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"Australians decisively support same-sex marriage"


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
For now perhaps....but not forever. It will never be my choice to condone any of it....no matter what laws are enacted.

Your condoning it is not required or needed, because you realize of course, no one cares about your personal opinion relative to their marriage and life. Of course you could do a Kim Davis maneuver and flout the law because of your personal beliefs. You could become a guest of the state at the Graybar Hotel. :)

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Really? Not even in High School Biology class? Sex ed? Health class?
Our "sex ed" consisted of "condoms don't work that well," "sex outside of marriage ruins sex," "abstinence is the only way to prevent pregnancy," and "a woman's sexuality is comparable to a piece of tape of chewing gum."
In health class, rudimentary text book drawings of the internal anatomy was it, and biology, things like "labia" and "clitoris" where all lumped together as "what the woman sees" as though it were shameful to call them by name and actually talk about them (and the teacher for this class was female).
Had you mentioned hermaphrodites/intersexuals, heads may have exploded.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Of course you could do a Kim Davis maneuver and flout the law because of your personal beliefs.
I forgot about her. It does remind me a couple funny memes I saw, one of Dana Scully that read "Didn't believe in the paranormal....did her job anyways," with the absolute greatest meme of the incident being one of Freddy Mercury that read "didn't really like fat bottomed girls....did his job anyways." :D
But, I suppose on the good side, we may have the "ugly American" stereotype changed a bit so it becomes "ugly Christian."


Veteran Member
Gays have no right to override God's laws and to redefine his arrangement.
They're not doing that. They're just pledging their lives to each other, as many other couples do.

So this issue will never be settled because freedom of religion is a guarantee under most constitutions. I have a conscience towards God and I have no will or need to violate his standards.
Then don't marry a person of the same sex as yourself.

It's settled in many places, and soon to be Australia, by the looks of things.

I have no hatred for gays or transsexuals or anyone else who is a victim of their genetic make-up.....we are all imperfect in our own way. What rattles me most is the demand to call their union a "marriage" when it violates all the laws of God pertaining to his arrangement. He has rules for his own institution.

God didn't make up marriage. Humans did.

...but its almost as if this issue is designed to humiliate God and to force acceptance from people to whom it will never be acceptable. I will personally never accept a gay marriage as valid no matter what the law states. But I will not lift a finger to prevent it either. I leave the future in the hands of my Creator.
You sound a tad paranoid with this bit.

I think people just want to spend their life with a person they love, just like heterosexual people. They're human like that. ;)

Your personal opinion on the matter is pretty much meaningless and I doubt these couples care what you think. In the eyes of the state, themselves, their friends and families, etc., they will be considered married.

I don't care what gays do in the privacy of their own homes, just don't make a mockery of marriage by using the word to describe what gays are doing. A civil union would give them all the legal rights they want.
Dedicating themselves to each other like any other couple is not making a "mockery of marriage." It's just called "getting married."

But the ramifications have already been felt in Canada, and I am waiting for the same thing to happen here.

What ramifications are you referring to??
Most people have no idea where this will lead......time will confirm all our suspicions I believe.
It will lead to greater happiness and freedom for more people. What are your suspicions?

Do you understand the concerns that many people have?
Not really.


Veteran Member
You can believe that if you like....I believe the Bible....what it actually says is that God brought the woman to the man in a marriage relationship that would involve 'filling the earth'...so he married them. Having children was the whole purpose of marriage. In Bible times, there was no marriage ceremony as such but some wealthy folk held a feast to celebrate the union. A betrothed couple stayed at their respective houses until the groom prepared a place for his wife. Once he had a marital home, he simply went to her house and escorted her to her new home. Well wishers lined the streets and gave approval to the marriage. They were the witnesses to it.
Human civilization predates the Bible. So does the institution of marriage.


Veteran Member
When did I insist on any of that?

I agree, people are free to do whatever they wish. God allows people to make their own choices. What are you reading into my words? I have a personal opinion but I do not force it on others and would never protest or lobby to have laws changed unless I was personally affected by them, such as in restriction of my own freedoms including the practice of my religious beliefs. I do not dictate to others, but hold my own views on this topic.....what are my views worth to you?

I never demanded civil unions for gays but only asked why that wasn't good enough for them? When straight people are getting married less and less, doesn't it make you wonder why gays want it so badly?

"Normal" (straight) marriage as an institution is almost dead in the western world....so why revive (what is to me) a perverted version of it? That makes no sense unless it is to lead somewhere else. :shrug:
Would it be "good enough" for you, a heterosexual?

What's this sinister reason for getting married that you think gay people have?


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Within 50 years, maybe sooner, there won't be a single country stuck in the dogma of hate. I'm optimistic.
Or, there may be no countries... only nuclear wasteland with machine civilization ruling the desolate roost.

Sorry, couldn't resist. :D


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Good thing there are other planets to migrate to, no?
If not physically, then through rebirth certainly. Actually I vaguely remember a few. There's one with a violet sky and bottle-green clouds.. ;)


Premium Member
If not physically, then through rebirth certainly. Actually I vaguely remember a few. There's one with a violet sky and bottle-green clouds.. ;)

That sounds nice.

The one I remember had a ton of crystals. Mountain paths in coloured crystals.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
If not physically, then through rebirth certainly. Actually I vaguely remember a few. There's one with a violet sky and bottle-green clouds.. ;)

Well that's certainly not a gay planet... no self-respecting homosexual would mix green and violet. He'd have to turn in his gay card. :D


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
I can't remember any. I haz teh sad. :(


Premium Member
Because he is all. :)

Yuppers. I don't get hate. You remember the story I told you of this 18 year old hitchhiker being picked up by a JW? When he said, 'This road is God' it was a near hit the ditch accident. 'You blasphemous little _____ _____! lol. He took me as far as he was going, but we didn't talk much after that.


Veteran Member
Civil partnerships have been the norm in my country for years. People have been living together without marriage for as long as I can remember. They have just increased in numbers as the stigma wore off. Cohabiting for 6 months or more was long enough to obtain legal rights over property etc. The institution of marriage as a religious celebration of the union of two believers has all but died. But that is hardly surprising or unexpected as the world becomes more secular.

"Exclusive rights to a word" is an American thing I believe. That is alien to us. The institution of marriage has nothing to do with the word...it is what "Marriage" actually means. And since marriage goes back to the garden of Eden, no one can claim that it isn't God's arrangement. It was supposed to produce children...something gay couples cannot do without a third party.

What God condemns is sexual immorality....he doesn't care whether its straight or gay.....its the immoral acts that will earn his displeasure. "Christians" who beg to differ are disobeying the God they claim to worship. They will answer to him, not me.

Planet America....I understand. Y'all are a bit different to the rest of the world in many ways. We also understand that you are the last to know that those ways are not always good.....look at your gun laws. :eek:

The "equality" IMO is in the practice of sexual immorality. You can't make something 'immoral' into something 'moral' just because you want to indulge in it. Where do we get our standards of decency and morality? Aren't a lot of our laws based on Biblical morality?

What happens when people throw those standards out the window? Do we see people more happy or do we see fragmented families with kids who don't know what a father is? Now they will have genderless parents (up to 4 of them) and grow up in a world where no reference to gender will be be tolerated. No "Mr and Mrs"....no "mothers and fathers"...no "boys and girls".

Do we want to live in that world? I don't.

The Bible is the basis for my opinion on all moral issues. If the Bible is prejudiced then I am happy to be too.

As I said, if we are all offended by the opinions of each other, then whose offense is more important? Seriously. o_O
My cousin's daughter has two mothers. She calls them one of them "Mom" and the other one "Mommy." She gets along very well. She doesn't think it's weird or perverted or depraved and neither does anyone else. She's happy to have two parents. I'm fine living in such a world. So is she.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Yuppers. I don't get hate. You remember the story I told you of this 18 year old hitchhiker being picked up by a JW? When he said, 'This road is God' it was a near hit the ditch accident. 'You blasphemous little _____ _____! lol. He took me as far as he was going, but we didn't talk much after that.

I do remember that. I love it. :D

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Then don't marry a person of the same sex as yourself.
Too bad more people don't realize that. Allowing for same-sex marriage strips no one of their religious freedom, nor does it impair or impede said freedoms. All it means is we have a more just society that is further entrenched into the idea of equality under the law. Focus and the Family and Westboro Baptist Church and others are still free to hate, bash, demean, reject, and not welcome same-sex couples or marriage ceremonies in their practices and establishments. It's like trying to say racial integration and interracial marriages impede in the Klans religious freedoms, but they are still free to hide under their pillow cases and bed sheets.