Whereas you should know by now that I think your questions are good in reference to evolution, I find there is definitely evidence I accept for the age of the earth such as rocks and soil to be older than 6,000 years. The the use of the word day in the Bible does not always mean a 24-hour period. It can mean a period of time with a beginning and an end. And remember please -- the 7th 'day' as noted in the creation account in Genesis is not said to have ended. It is the only day of the 7 'days' described of creation that has no closure to it yet.
I hope you will see to it eventually to change your outlook on the timing. I have a problem with dating, too, about the soil and spillovers and tools and all that because I think scientists have a real problem with dating things like that, including cities and structures and tools. I think they're wrong in many cases. But I do believe that the earth is far older than 6,000 years. Not mankind. Not gorillas. Not birds. But the earth.
(Have a good day...
I mean that.)