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Convert 2 Muslim.

[email protected]

Young muslim in making
Can anyone out there help me I live in a house with christians and im not one i wont to convert to the muslim nation but i need info below I will list some questions and i wonder if someone can help me answer them.

1. How do I convert to the muslim nation.

2. God says put no other god before him what will happen if i started worshipping allah.

3. what is the difference between god and allah i heard allah and god are the same people is that true.

4. whats the diff between the bible and quran.

5. Why dont muslims eat pork.

6. Do they have to pray 5 times a day is it a must.


Can anyone out there help me I live in a house with christians and im not one i wont to convert to the muslim nation but i need info below I will list some questions and i wonder if someone can help me answer them.

1. How do I convert to the muslim nation.

2. God says put no other god before him what will happen if i started worshipping allah.

3. what is the difference between god and allah i heard allah and god are the same people is that true.

4. whats the diff between the bible and quran.

5. Why dont muslims eat pork.

6. Do they have to pray 5 times a day is it a must.

welcome brother :)

why don't you post your questions here , so that all muslims can see them and reply inshallah


May allah guide your steps and bless you with islam , ameen :)


i can see that you posted your questions in another inappropriate thread because you want fast answers ,
so i'll do my best

1. How do I convert to the muslim nation.

you have to say " I witness that there is no God but allah and that Muhammed is his messenger "

if you say it with both your tongue and heart ,congratulations ! you are a muslim

you have to start your journey of learning more about your religion

2. God says put no other god before him what will happen if i started worshipping allah.

i am sorry , i can't understand the question

3. what is the difference between god and allah i heard allah and god are the same people is that true.

"Allah" is our lord , the word " Allah" refers to the one god , the great creator , the omnipotent , the most merciful and gracious

4. whats the diff between the bible and quran.

The Quran is the book of muslims ,and the final revelation from allah to his last Messenger , muhammed (pbuh )

the gospel is the book revealed to jesus (Pbuh) , but it doesn't exist as it was revealed anymore

5. Why dont muslims eat pork.

it is one of the teachings of islam which we have to abide by

6. Do they have to pray 5 times a day is it a must.

yes ,brother
the five daily prayers are obligatory for a muslim ,

they are our connection to our lord , by which we announce our submission to him ,and ask for guidance

May Allah Bless you :)

[email protected]

Young muslim in making
Thank you for your help. but on question number 2 i meant to say in the bible it says thall shall put no other god before me what would happen if i started worshipping allah people say i will go down under but how is that if i have never chose the christian faith. and what would i pray about.


Thank you for your help. but on question number 2 i meant to say in the bible it says thall shall put no other god before me what would happen if i started worshipping allah people say i will go down under but how is that if i have never chose the christian faith. and what would i pray about.

i apologize brother , for english is not my first language , i still can't understand what you are asking

what do you mean (people say you will go down under ) ?


i forgot to tell you that we have a brother and a sister here in the forum who converted from christianity to islam (mujahed muhammed and fullyvieled muslimah ),

i was born as a muslim ,allhamdullilah

so ,if i weren't very helpful to you , i am sure they will


Okay umm. to be with satin. (hell).

brother , we believe that islam is the final revelation from allah to mankind , and that it 's our duty as muslims to let every person know about our great religion

it's not me to tell who is going to hell and who is not , allah is the one who is going to judge us all

many people don't know anything about islam except its name , and others never heard of it ,
how can i judge these people and say they are going to hell ?

brother , allhamdullilah that allah guided you to islam , i am happy for you more than you can imagine ,

go ahead , say your shahadah , and start your journey to learn , and all the muslims here will always support you :)


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Thank you for your help. but on question number 2 i meant to say in the bible it says thall shall put no other god before me what would happen if i started worshipping allah people say i will go down under but how is that if i have never chose the christian faith. and what would i pray about.

I think this link might help you to be sure that Allah is the God whom we all should worship, the God of Abraham, Jesus, Moses, and Mohammed, the last prophet and messenger of Allah. :)

Allah means God, but in Arabic language. That's why the arab Christians say Allah when they want to refer to God.



fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
Can anyone out there help me I live in a house with christians and im not one i wont to convert to the muslim nation but i need info below I will list some questions and i wonder if someone can help me answer them.

1. How do I convert to the muslim nation.

2. God says put no other god before him what will happen if i started worshipping allah.

3. what is the difference between god and allah i heard allah and god are the same people is that true.

4. whats the diff between the bible and quran.

5. Why dont muslims eat pork.

6. Do they have to pray 5 times a day is it a must.

Hello j20 how are you? I am glad to see you are interested in Islam. I will try my best to answer your questions fully, without overwhelming you with info.

1) In order to become a muslim there are a certain few things to believe in first. The first thing is to believe in the oneness of God. Muslims believe that God has no partners, no sons, no daughters, no wives, no mothers, no fathers, no family or lineage at all. Allah is not in need of these things as He does not have any need at all. Allah does not depend on anything of His creation, and everything is His creation, but all creation depend upon Allah.

The next thing to believe in is that Muhammad is the last of a line of prophets to have been sent to this world. The first was Adam, the list includes but is not limited to Noah, Moses, Abraham, and Jesus. Muslims do in fact believe in Jesus. We believe he was a prophet of God who came to deliver a messege to his people the children of Isreal. We do not believe that he died for the sins of the world or to obtain forgiveness for us, as Allah is perfectly capable of forgiving His creation on His own.

Muhammad ibn Abdullah was born around the 7th century in Saudi Arabia. He was chosen as were all other prophets to deliver the messege of truth not only to his own people, but to the entire mankind. We believe that there will be no more prophets after him. The Quran (the holy book for muslims) was revealed to him over the course of 23 years.

2) Allah and God is the same thing. The christians, the jews, and the muslims all worship the One Creator of the heavens and the earth. However the christians also worship Jesus as part of a trinity in the godhead. Muslims reject this wholeheartedly. We believe that Jesus was no more than a faithful messenger of Allah. He performed many miracles through the strength and permission of Allah. Muslims do honor the ten commandments. The first of which is thou shalt have no other gods before me. This is what Moses told his people. Later, when Jesus arrived he said the same thing when he said "Hear O Isreal your Lord is one Lord". Muhammad came after that to proclaim the same exact thing when he told his people "there is nothing worthy of worship besides Allah" or it can be translated "there is no god but God."

3)Allah si simply the arabic word for God. There is no difference because of a word. We do prefer the use of the word Allah because using the word God has a less definite meaning than saying Allah. Anyone can have god and anything can be anybody's god should they choose to call it that, but Allah is Allah. Sounds like I'm making a difference, but trust me I would never have left the belief in the One Almighty to worship some other deity.

4)Both the bible and the Quran are books revealed by Allah. It is one of four major books namely the Torah, the Psalms, the Gospels, and lastly the Quran. We believe that Allah has continuously revealed the same messege a number of times to different parts of the world. He has revealed also books that include that messege of Oneness for Allah, and how to worship Him. The books also include instruction on how to live in such a way that obtains the pleasure of God, and to stay away from things which God has declared wrongful.

The difference between the Bible and the Quran ain't as much as people like to think. Muslims do believe that the Bible (that is to say the torah, psalms, and gospel) has been corrupted to a degree out of it's original form. We do not believe that the bible is to be discounted altogether. It is still a book from Allah and contains much of the truth with which it was first revealed. The Quran since it's revelation has gone on unchanged. The arabic Quran has never undergone changes in its wording, its established sequence, nor its meanings. Because of it having never been changed is why muslims rely on the Quran rather than the Bible for our way of life.

5)It is simply a law of our that we do not eat pork. The pig is considered a filthy animal whose main job is to consume the excrement of other animals. Since it consumes that as a main source of nourishment, it cannot be eaten. Now don't get me wrong, a pig will eat feed if you give it to them, but it will always eat excrement. Thats its job, to clean waste. Much like different fish will eat the algea and mildew from a fishtank that helps keep that environment clean, a pig eats excrement for the same reason. I cannot say that is the only reason why Allah prohibited it, but it is one.

6)Praying five times daily is a requirement for being muslim. The reason si so that we can continue throughout the day in rememberance of Allah. We ask in our prayers that we be guided to the straight path, that we be forgiven, and we send praises to Allah within the prayers.


The Devil's Advocate
Thank you for your help. but on question number 2 i meant to say in the bible it says thall shall put no other god before me what would happen if i started worshipping allah people say i will go down under but how is that if i have never chose the christian faith. and what would i pray about.
Allah and God are the same God, just a different word/name. You would not be violating the 3rd commandment by converting to Islam.

Tho I would suggest that you study a little more before making such a commitment.


Well-Known Member
Hi, I hope your journey turns out well wherever it may lead you!

Allah and the Christian God are the same! There is no difference between them, just as other people say a different language if you like! So as lilithu said you would not be violating the 3rd commandment!

Not to confuse you on your journey, but the fact that you even asked that question (and believed they were two different Gods) suggests you are more in tune with christianity than you think! Or you believe in multiple Gods which would suggest you would be better off in Hinduism or something.

I wish you well!

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
Any information we can give you j20 you are welcome to ask for. Questions are your friend when trying to find what you are looking for. As always I am glad to see any person wanting to become muslim. However do please ask questions so that you may be perfectly clear on just what Allah will expect of you as a muslim. I was right where you are now about ten years ago. So please feel free to pm me or the other muslims here, we will be happy to help you.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
Thank you for your help. but on question number 2 i meant to say in the bible it says thall shall put no other god before me what would happen if i started worshipping allah people say i will go down under but how is that if i have never chose the christian faith. and what would i pray about.
If you read an arabic bible it will have the word Allah where it says God.