs electrons-protons-and nuclei. And any may induce the "OBE" state so that they may observe and record certain events that might not otherwise be possible without the physical body.

Only the Lazy, Doubtful, Fearful, and Fanatical refuse to prove such possibilities. And they therefore choose to wear their unworthiness like a cloak in the cold.

Any who would debate beyond this point is but a
Anti-Union/religion fanatic-A state of mind forced upon them by currupted "Religions" that alter the truth as they see fit to control the masses.


Let's go racing boys !
You see the contradiction?

There have been countless decent people who ordinarily wouldn't hurt a fly, brainwashed into strapping explosives to themselves and blowing it up in a crowd of innocents, because it is 'gods will'.
Since the war in Iraq, this number has escalated at an alarming rate.

Exactly. Religion CAN have a positive effect, AND a negative effect.
Thank you for your attention on my post....however I do not see it as a contradiction...I think that although the person may be altered or changed doesn't necessarily mean that the human spirit will be destroyed. We obviously have different beliefs on that fact. The final outcome will be determined by God as to the spirit. I believe our spirit will live on forever, it's the destination that concerns me. :D ;)


Complex bunch of atoms
Thank you for your attention on my post....however I do not see it as a contradiction...I think that although the person may be altered or changed doesn't necessarily mean that the human spirit will be destroyed. We obviously have different beliefs on that fact. The final outcome will be determined by God as to the spirit. I believe our spirit will live on forever, it's the destination that concerns me. :D ;)
Well obviously we have different ideas of what human spirit is anyway...for me it is simply our strength of will. I do not believe in a soul or anything similar.
As such, many people can have their spirit broken by religion.
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