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Do you think that Orwell's Big Brother is a bad thing

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Well....1984 is one of the most important books of the 20th century Literature.
I think that the author, Orwell, was traumatized by what he saw and experienced in the Soviet Russia. So he wrote a book in order to condemn not only the Communist Totalitarianism, but also the Marxist ideology.

But sometimes a Big Brother is necessary. A Big Brother is not against Capitalism. A Big Brother forces Capitalism to be useful to everyone, not all only to Capitalists.
So the Big Brother prevent rich people from becoming richer and richer. I don't think it's a bad thing
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
But Orwell's Big Brother was a fearsome, intimidating presence, and his world a bleak place.
I'd prefer to live in Huxley's Brave New World, I think; just as controlling, but with sex, drugs and a bit of fun thrown in.

I didn't see 1984 as 1ly an economic commentary. I saw it more as dealing with surveillance and mind control.
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Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Big Brother is about the triumph of silly lies and pride over the very reason for being of living beings.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
It's a double edged sword. Big brother can be both equally beneficial and disastrous.


Well-Known Member
Well....1984 is one of the most important books of the 20th century Literature.
I think that the author, Orwell, was traumatized by what he saw and experienced in the Soviet Russia. So he wrote a book in order to condemn not only the Communist Totalitarianism, but also the Marxist ideology.

But sometimes a Big Brother is necessary. A Big Brother is not against Capitalism. A Big Brother forces Capitalism to be useful to everyone, not all only to Capitalists.
So the Big Brother prevent rich people to become richer and richer. I don't think it's a bad thing

I don't think that George Orwell, as a socialist, was totally opposed to Marx's ideas.

It's impossible to make capitalism be useful to everyone with it still remaining capitalism. It required income gaps, it requires that many people have low standards of living.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Big Brother is about the triumph of silly lies and pride over the very reason for being of living beings.

pride? do you really think that Juàn Peròn, (and his wife Eva) were prideful people?

I don't think so. They sacrificed everything to make justice triumph


Ministry of Serendipity
Big Brother is obsolete. You don't need to watch people, they quite voluntarily submit photos of themselves wherever and whenever they are.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Big Brother is useful if you like that kind of heavy handed order.
We libertarians won't be voting for him.


I can't post a link (Rev, if you could), but watch "Thug Notes 1984" on Youtube. It explains pretty succinctly why Big Brother is a bad idea.


Veteran Member
Well....1984 is one of the most important books of the 20th century Literature.
I think that the author, Orwell, was traumatized by what he saw and experienced in the Soviet Russia. So he wrote a book in order to condemn not only the Communist Totalitarianism, but also the Marxist ideology.

But sometimes a Big Brother is necessary. A Big Brother is not against Capitalism. A Big Brother forces Capitalism to be useful to everyone, not all only to Capitalists.
So the Big Brother prevent rich people from becoming richer and richer. I don't think it's a bad thing
Are you saying you would prefer for someone else to make your decisions, act your conscience, and fight your fights for you?


Heretic and part-time (skinny) Santa impersonator
Well....1984 is one of the most important books of the 20th century Literature.
I think that the author, Orwell, was traumatized by what he saw and experienced in the Soviet Russia. So he wrote a book in order to condemn not only the Communist Totalitarianism, but also the Marxist ideology.

WE may agree uon the outcome, but most certainly not upon the cause/reason you present.

Orwell was no advocate of Capitalism (per se) either.

Totalitarianism and exerted control over lives was his "message" of a cautionary tale.

ANY ideology that ultimately seeks to dictate outcomes is a danger to any people that only seek to benefit themselves and family members on a level and fair ground of everyday competition.

Capitalism has become an evermore oppressive force that seeks to keep "common people" in their place, and "opportunity" is parceled out like dog treats to the feral masses.

The US increasingly has become a servant of monetary wealth and power, not fairness nor opportunity. In Washing DC, "Cash" is the dialogue of the few and influential.

One need only look upon the energy companies alone (amongst so may others) to barefacedly observe that lobbyists and cash provide not only access to elected politicians, but DO influence how these officials VOTE...EVERY day.

Global warming? A HOAX!
DIRTY COAL? A SMEAR campaign of the left!
GOVERNMENT schooling? A Liberal agenda designed to turn all our kids into
The NSA protects us when listening covertly, against jihadists, atheists, and most importantly...ourselves!

WE may even be anti-patriotic rebels and *gulp* worse, and not even know it!

But sometimes a Big Brother is necessary. A Big Brother is not against Capitalism. A Big Brother forces Capitalism to be useful to everyone, not all only to Capitalists.
So the Big Brother prevent rich people from becoming richer and richer. I don't think it's a bad thing
A happy sentiment, but only if it were true.

It's not.

I bore witness to the deliberations concerning the plannings, development, and subsequent construction of CERN in Europe. This project was an expensive investment in not just science, but what the WORLD might gain in discovery.

The US congressional reply?

It's too expensive...and whatever they learn...they have to share anyway.

Small wonder that the world at large held that same point-of-view when America chose to go to the moon.

Now we have to hitch a ride with the Russians to even get to space.

I wonder what Orwell might have to say about that...
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Well-Known Member
But sometimes a Big Brother is necessary. A Big Brother is not against Capitalism. A Big Brother forces Capitalism to be useful to everyone, not all only to Capitalists.
So the Big Brother prevent rich people from becoming richer and richer. I don't think it's a bad thing
The Big Brother of the novel was a lie though, an image created to control the populous and prevent them asking questions. It wasn't about the existence of a controlling government, it was about the dishonesty and corruption. It wasn't about economic policy at all but social policy.

I didn't see 1984 as 1ly an economic commentary. I saw it more as dealing with surveillance and mind control.
Lots of people today focus exclusively on the surveillance element and give it much more significance than it deserves. That's as much about the imagery built up around 1984 as a concept, not the reality of it. The novel was much wider and deeper than that - it was ultimately about people.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
The Big Brother of the novel was a lie though, an image created to control the populous and prevent them asking questions. It wasn't about the existence of a controlling government, it was about the dishonesty and corruption. It wasn't about economic policy at all but social policy.

Of course I condemn mind control as Orwell did in the novel. But the freedom of thought has nothing to do with the economic freedom.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
What lets you think they were prideful? Did they buy big luxurious cars? Or expensive clothes?

You must be joking. Even a cursory analysis of the reality of caudillos such as them shows that the whole point of being one is the pride and power. The Perons, particularly, were practically idolatred back in their days.

That's why the party was called partido justicialista.
maybe you also think that Ernesto Guevara was a lunatic, don't you?

A victim of his own naivete, mainly.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
You must be joking. Even a cursory analysis of the reality of caudillos such as them shows that the whole point of being one is the pride and power. The Perons, particularly, were practically idolatred back in their days.

all right. But pride has nothing to do with money. Did they steal money from the treasury? Everybody knows that they used all the public money to take justice even in the most isolated areas of Argentina.

A victim of his own naivete, mainly.

I don't think he was a naive person. He was very smart. He knows wheat he was doing. He was a medicine graduate...so I guess he was intelligent enough to understand what the best for his country was


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
all right. But pride has nothing to do with money. Did they steal money from the treasury? Everybody knows that they used all the public money to take justice even in the most isolated areas of Argentina.

Even taking for granted that such is the unquestionable truth, which I will not... money is a means to a goal. The goal, for many, is acquiring prestige and power. Why seek the means when you have a stronghold on the goal?

I don't think he was a naive person. He was very smart. He knows wheat he was doing. He was a medicine graduate...so I guess he was intelligent enough to understand what the best for his country was

You have a knack for odd beliefs.