Neo Deist
Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
It has been brought to my attention that the 101 thread did not contain any reasons or explanations as to why deists believe in God, but reject revealed religions. Life/creation is not a random event or from random chance. Many deists believe that God was the creator and nature is by design. Allow me to cover some of those examples here:
1. Procreation
The survival of a species, especially mammals, depends on reproduction between a male and female. Our design is such that sex stimulates us and we have a natural tendency to crave it (some more than others). We could have been designed with no feeling at all in that regard and the only time sex was an issue was ***IF*** a couple wanted to have a child. Why would a "random creation event" include a feeling of euphoria for us? It is almost as if we are hard wired to try and reproduce by chasing that euphoric feeling.
2. Predators vs. Prey
All throughout nature, some creatures are predators and some are prey. The predators do things such as help keep species populations in check, rid an area of annoying insects, and help keep the environment/habitat in proper working order. The prey serve as the food for the predators, but when the predators die, their decomposed bodies help fertilize the ground which produces vegetation for the prey to feed on. It is a never ending cycle.
3. Different Diets
There are carnivores (meat eaters), herbivores (plant eaters) and omnivores (eat both). Why would a "random creation event" find it necessary to have three different diets for living creatures? The earth is covered in vegetation, so why the need for meat eaters? Carnivores typically have sharp pointed teeth, shorter intestines and stronger stomach acids. Herbivores are the opposite with flat teeth designed for crushing plants, longer intestines and weaker stomach acids. Omnivores are a hybrid of both, though humans tend to lean toward the herbivore end of the spectrum based on our molars, longer intestines, weaker stomach acid, and lack of sharp pointed teeth (and claws).
4. The Expanding Universe
Science now tells us that the known universe appears to be expanding (as well as accelerating). If you rewind that theory far enough back, it will show that the universe had a centralized starting point. Something (or someone) had to pull the trigger to in order to make that initial start happen. There had to have been some type of event (Big Bang perhaps), otherwise why would an eternally dormant spec suddenly decide to grow/expand/create?
5. Plants vs. Animals
Life on earth is only possible because we are in the "sweet spot" of our solar system where it is not too hot or cold. The sun drives photosynthesis, which is the process by which plants convert sunlight to chemical energy, which is used as fuel by the plants. The plants then give off oxygen, which is what creatures require in order to breathe. Those creatures exhale carbon dioxide (CO2 also comes from other sources such as volcanoes) and that helps create the atmosphere which is vital to life on earth. How would a "random creation event" figure out the complex science surrounding this phenomenon?
The examples are endless.
The point is this...deists do not believe in God because of some man made holy books, divine revelation, or because some church organization says so. We believe in God because when we look out in nature, we see the amazement of creation in life, the universe and how everything works as if by design.
1. Procreation
The survival of a species, especially mammals, depends on reproduction between a male and female. Our design is such that sex stimulates us and we have a natural tendency to crave it (some more than others). We could have been designed with no feeling at all in that regard and the only time sex was an issue was ***IF*** a couple wanted to have a child. Why would a "random creation event" include a feeling of euphoria for us? It is almost as if we are hard wired to try and reproduce by chasing that euphoric feeling.
2. Predators vs. Prey
All throughout nature, some creatures are predators and some are prey. The predators do things such as help keep species populations in check, rid an area of annoying insects, and help keep the environment/habitat in proper working order. The prey serve as the food for the predators, but when the predators die, their decomposed bodies help fertilize the ground which produces vegetation for the prey to feed on. It is a never ending cycle.
3. Different Diets
There are carnivores (meat eaters), herbivores (plant eaters) and omnivores (eat both). Why would a "random creation event" find it necessary to have three different diets for living creatures? The earth is covered in vegetation, so why the need for meat eaters? Carnivores typically have sharp pointed teeth, shorter intestines and stronger stomach acids. Herbivores are the opposite with flat teeth designed for crushing plants, longer intestines and weaker stomach acids. Omnivores are a hybrid of both, though humans tend to lean toward the herbivore end of the spectrum based on our molars, longer intestines, weaker stomach acid, and lack of sharp pointed teeth (and claws).
4. The Expanding Universe
Science now tells us that the known universe appears to be expanding (as well as accelerating). If you rewind that theory far enough back, it will show that the universe had a centralized starting point. Something (or someone) had to pull the trigger to in order to make that initial start happen. There had to have been some type of event (Big Bang perhaps), otherwise why would an eternally dormant spec suddenly decide to grow/expand/create?
5. Plants vs. Animals
Life on earth is only possible because we are in the "sweet spot" of our solar system where it is not too hot or cold. The sun drives photosynthesis, which is the process by which plants convert sunlight to chemical energy, which is used as fuel by the plants. The plants then give off oxygen, which is what creatures require in order to breathe. Those creatures exhale carbon dioxide (CO2 also comes from other sources such as volcanoes) and that helps create the atmosphere which is vital to life on earth. How would a "random creation event" figure out the complex science surrounding this phenomenon?
The examples are endless.
The point is this...deists do not believe in God because of some man made holy books, divine revelation, or because some church organization says so. We believe in God because when we look out in nature, we see the amazement of creation in life, the universe and how everything works as if by design.