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Do You Create Your Own Reality?

Do You Create Your Own Reality?

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Well-Known Member
YmirGF and I generally agree cordially on virtually everything, but I was most surprised to hear him hail the New Age motto "You Create Your Own Reality", simply YCYOR, as a profound truth.

I am ambivalent in this regard: to some extent we might create our own description of the "Real", but the content of our spiritual and material experiences are not input by us directly, ie. we don't decide how we'll think, feel or react in different circumstances so @ a very base level we don't create our own reality: we are to an equal extent prisoners of it.

What do you think?

Do we Create Our Own Reality?

If so, how?

If not, who or what does define the "Real" for you?

All opinions welcome.



The old Scottish Common Sense philosophy test comes to mind:

To test your create your own reality, stand on some train tracks. Remain there as a train barrels toward you. If you jump off the tracks, you deny your ability to create your own reality. If you can turn the train into a marshmellow, you can create your own reality.

To my knowledge no one has ever passed this test.


Will to love
I have some power to shape my reality but in general we have little control over the hand we are dealt. I can't create my own reality in total and if I did I'd probably be considered insane.




Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Godlike said:
YmirGF and I generally agree cordially on virtually everything, but I was most surprised to hear him hail the New Age motto "You Create Your Own Reality", simply YCYOR, as a profound truth.

I am ambivalent in this regard: to some extent we might create our own description of the "Real", but the content of our spiritual and material experiences are not input by us directly, ie. we don't decide how we'll think, feel or react in different circumstances so @ a very base level we don't create our own reality: we are to an equal extent prisoners of it.

I am surprised; I most often see things the same way as Paul.

Do we Create Our Own Reality?
I don't believe that we do create our own reality

If so, how?
having said that I don't believe that we do create our own reality, we do have our personal interpretation of reality; maybe that is what Paul is getting at.
If not, who or what does define the "Real" for you?
My peception of reality, which I make sure is set to a frame of refference that is as objective as possible.


Active Member
I don't see how we can create anything that has already been created but we do have the freedom of choice. As in the train scenario......One could choose to stand their ground or jump. Their choice to make but the outcome as a consequence to said choice is not one up for creating for it is already there.


yes, and no. we can be said to create it given certain conditions. we can't think away the train, but we can choose to see it as transparent, or solid. it will still kill us, obviously.

but let's remember that we can't step outside of our heads to see something 'objectively'.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
lunamoth said:
I have some power to shape my reality but in general we have little control over the hand we are dealt. I can't create my own reality in total and if I did I'd probably be considered insane.



but in general we have little control over the hand we are dealt

I was thinking that this morning, but then I remembered some who have 'made it' despite the hands they were dealt.

An immediate thought - Richard Branson - no education to speak of.


Terrible Dancer
Yes and no.

I don't accept solipsism. There is a physical reality that we are part of which exists independent of us.

However, observation is to some extent a creative process. What we each perceive of reality as individuals is not reality, but a complex simulation of reality that our brain creates based on the input from our physical senses. It will differ from individual to individual, sometimes slightly and sometimes wildly based on any number of factors , but there are methods we can use and ways we can cooperate to reasonably verify that our simulations closely mirror reality and adjust them if necessary.

Great topic, Godlike.


There also may be a critical error in understanding many philosophers, scientists, and intellectuals who say that the way that we perceive reality makes reality real to us, not made real by our perception. That's why no one can perceive a train as a marshmellow and it actuall happens. The person can be completely destroyed by the train, perceiving incorrectly that the train is a marshmellow.

Everything that we experience, we do so subjectively because everything we experience is mediated through our sensories, and these sensories can malfunction or misinterpret the reality that we experience. However, our subjective experience does not mean that the reality we experience is made real in itself by our perception.


Just me
Premium Member
Revasser said:
Yes and no.

I don't accept solipsism. There is a physical reality that we are part of which exists independent of us.

However, observation is to some extent a creative process. What we each perceive of reality as individuals is not reality, but a complex simulation of reality that our brain creates based on the input from our physical senses. It will differ from individual to individual, sometimes slightly and sometimes wildly based on any number of factors , but there are methods we can use and ways we can cooperate to reasonably verify that our simulations closely mirror reality and adjust them if necessary.

Great topic, Godlike.
What he said, except with a decisive "no". You create your own world of perceptions and impressions, conclusions and interpretations, but reality is objective.


angellous_evangellous said:
There also may be a critical error in understanding many philosophers, scientists, and intellectuals who say that the way that we perceive reality makes reality real to us, not made real by our perception. That's why no one can perceive a train as a marshmellow and it actuall happens. The person can be completely destroyed by the train, perceiving incorrectly that the train is a marshmellow.

Everything that we experience, we do so subjectively because everything we experience is mediated through our sensories, and these sensories can malfunction or misinterpret the reality that we experience. However, our subjective experience does not mean that the reality we experience is made real in itself by our perception.

What he said.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Godlike said:
YmirGF and I generally agree cordially on virtually everything, but I was most surprised to hear him hail the New Age motto "You Create Your Own Reality", simply YCYOR, as a profound truth.
You have little idea how annoying it is to be lumped into what I generally regard as the "granola crowd" and assorted "fruit loops". Why am I humming, "Look what they've done to my song, mom"?

For starters, you must understand the considerable disdain and contempt that I hold these people in. In some way, I feel like how your basic normal Muslim must feel about Radical Muslims and the hijacking of their faith.

Godlike said:
I am ambivalent in this regard: to some extent we might create our own description of the "Real", but the content of our spiritual and material experiences are not input by us directly, ie. we don't decide how we'll think, feel or react in different circumstances so @ a very base level we don't create our own reality: we are to an equal extent prisoners of it.
What you and many others fail to grasp is the power of your own beliefs and belief structures. In general, people treat their beliefs somewhat lightly in the respect that they do not perceive how those beliefs about themselves, the world and reality directly influence their daily lives.

A good illustration of this can be found in a person who suffers from what we would consider "low self esteem". Such a person, usually BELIEVES that they are not "up to snuff" for a host of reasons. They tell themselves on a moment to moment basis why they CANNOT do such and such. They literally suck themselves into what can be considered a "rut". In reality, there is usually no practical reason for them to think and behave in this way. Religion has not been especially helpful with its general view that humans are "tainted", "sinful" or "fallen".

IF, and I stress if, people can allow themselves to see that it is their own perception of themselves, resulting from their beliefs about their own self image, then they might just begin to make the first faltering steps to leading what can be considered a "normal" life.

Again, it isn't the person that is at fault. It is their belief structures that are at fault and it is in this way that they create the reality that they experience on a daily basis. In reality, people simply do not appreciate how powerful their belief structures are and for the most part BELIEVE that those structures are unalterable. Fortunately, that is not the case. Imho, their "lot" is defined by "learned behavior" and BELIEVING what people tell them about themselves and what they in turn, believe about themselves.

Godlike said:
Do we Create Our Own Reality?
Emphatically, yes. In larger terms we create the reality or day to day existence that we experience, much like an Ad libbed play. We all tend to agree on basic premises of our experience and together form our experience as a civilization. If we did not all agree on specific frameworks, it is unlikely that we would have ever learned to communicate or developed languages to do so.

It really is beliefs or "ideas" that change the world and there is always a transition period between the "old guard" and "the new view" perspectives while that idea catches on like wildfire.

In some ways, Christopher Columbus had as much of an impact on the psyche of man as did Jesus of Nazareth, but in considerably different ways. Both precipitated massive changes in their world and the way man looked at his world and himself, respectively. The deciding factor of course lies in the ability of both to "bring home the bacon" as it is unlikely that either would have been given the time of day had they not been able to prove to those who listened to their outlandish tales that what they were saying was correct and "real". Columbus wouldn't have gotten anywhere if he did not BELIEVE there was something to his hunches. Curiously, what he found was NOT what he expected, but it still proved his point.

Therein lies the rub. Sometimes one has to "go over the edge" just a tad, in order to make the point.

Godlike said:
If so, how?
The only way the words, "You create your own reality" works is if you add the following... "through your beliefs about yourself, your world and what constitutes reality." The kick in the head is that you are NOT your beliefs and they are like clothing that can be changed at will. Stress on WILL. If you do not BELIEVE that you can change your life, IF you are unhappy that is, then you WILL not be able to change. Ask any recovering alcholic or a recovering drug addict. Each moment of each day of their lives, after their addiction, they HAVE to BELIEVE that they can stay sober. It is somewhat imperative.

Godlike said:
If not, who or what does define the "Real" for you?
Evidently, I don't have to supply an answer here. :)

BTW: In regards to A_E's allusion to the speeding train. That is part of physical reality. Simple physics dictates what happens when a MOVEABLE object is struck by a comparatively "unstoppable force". It isn't especially wise to toy with fundamental aspects of nature. Likewise, I don't suggest that people leap from high building in an attempt to realize unaided flight. No doubt their investigations would be short-lived as it doens't matter how much you BELIEVE you can fly it is not likey to supercede ones belief in gravity. There are certain basic realites of physical existence.

Oh well, what would I know? I repeat and stress, I never claim to be right.


Well-Known Member
YmirGF said:
You have little idea how annoying it is to be lumped into what I generally regard as the "granola crowd" and assorted "fruit loops". Why am I humming, "Look what they've done to my song, mom"?

Paul, I wouldn't do that to you: ever. The New Agers are them and not you: I understand that totally. :) Sometimes we find expression in the strangest of things from most obscure places. Be not annoyed, my friend.

YmirGF said:
What you and many others fail to grasp is the power of your own beliefs and belief structures. In general, people treat their beliefs somewhat lightly in the respect that they do not perceive how those beliefs about themselves, the world and reality directly influence their daily lives.

So you're saying the power of belief makes something real? Doesn't this subtract from the fact that sensory information conditions my beliefs to an extent that is beyond my immediate power?

YmirGF said:
Emphatically, yes. In larger terms we create the reality or day to day existence that we experience, much like an Ad libbed play. We all tend to agree on basic premises of our experience and together form our experience as a civilization.

I call this a Consensus Reality: principally, that we subconsciously agree to things like the solidarity of reality and this agreement is binding. Do you concur?

YmirGF said:
Oh well, what would I know? I repeat and stress, I never claim to be right.

You might never claim to be right, but I find you are rarely if ever wrong. ;)


angellous_evangellous said:

The old Scottish Common Sense philosophy test comes to mind:

To test your create your own reality, stand on some train tracks. Remain there as a train barrels toward you. If you jump off the tracks, you deny your ability to create your own reality. If you can turn the train into a marshmellow, you can create your own reality.

To my knowledge no one has ever passed this test.

Ain't that the truth....lol.


angellous_evangellous said:
There also may be a critical error in understanding many philosophers, scientists, and intellectuals who say that the way that we perceive reality makes reality real to us, not made real by our perception. That's why no one can perceive a train as a marshmellow and it actuall happens. The person can be completely destroyed by the train, perceiving incorrectly that the train is a marshmellow.

Everything that we experience, we do so subjectively because everything we experience is mediated through our sensories, and these sensories can malfunction or misinterpret the reality that we experience. However, our subjective experience does not mean that the reality we experience is made real in itself by our perception.

What he said. :) But I will add that subjective experiences does modify your psychological state. Therefore affecting your day to day behaivor and eventually you will act like a chicken after ingesting enough chickenology material over the years. :chicken:


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Victor said:
What he said. :) But I will add that subjective experiences does modify your psychological state. Therefore affecting your day to day behaivor and eventually you will act like a chicken after ingesting enough chickenology material over the years. :chicken:
*Spins the tables on Victor*

I DO agree, however, telling people that they are sinful or fallen over many, many generations has directly resulted in the world we have now. Nice, ain't it. When one heaves enough chickenleavings at the wall, eventually it sticks. It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to understand that if people believe they are "bad" that they will in fact behave "badly".


Will to love
michel said:
I was thinking that this morning, but then I remembered some who have 'made it' despite the hands they were dealt.

An immediate thought - Richard Branson - no education to speak of.
That's a good point. I also think that shows that we can shape our 'reality' to some extent in spite of the things that are out of our control. It's quite true that some can take lousy cards and win the hand, while others are dealt a royal flush and can blow it...:)

Not sure who Richard Branson is...:eek:



Student Nurse
Godlike said:
YmirGF and I generally agree cordially on virtually everything, but I was most surprised to hear him hail the New Age motto "You Create Your Own Reality", simply YCYOR, as a profound truth.

I am ambivalent in this regard: to some extent we might create our own description of the "Real", but the content of our spiritual and material experiences are not input by us directly, ie. we don't decide how we'll think, feel or react in different circumstances so @ a very base level we don't create our own reality: we are to an equal extent prisoners of it.

What do you think?

Do we Create Our Own Reality?

If so, how?

If not, who or what does define the "Real" for you?

All opinions welcome.

YCYOR is a no. Reality is what happens to us after we've already made other plans.
YCYOG is a yes. God represents our plans to escape from reality.