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Cindy Sheehan calls it quits


fgs said:
-Either you live in the USA or you don't. Pretending doesn't change that.

-It could be a permanent vacation from fascism of sorts.
Exactly how long HAVE you lived outside of the US?

Thought so.


Admiral Obvious
As soon as somone disagrees with you, you start painting them with a broad stroke. "Oh! They are against Cindy - They must be knocking down the doors and blowing up abortion clinics and yada yada yada..."
And when did I say anything IN ANY THREAD about blowing up abortion clinics?

You make assumptions, then jump to conclusions and I have no idea how you got either the assumptions or the conclusions you have jumped to from them.

Dr. Nosophoros

Active Member
I like her style

"I have endured a lot of smear and hatred since Casey was killed and especially since I became the so-called "Face" of the American anti-war movement," Sheehan wrote in the diary[break]Sheehan criticized "blind party loyalty" as a danger, no matter which side it involved, and said the current two-party system is "corrupt" and "rapidly descending into with nary a check or balance: a fascist corporate wasteland."
IMO, she was politically used when deemed useful and then tossed away when she wasn't seen as politically advantageous and now she realizes the truth behind the faces, so much for loyalty, so much for duty to someone else's cause- good for her- hope she doesn't commit suicide. I'd say she probably has a lot more to say but may lack the words to express it at this point.


Through the Looking Glass
IMO, she was politically used when deemed useful and then tossed away when she wasn't seen as politically advantageous and now she realizes the truth behind the faces, so much for loyalty, so much for duty to someone else's cause- good for her- hope she doesn't commit suicide, I'd say she probably has a lot more to say but may lack the words to express it at this point.

I agree with this assessment. The Democrats so far appear to have used the peace movement for their own purposes (surprise, surprise) and jettisoned it when they no longer thought it expedient. That's politics. The Republicans have been doing the same thing with anti-abortion activists for years.


Active Member
Cindy Sheehan calls it quits.

'It's Up to You Now': Sheehan Quits

By ANGELA K. BROWN - Associated Press Writer

FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) -- Cindy Sheehan, the soldier's mother who galvanized an anti-war movement with her month long protest outside President Bush's ranch, said Tuesday she's done being the public face of the movement.

"I've been wondering why I'm killing myself and wondering why the Democrats caved in to George Bush," Sheehan told The Associated Press while driving from her property in Crawford to the airport, where she planned to return to her native California.

"I'm going home for awhile to try and be normal," she said.

In what she described as a "resignation letter," Sheehan wrote in her online diary on the "Daily Kos" blog: "Good-bye America ... you are not the country that I love and I finally realized no matter how much I sacrifice, I can't make you be that country unless you want it.

"It's up to you now."

Sheehan began a grass roots peace movement in August 2005 when she set up camp outside the Bush ranch for 26 days, asking to talk with the President about the death of her son, Army Spc. Casey Sheehan. Casey Sheehan was 24 when he was killed in an ambush in Baghdad.

Cindy Sheehan started her protest small, but it quickly drew national attention. Over the following two years, she drew huge crowds as she spoke at protest events, but she also drew a great deal of criticism.

"I have endured a lot of smear and hatred since Casey was killed and especially since I became the so-called "Face" of the American anti-war movement," Sheehan wrote in the diary.

On Memorial Day, she came to some "heartbreaking conclusions," she wrote.

When she had first taken on Bush, Sheehan was a darling of the liberal left. "However, when I started to hold the Democratic Party to the same standards that I held the Republican Party, support for my cause started to erode and the 'left' started labeling me with the same slurs that the right used," she wrote.

"I guess no one paid attention to me when I said that the issue of peace and people dying for no reason is not a matter of 'right or left', but 'right and wrong,'" the diary says.

Sheehan criticized "blind party loyalty" as a danger, no matter which side it involved, and said the current two-party system is "corrupt" and "rapidly descending into with nary a check or balance: a fascist corporate wasteland."

Sheehan said she had sacrificed a 29-year marriage and endured threats to put all her energy into stopping the war. What she found, she wrote, was a movement "that often puts personal egos above peace and human life."

But she said the most devastating conclusion she had reached "was that Casey did indeed die for nothing ... killed by his own country which is beholden to and run by a war machine that even controls what we think".

"Casey died for a country which cares more about who will be the next American Idol than how many people will be killed in the next few months while Democrats and Republicans play politics with human lives," she wrote. It is so painful to me to know that I bought into this system for so many years and Casey paid the price for that allegiance. I failed my boy and that hurts the most."

"I am going to take whatever I have left and go home," Sheehan wrote.

"Camp Casey has served its purpose. It's for sale. Anyone want to buy five beautiful acres in Crawford, Texas?"

She keeps on the fight, now she is bound to win...

Cindy Sheehan: Twin Towers' Collapse Looked Like Controlled Demolition
Anti-war icon supports move for new investigation into 9/11Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Thursday, May 31, 2007
reddit_url='http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/may2007/310507cindysheehan.htm'reddit_title='Cindy Sheehan: Twin Towers Collapse Looked Like Controlled Demolition'
digg_title = 'Cindy Sheehan: Twin Towers Collapse Looked Like Controlled Demolition';digg_bodytext = 'Anti-war icon Cindy Sheehan has gone public on her support for the 9/11 truth movement after she told a radio show that the collapse of the twin towers looked like a controlled demolition and that there should be a new investigation into the terrorist attacks.';digg_topic = 'politics';

Anti-war icon Cindy Sheehan has gone public on her support for the 9/11 truth movement after she told a radio show that the collapse of the twin towers looked like a controlled demolition and that there should be a new investigation into the terrorist attacks.
Sheehan, who made headlines this week after she distanced herself from the Democratic party and the establishment left, joined Alex Jones to share her views on her skepticism towards the official 9/11 story.



Steel Magnolia
And pray tell how she 'worked to bring this country down" and what exactly were these 'bigger things' that the "American public was worried about?"

The next American Idol?
My oh my you are absolutely right, that is a much bigger thing for Americans to worry about than all the lives being lost in Iraq.

Abortion being illegal?
Once again you hit the nail on the head.

I know, the American public was so worried about what Sharpton had to say about a shock jocks shocking comments.
How dare Sheehan try to get people to pay attention to the war!!

Putting words in my mouth. :rolleyes:

I'm just saying this woman is obviously an attention-seeker. Does she not think that all of us hope the war ends as soon as possible? But slurring the people who practically hold the lives of our men and women overseas in their hands and slurring this country which we're all blessed to live in will accomplish nothing.

If she really wanted to accomplish something, she would be sending cards and gift baskets and stuff to the people who are fighting for her.

I don't know where people get the idea that Americans aren't paying attention to the war. Everyone I know in my area is paying great attention to it, not to mention doing everything possible to help the troops.

Maybe Tennesseans are just more patriotic than everybody else or something. :p ;)


But slurring the people who practically hold the lives of our men and women overseas in their hands and slurring this country which we're all blessed to live in will accomplish nothing.

not with a very firm grip, imo. do you have any family and / or friends in Iraq, Guess?

If she really wanted to accomplish something, she would be sending cards and gift baskets and stuff to the people who are fighting for her.

this is one way to do something. one could also send money to aid organizations trying to work with displaced, maimed, shell-shocked Iraqi civilians. what's a card or gift basket going to do? what about an on-line pen-pal service?

I don't know where people get the idea that Americans aren't paying attention to the war. Everyone I know in my area is paying great attention to it, not to mention doing everything possible to help the troops.

most folks i know are paying attention, too.


Veteran Member
... But slurring the people who practically hold the lives of our men and women overseas in their hands and slurring this country which we're all blessed to live in will accomplish nothing.
Is it really beyond imagining for you, that these people may not have the best interests of the soldiers in mind, as part of their agenda? Do you really believe that because someone is in charge that they must be doing the right thing, and therefor we should never take them to task?

And if you can imagine the concept that the people in charge perhaps are NOT doing the right thing, wouldn't you feel that it's our obligation to try and do something about that? And couldn't it be that this is what Mrs, Sheehan was trying to do? Is this really that difficult for you to imagine?

No offense, but I am always flabbergasted by people who think that because the police are the police that they must be doing what's right. Or that because the president is the president that he must be doing the what's right for the nation. What friggin' planet do these people live on? And in what universe does it exist? It certainly isn't this one.
If she really wanted to accomplish something, she would be sending cards and gift baskets and stuff to the people who are fighting for her.
Clearly, what she wants to accomplish is to stop further American soldiers from dying in a useless and pointless occupation. And frankly, I can't see any possible way that sending them letters and cookies could accomplish that goal. Can you?
I don't know where people get the idea that Americans aren't paying attention to the war. Everyone I know in my area is paying great attention to it, not to mention doing everything possible to help the troops.
Help them how? By sending them cookies until they're killed for no good reason?
Maybe Tennesseans are just more patriotic than everybody else or something. :p ;)
Or maybe they're all from that other universe, where just because some idiot gets elected president, they think he couldn't possibly be doing anything wrong, or making any mistakes, or getting soldiers killed for no good reason.


Steel Magnolia
not with a very firm grip, imo. do you have any family and / or friends in Iraq, Guess?


this is one way to do something. one could also send money to aid organizations trying to work with displaced, maimed, shell-shocked Iraqi civilians. what's a card or gift basket going to do? what about an on-line pen-pal service?

Exactly. My point is that all the time and energy Ms. Sheehan has put into her "cause" has accomplished absolutely nothing, and could have been better spent doing something else.

Is it really beyond imagining for you, that these people may not have the best interests of the soldiers in mind, as part of their agenda? Do you really believe that because someone is in charge that they must be doing the right thing, and therefor we should never take them to task?

And if you can imagine the concept that the people in charge perhaps are NOT doing the right thing, wouldn't you feel that it's our obligation to try and do something about that? And couldn't it be that this is what Mrs, Sheehan was trying to do? Is this really that difficult for you to imagine?

No offense, but I am always flabbergasted by people who think that because the police are the police that they must be doing what's right. Or that because the president is the president that he must be doing the what's right for the nation. What friggin' planet do these people live on? And in what universe does it exist? It certainly isn't this one.

Obviously, in my opinion, most of those in our government do have the best interests of our soldiers in mind. Not so sure about the left-wing folks, seems to me they don't care what happens to our men and women in Iraq. They just want to do everything possible to make Bush look bad...

Clearly, what she wants to accomplish is to stop further American soldiers from dying in a useless and pointless occupation. And frankly, I can't see any possible way that sending them letters and cookies could accomplish that goal. Can you?

It's not useless and/or pointless. Of course I would prefer that we didn't have to be in Iraq right now, but we need to be getting rid of the terrorists, starting there. Look at what happened recently @ that airport in NY. There was another terrorist plot. Think about what would happen if we just up and left right now...it would give the Muslim extremists free reign to plot even more attacks, on us, and the rest of the world.

Sending letters and cookies will at least let them know that not all of us hate them because they're American soldiers...did you hear about that one man in uniform who was walking down the street during an anti-war ralley? One of the protesters spit on him just because he was an American soldier in uniform. And people like Cindy Sheehan who are slurring the country they're trying to defend probably doesn't help they're spirits, either. So I can see some point in sending them cookies...

Help them how? By sending them cookies until they're killed for no good reason?

Cookies, sunscreen, extra toiletries, whatever they might need. Compared to all other wars, not that many people have been killed. And not all of us believe it's for a no good reason. There's never really a good reason to die...but I don't think it's a bad-horrible-wrong reason.



man, when my cousin was over there he really, really didn't want to be there! Bush is the one who got us into this mess, Guess. seriously, i think it would be silly to claim it was anyone's "fault" save for his. he wanted this war very, very badly. and he got it and now how many lives are lost for his war?

some 65,000 (at least) Iraqi lives, and 3,480 US lives.

it is good to do things to help, sure- but i think another way of helping is to protest the war, and to realize that compared to what America and the world was told to begin with, how wrong things have gone over there, and for what? for WMDs and where are they? for peace and freedom, while blood is still flowing in the streets of Baghdad and no one is safe, not in their own homes? for democracy, where is it? for America's safety, well now more people are turned against us and disgusted. we have been told so many things, Guess, and we includes those guys and gals over there fighting, and it includes Iraqis. and so much has been wrong, and i think you *have* to wonder why and get angry and protest.


Steel Magnolia

man, when my cousin was over there he really, really didn't want to be there! Bush is the one who got us into this mess, Guess. seriously, i think it would be silly to claim it was anyone's "fault" save for his. he wanted this war very, very badly. and he got it and now how many lives are lost for his war?

some 65,000 (at least) Iraqi lives, and 3,480 US lives.

it is good to do things to help, sure- but i think another way of helping is to protest the war, and to realize that compared to what America and the world was told to begin with, how wrong things have gone over there, and for what? for WMDs and where are they? for peace and freedom, while blood is still flowing in the streets of Baghdad and no one is safe, not in their own homes? for democracy, where is it? for America's safety, well now more people are turned against us and disgusted. we have been told so many things, Guess, and we includes those guys and gals over there fighting, and it includes Iraqis. and so much has been wrong, and i think you *have* to wonder why and get angry and protest.

And I guess it varies. My cousin probably doesn't want to be flying over there all the time, my friends and aquaintences probably don't want to be there, either. But when they signed up for the military, they knew they were risking a lot. And of course, most of them are conservatives, so they just see it as protecting us and doing their duty.


Steel Magnolia
It's probably worth mentioning that, per average week, more Americans lose their life in America due to crime than Americans losing their life overseas due to war.


It's probably worth mentioning that, per average week, more Americans lose their life in America due to crime than Americans losing their life overseas due to war.

so wouldn't our money be better spend helping with violence here, than getting killed and killing people over else where?


Steel Magnolia
so wouldn't our money be better spend helping with violence here, than getting killed and killing people over else where?

It won't matter how much violence we have here if we leave the middle east and some islamic extremist whakos launch a major attack on the country...

But yes, I see your point.


It won't matter how much violence we have here if we leave the middle east and some islamic extremist whakos launch a major attack on the country...

But yes, I see your point.

actually, i think it would, Guess. why does it not matter? why wouldn't it matter? because of a threat of a terrorist attack, this money could not be spent in a better way? or am i missing your point?