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AZ Lawmaker proposes bill to make Pledge of Allegiance mandatory in schools

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
ost people believe this battle flag to be the stars and bars, and though it is not the original, it certainly has stars and bars. So I make no big issue about it. The point is they recognize it. And so does everyone else.
Its not the Stars and Bars, and looks nothing like it. The battle flags happened because it was too hard to tell the Stars and Bars from the Stars and Stripes.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Well, if that is your people's flag, knock yourself out.
Not my people's, but both share the status of being goofy novelty flags.
But you should be free to do your thing on your time, money, property, etc.

I agreed with you, remember. Perhaps for a different reason. Why should we have to pledge allegiance to the U.S. flag when all they do to the Southernors flag is tear it down along with any monuments we have.

Because it's not a standing power, holds no authority, no longer exists, and is unworthy of celebration/commemoration? You can do what you want, just not with my tax dollars.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Not my people's, but both share the status of being goofy novelty flags.
I think I'd go for the Conch Republic, myself. That one's fun.

The Jolly Roger has been reformed a bit, especially by the Disney movies. It certainly doesn't have the association with things like treason, racism, slavery & cowardice that the Confederate flag does.

Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member
Arizona bill would require students say Pledge of Allegiance

So, if you bring a note from your parents, you'll be excused from having to recite the Pledge.

When I was in school, we were required to stand, but we didn't have to put our hands over our hearts or recite the Pledge.

I'd like to know what the penalty is for breaking this law. If a kid refuses to recite the pledge, will he/she go to jail?

'Comrade, show us your papers!'

Wonder what these people fear that they need to propagandize and indoctrinate children with national creeds affirming national and religious superiority?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
'Comrade, show us your papers!'

Wonder what these people fear that they need to propagandize and indoctrinate children with national creeds affirming national and religious superiority?
I suspect the primary motive is that they believe they have The Truth.
They know what is best, & that must be made standard. To imposed the
oath would make people act accordingly. Dissenters? They're Wrong!

Sorry for shouting, but it expresses their fervent certainty.


Well-Known Member
Its not the Stars and Bars, and looks nothing like it. The battle flags happened because it was too hard to tell the Stars and Bars from the Stars and Stripes.

Yes, that is correct. My point was that most still call the Battle Flag the Stars and Bars. It does have stars and bars. I just never make a big issue out of it.

The original 'Stars and Bars' was replaced however by the the flag I mentioned with the Battle flag in the top left corner upon a white field.

But the armies continued to use the Battle Flag as I have in my avatar, as they didn't like the too much white in it as it resembled a surrender flag when there was no wind. Which was why eventually the broad red bar was added down the right side.

This Confederate Battle Flag would be the one surrendered by the various armies. It more than any other flag represents the Southern people. As a side note, the Confederacy never surrendered. Our armies were defeated, yes. But the only one to surrender the Confederate govt. was Jeff Davis, and he never did.

Have you ever heard our national anthem? "I am a good ole Rebel" by Bobby Horton? There is the true Southernor.



Well-Known Member
Not my people's, but both share the status of being goofy novelty flags.
But you should be free to do your thing on your time, money, property, etc.

Because it's not a standing power, holds no authority, no longer exists, and is unworthy of celebration/commemoration? You can do what you want, just not with my tax dollars.

And, you are well adapted to know goofy.

Well, you go ahead and refuse to say the pledge of allegiance for your reasons, and I will refuse for my reasons. The point is I am all for not saying the pledge of allegiance to the Federal Flag. And I appreciate your support.


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
This Confederate Battle Flag would be the one surrendered by the various armies. It more than any other flag represents the Southern people. As a side note, the Confederacy never
Then, a flag that marks defeat and how wrong the South was. A foolish war for an evil cause (even Stephens did it was for slavery). And, no, they didn't have a damn bit of respect for states rights because Northern states rights were null and void when it came to claiming humans as property. My home state tore its self apart supporting such a foolhardy cause,but due to a republican coop the state was spared reconstruction, and then it showed us just how racist ideology was indeed a part of Confederate ideology, because it got out of hand with it being a state the army wasn't sent in to maintain order and take out the Klan garbage.


Well-Known Member
Then, a flag that marks defeat and how wrong the South was. A foolish war for an evil cause (even Stephens did it was for slavery). And, no, they didn't have a damn bit of respect for states rights because Northern states rights were null and void when it came to claiming humans as property. My home state tore its self apart supporting such a foolhardy cause,but due to a republican coop the state was spared reconstruction, and then it showed us just how racist ideology was indeed a part of Confederate ideology, because it got out of hand with it being a state the army wasn't sent in to maintain order and take out the Klan garbage.

No, it doesn't mark defeat. It represents the Southern people. It doesn't mark how wrong the South was, as the South was not wrong. We were however defeated. Slavery was an issue, but not the cause.

Sorry about your state, but you're not going to get much sympathy from me for what it went through.

You present the propaganda that the North has been feeding everyone since the war ended. I would be more than happy to discuss it with you....but you have such a hatred for the Southern people that I doubt you would want to. The last thing you want to find out is that after all this time, you have just believed the smoke they were blowing up your backside.

A couple of quick questions for you to consider. If the war started in 1861, and the Emancipation was in 1863, why did it take Lincoln that long to free the slaves? And, why didn't Lincoln free any slaves with the Emancipation?


Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member
No, it doesn't mark defeat. It represents the Southern people. It doesn't mark how wrong the South was, as the South was not wrong. We were however defeated. Slavery was an issue, but not the cause.

Sorry about your state, but you're not going to get much sympathy from me for what it went through.

You present the propaganda that the North has been feeding everyone since the war ended. I would be more than happy to discuss it with you....but you have such a hatred for the Southern people that I doubt you would want to. The last thing you want to find out is that after all this time, you have just believed the smoke they were blowing up your backside.

A couple of quick questions for you to consider. If the war started in 1861, and the Emancipation was in 1863, why did it take Lincoln that long to free the slaves? And, why didn't Lincoln free any slaves with the Emancipation?


Defending the states rights to have slaves? Holy ****! Never thought that people really believed this bull****!

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
You present the propaganda that the North has been feeding everyone since the war ended. I would be more than happy to discuss it with you....but you have such a hatred for the Southern people that I doubt you would want to. The last thing you want to find out is that after all this time, you have just believed the smoke they were blowing up your backside.
I don't hate Southern people (being an Ozarks native, by birth land flew the same flags), but I do realize they were foolish, and fighting for an abysmally terrible cause. And it is fortunate they did lose, because the South's defeat did end slavery and it did preserve the Union.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
A couple of quick questions for you to consider. If the war started in 1861, and the Emancipation was in 1863, why did it take Lincoln that long to free the slaves? And, why didn't Lincoln free any slaves with the Emancipation?
Easy: The Union had already freed their slaves, making the Emancipation Proclamation sort of a token gesture, but also crucially important because the South would not give up slavery so when Uncle Sam welcomed back the prodigal children he never disowned there had to be something to ensure there would be no more slaves.


Well-Known Member
I don't hate Southern people (being an Ozarks native, by birth land flew the same flags), but I do realize they were foolish, and fighting for an abysmally terrible cause. And it is fortunate they did lose, because the South's defeat did end slavery and it did preserve the Union.

So you say. You realize nothing. You just breathe the smoke they blew your way.


wandering peacefully

Which way to the woods?
Why should we have to pledge allegiance to the U.S. flag when all they do to the Southernors flag is tear it down along with any monuments we have.
Same reason we don't pledge to a Lakhota flag. They lost the battle for their lands and way of life. Are you serious about confederate flags? Please say you're really old.

wandering peacefully

Which way to the woods?
Arizona bill would require students say Pledge of Allegiance

So, if you bring a note from your parents, you'll be excused from having to recite the Pledge.

When I was in school, we were required to stand, but we didn't have to put our hands over our hearts or recite the Pledge.

I'd like to know what the penalty is for breaking this law. If a kid refuses to recite the pledge, will he/she go to jail?
Does it still include one nation under god?

This should be another good reason for people to get out and vote if this is the direction the conservative agenda is headed.


Well-Known Member
Easy: The Union had already freed their slaves, making the Emancipation Proclamation sort of a token gesture, but also crucially important because the South would not give up slavery so when Uncle Sam welcomed back the prodigal children he never disowned there had to be something to ensure there would be no more slaves.

What? The Union didn't free any slaves. Do you mean the North? Again, 1863 is two years later than 1861. If the War was over slavery why didn't Lincoln free them in 1861?

Plus, have you ever read the emancipation? Of course not. The emancipation didn't free one slave. Lincoln declared the slaves free 'only in Confederate held territories'. In other words Lincoln declared the ones free he couldn't free.

But, by 1863, the North had taken over quite a bit of Southern territory. And guess what, there were slaves in those territories. But Lincoln did not free them, even though he could have freed them. Only those in Confederate held territories were declared free. What a man!

In other words, Lincoln declared those free he could not free. He left those in slavery that he could have freed. Why? Slavery was just a political issue to use against the South. Slavery was never a humanitarian issue except for a few abolitionist's on the crazy fringe who were murderers. The Emancipation Proclamation was given in hopes that the slaves would rise up against the whites and slaughter them making the war effort shorter.

What do you mean 'the prodigal children he never disowned'? You live in a make believe candy land. Study the Reconstruction Amendments. The Southern states were back in and out depending on if they agreed to vote the way the North wanted them to. Then they were rejected as States and divided up into territories under martial law. They were not in the Union. They were defeated territories.

Breathe deep that smoke they blow your way. Candy land is alive and well.


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
What do you mean 'the prodigal children he never disowned'? You live in a make believe candy land. Study the Reconstruction Amendments. The Southern states were back in and out depending on if they agreed to vote the way the North wanted them to. Then they were rejected as States and divided up into territories under martial law. They were not in the Union. They were defeated territories.
What I mean by that is pretty much no one considered the CSA as being formally separate from the USA. Even to the federal government, the Uncle Sam didn't even formally renounce and kick out those who declared succession. And he was generous enough to not press charges of treason as many would have done.