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Darwinism is evil, isn't it?

Carl Sagan isn't on yours. Give this a read. Especially, pay a little attention to his baloney detection kit.
The Baloney Detection Kit: Carl Sagan’s Rules for Bull****-Busting and Critical Thinking

"The kit is brought out as a matter of course whenever new ideas are offered for consideration. If the new idea survives examination by the tools in our kit, we grant it warm, although tentative, acceptance. If you’re so inclined, if you don’t want to buy baloney even when it’s reassuring to do so, there are precautions that can be taken; there’s a tried-and-true, consumer-tested method."

Sagan might have been an excellent scientist and science educator, but it's a shame he didn't follow his own advice on subjects he was less knowledgable about as he contributed greatly to the spread of pseudohistorical myths.

It would be quite difficult to produce a segment of TV more factually inaccurate than the above part of Cosmos (although Fox often tries to give it a run for its money) :D


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
What kindness and understanding can be expected from people who know that monkeys gave birth to them through a common ancestor?
"Darwinism" (better known as the Theory of Evolution) is no more evil than geology, which demonstrates quite clearly that God didn't shape the earth.

I know, that's gonna upset your whole day, and you'll have to start working up a whole new rant, but if it'll keep you off Evolution even for a short time, it'll be worth it to the rest of us.


Well-Known Member
It is evil to do good for own benefit.

Oh dear... then you're telling me I should NEVER do good, because every time I do good it makes ME feel good, which benefits me. In fact it's been shown that there are health benefits for people who are kind, empathetic, and caring, so you're claiming that it's evil for anyone to be kind, empathetic and caring.

What a warped concept of morality you have.


Veteran Member
What kindness and understanding can you expect from someone who believes that God is on their side?
If it's a "kind and understanding God" you might be positively surprised

But better stay away from RF threads about Darwin, evolution etc



Veteran Member
If a person needs a god to tell them to be kind and empathetic, and to not kill or steal, they have a problem.
I look at the positive site of this

Suppose God did not tell them to "not kill or steal", then we, if we were his target (to kill or steal), would also have a huge problem

Thank God, 2 problems solved


Well-Known Member
No, the theory of evolution, or "Darwinism" as you call it.

Is not evil. It just IS. Nothing more nothing less.

Exactly. Evolutionary theory doesn't evaluate events according to moral worth. It is a scientific theory that describes an ecological principle at work in past events.

Many might (rightly) object that "survival of the fittest" seems to be a poor moral principle. But this doesn't bring them into conflict with Darwinism. Evolutionary theory attempts to accurately describe past events. It doesn't claim to make moral judgments. "Survival of the fittest determines which species survive" is a different statement from "the principle of survival of the fittest ought to govern my conduct."

If I see a mugger on the street shoot an old woman and steal her purse, and I later report to the police that this event transpired, that doesn't make me evil. Just because I'm able to accurately report past events says nothing about my moral character.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
What kindness and understanding can be expected from people who know that monkeys gave birth to them through a common ancestor?

Only 23% of Australian adults reject evolution. Many who accept it are theists.

Ignoring your strange way of characterising it (which you surely know to be a mis-characterisation) are you suggesting that 77% of Australians...theists, deists, agnostics and atheists...lack kindness and understanding?

That seems both unkind and ignorant. Ironic, huh?

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
What kindness and understanding can be expected from people who know that monkeys gave birth to them through a common ancestor?
And so on back to the first primate, the first placental mammal, the first reptile, the first airbreather, the first critter with four legs, ,with a movable jaw, with a spine, with a notochord, with bilateral symmetry, back to self-replicating cell Mark I.

What's not to like? Be proud of your ancestry ─ it seems a safe bet it's not found anywhere else in the universe but on planet Earth!
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Well-Known Member
What kindness and understanding can be expected from people who know that monkeys gave birth to them through a common ancestor?
Who cares what gave birth to us? Ancestorage is irrelevant. What kindness and understanding can be expected from people who place so much of the worth of others into their origins? Evidently, not much of anything.


Active Member
What kindness and understanding can be expected from people who know that monkeys gave birth to them through a common ancestor?
It seems you prefer cat :catface: over monkey :monkeyface:!

By the way, it is not either-or situation! IMO
Both evolution and creationism could have occurred simultaneously. Adam could have been sent at a later point of natural selection.
Now, the question is - who came from Adam and who came from Ape?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Only 23% of Australian adults reject evolution. Many who accept it are theists.

Ignoring your strange way of characterising it (which you surely know to be a mis-characterisation) are you suggesting that 77% of Australians...theists, deists, agnostics and atheists...lack kindness and understanding?

That seems both unkind and ignorant. Ironic, huh?
Wow! For once we may actually beat Australians. According to this PEW Research poll only 18% of Americans reject evolution outright. 48% say that we evolved but "God done did it!" and 33% just say that life evolved due to natural processes:

For Darwin Day, 6 facts about the evolution debate


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Wow! For once we may actually beat Australians. According to this PEW Research poll only 18% of Americans reject evolution outright. 48% say that we evolved but "God done did it!" and 33% just say that life evolved due to natural processes:

For Darwin Day, 6 facts about the evolution debate

Heh...the may is important. My stats were from 2013, and questions about evolution are notoriously fickle based on exact wording. The trends are also not smooth, unfortunately.

But I don't think there's a huge difference...we've just kept them out of public schools a little better, which hopefully is beneficial over time.

As a peace offering, you might find this interesting. Involves Aussie science on US legislation. It's a little dated, but so were my stats, so...

Science used to trace how creationist anti-evolution tactics have evolved

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Heh...the may is important. My stats were from 2013, and questions about evolution are notoriously fickle based on exact wording. The trends are also not smooth, unfortunately.

But I don't think there's a huge difference...we've just kept them out of public schools a little better, which hopefully is beneficial over time.

As a peace offering, you might find this interesting. Involves Aussie science on US legislation. It's a little dated, but so were my stats, so...

Science used to trace how creationist anti-evolution tactics have evolved
That is exactly why I used the word "may". We both appear to know that what questions are asked and how they are asked can make a significant difference in the results. I was not about to shout "Hey! America is better!! For reals. Suck it Australia!"

Oh if only I could. If the same questions were asked in your poll as in ours you could have easily beaten us.

PEW does try to do honest research, but they too are well aware of the drawbacks of framing questions poorly. I always do like to point out that the number of creationists in the US is much smaller than people think. And I wonder how much shame has to do with the rather good news that I posted. Some creationists know how silly their beliefs are so when confronted, even in an anonymous poll, they may lie about their beliefs.

And thanks for the article. I was aware of the changing attacks over the years but it is interesting to see them analyzed in a somewhat scientific way.

The Hammer

Premium Member
Go back far enough and we are descended from "monkeys". In fact "monkeys" is a problem that applies to English and maybe a couple of other languages. Spanish for example uses the same term for monkeys and apes. At any rate, by cladistics, and that is a far superior classification system to Linnaean classification we still are "monkeys".

The difference between ape and monkey I think is a prehensile tail. (But that may only be S. American ones).

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
The difference between ape and monkey I think is a prehensile tail. (But that may only be S. American ones).
Yes, the prehensile tail is a New World feature. You are on the right track. Almost. Apes do not have tails. Almost all monkeys do, but there is at least one species of tailless monkeys.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Darwin in terms of a man's science code of man's caused inherited causes. To earth itself.

He said owned man's predictive conscious future. From zero timed past.

Darwin on gods earth at Christmas time gained an attack. Huge destruction as a warning sign. Inherited by exact man named conditions.

Man's coding. Phenomena.

Man's old Ark UFO metal attack he said was baboon Kra. Taught I theoried looking back instead of allowing natural evolution.

To define he knew his human theorising against nature's natural body life was real.

Evidence says he knew it was as he gives all named names by human experience only. Darwin named by men's thoughts on earth. Position.

So he taught don't believe in the terms of the beast.

Reason to look back means you compare a humans holy life to its destruction and personal non presence.

Aloha man's thinking dominion thought ...A theist.
A the of ist.
A the if ist.

Conscious expression if you think using ist beliefs. About and of the ist.

A human theist thief criminal action. Given a new legal term. New testimony about same human life attack as the old. Near total earth eradication of nature's life.

Mutated sick unhealthy dying human by cell blood bone.

The signs. Heavens body was changed as our life bio support.

So science man says human life is supported existing by oxygenated only bio microbes in holy water. Oxygenated water generated.

Exact mind advice.

The psychic healer mind advice about oxygenated bio microbes saving life was not taken as literal human advice.

Instead a satanist took it to a theory ground non oxygenated dust nuclear base to have it destroyed as the theist.

Gods legal terms holy water human life only. Stated by humans for legal human equal rights as new governing.

Exact warnings.

Versus Satan...ist.

IsIs said men was holy.
Ists....ists. T the cross sacrifice sign. Not a holy mother sign.

To know it was to cause it.

Question. Was it naturally caused as where human theism begins. Maths inferred?

Answer is no.

So theorising bible data is direct Satanism.

As natural law did not own the reason why it occurred. Man's science cause of changed atmosphere owned why.

Is the exact human advice.

Is meaning is told is known. Is.....defined I was taught correctly.

Is just a human term why I used words to define my own correctness. And this advice cannot be used by Satanists against us. As your ist term is direct already.

As any thing I say coders then try to use it against us.


Well-Known Member
Oh dear, so I shouldn't help an old lady across the road because your God thinks I'm being evil for showing compassion. Compassion being a positive trait that I know about
Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. Mark 8:34
But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Matthew 6:3-4