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Jesus in me
As I said, desperately fight the
Which it takes desperation to
have to use such absurdity as that
the entire world scientific community
is about mere speculation and fantasy because
they don't find your (personally chosen) interpretation
of a middle eastern sky God book to match the hard
data that you so falsely dismisss as mere speculation.

It's not much of a faith that needs falsehood.

That's another awaiting epiphany to be dodged
and defeated by any and all means.
I believe people use the word absurd when they can't come up with a rational argument.

I believe I don't have to fantasize as you do. I believe I see things as they are.


Veteran Member
I believe people use the word absurd when they can't come up with a rational argument.

I believe I don't have to fantasize as you do. I believe I see things as they are.
The constant chant:
" I believe..l believe...I believe"
Got that from church?

I've not the least trouble with data
and rational argument based on same.

All you ever have is "i believe".

Because youve very little education.
Last edited:


Resident megalomaniac
Ascension symptoms exhaustion - comes and goes but indescribable at times - Yes - feeeeeels like having ALL the energy drained from me!!
In simple terms, ascension can be understood as an evolutionary leap in consciousness and awareness. It is seen as a profound shift in our collective understanding of reality, where individuals become more aligned with their higher selves and tap into expanded states of consciousness.

The idea of ascension is rooted in the belief that we are currently living in a 3D reality, which is characterized by a limited perception of time and space, separation, duality, and a focus on materialistic values. However, as we progress towards ascension, we are said to be moving into higher dimensions where we can experience greater unity, interconnectedness, and a broader understanding of the universe.

The process of ascension is often described as a gradual and individual journey, where each person undergoes personal growth, spiritual awakening, and a deepening of their connection to their inner selves and the divine. It involves shedding old patterns, beliefs, and limitations and embracing a higher vibrational frequency.

While the concept of ascension may sound abstract or esoteric, its essence lies in the idea that we have the potential to transcend our current limitations and experience a more expanded and fulfilling existence. It is believed to be a natural and inevitable part of our evolution as conscious beings.

It is important to note that ascension is not a finite destination or event that occurs at a specific point in time. Instead, it is viewed as an ongoing process that is influenced by various factors, including individual readiness, personal growth, and the collective consciousness.

It is worth mentioning that ascension is not a universally accepted belief, and opinions may vary among individuals and spiritual traditions. While some people find solace and inspiration in the concept of ascension, others may have different perspectives on the nature of reality and human evolution.

Ascension it could be said is the aim of all Buddhist’s


Resident megalomaniac

It’s obvious to you now that things are far from normal. And more, that we are not returning to what was. Many throughout the world are awakening to not only the undercurrents of this storm we are in, but its higher wisdom. That we are not simply destined to succumb to tyranny, but that we are here to birth a Golden Age, with the intensifying insanity being our collective labour pains.

The purpose of this ebook is to share the growing body of evidence for what is clearly global, centralized totalitarianism and medical tyranny on the rise; and the underlying psychology of those who are asleep to the dark storm. But more importantly, my words serve to elucidate what I see missing, even amongst the awakening narratives, that these pivotal times initiate us into.

Loads me at that site!

All the best!


Jesus in me
You find nothing of deep meaning in, say,
coming to the understanding that noahs ark is just
fiction, like all of genesis?

Many here labour under weird n
wacky notions. They are very resistant
to the epiphanies which would shatter
their dream world.

Seems to me there's profound knowledge
here in some abundance but those as need to
hear it desperately fight it.
I believe denial of Noah's ark is illogical. Fiction usually announces that it is fiction. Otherwise one has to investigate the source. In the case of Genesis the source can't be Moses because He wasn't a witness to the events, so the logical explanation is that the source is God who was there. It is logical because Moses was conversant with God.


Veteran Member
I believe denial of Noah's ark is illogical. Fiction usually announces that it is fiction. Otherwise one has to investigate the source. In the case of Genesis the source can't be Moses because He wasn't a witness to the events, so the logical explanation is that the source is God who was there. It is logical because Moses was conversant with God.
The Koran and book of Mormon, just for two
religious examples, are billed as sacred fact.

Like your myth- book.

It's your " logic" that is without merit.

Likewise your thung about checking sources.

Your source is a talking snake book that youu choose
to believe is literally true.
( because you worship your inerrant ability to know
what is true)

Those who have the capacity to,deal.with logic and fact
look to the earth itself as their source.

The earth cannot produce fiction.

The earth itself doesn't bother to " deny" some silly

No more than a rock denies its a mushroom.

No matter what your inerrantbbeliefs about
" moses" may be, the earth itself tells anyone
who doesn't deny reality that no such flood ever ocvurred.

It even tells them but their minds are sealed.
With lies.

It's sad what happens to the minds of what were
bright curious children eager to learn.


Resident megalomaniac
From an old page of mine - only JUST noticed the links at right of screen ... about the many messengers throughout human history ...

Enjoy your browsing!


Resident megalomaniac
Also try - goldenageofgaia.com love will win

Should keep most people out-of-mischief for some considerable time!



Resident megalomaniac
This may be a little tough to swallow? -

Be not afraid dear ones as you witness the chaos that seems to be accompanying the ascension process on all levels – personal and global. Everything at this point is a necessary facet of earth’s collective shift beyond the creations of duality and separation that have held it in bondage for eons and which no longer serve.



Resident megalomaniac
Oh my Lordy! - a few links!!!!!! --->



Jesus in me
The constant chant:
" I believe..l believe...I believe"
Got that from church?

I've not the least trouble with data
and rational argument based on same.

All you ever have is "i believe".

Because youve very little education.
I believe I got that from RF telling me I can't know anything.

I have a BS and that included many liberal arts subjects.


Jesus in me
The Koran and book of Mormon, just for two
religious examples, are billed as sacred fact.

Like your myth- book.

It's your " logic" that is without merit.

Likewise your thung about checking sources.

Your source is a talking snake book that youu choose
to believe is literally true.

( because you worship your inerrant ability to know
what is true)

Those who have the capacity to,deal.with logic and fact
look to the earth itself as their source.

The earth cannot produce fiction.

The earth itself doesn't bother to " deny" some silly

No more than a rock denies its a mushroom.

No matter what your inerrantbbeliefs about
" moses" may be, the earth itself tells anyone
who doesn't deny reality that no such flood ever ocvurred.

It even tells them but their minds are sealed.
With lies.

It's sad what happens to the minds of what were
bright curious children eager to learn.
I believe the Qu'ran (Koran) is the word of God. I believe the book of Mormon is a work of fiction.

I believe you can call it what you wish but the reality remains that it is God inspired.

As my math teacher used to say: show your work. As I said to a little girl when I was about five years old. You show me yours and I'll show you mine.

I believe it is not a snake book and God backs up the book.

I believe it is not the earth saying that but someone interpreting the earth as they please saying it. What they are saying is fantasy.


Wasn't sure where 2 post this ... it's a little "out there" :)

Has anyone here heard about ascension?

Some people believe that the earth and humanity are shifting from a 3D reality into a 4D & 5D reality.

I haven't found a lot out there in cyberspace that explains it in simple terms. Here is one site -


God loves us through our darkest moments

This quote comes from a different site ...

The joy of that awakening is beyond description. Words are far too limiting a medium to use to attempt to depict the wonders that await you on your inevitable and unavoidable awakening. Poets have tried, so have artists and musicians with their creative skills, but none have come anywhere near success, although many of their attempts have been inspiring and uplifting for you.

Enjoy your day!
A perfect example of witnessing that development is to teach a child how to tie their own shoes. The look on the little ones face when they accomplish the 'how to' for themselves is beyond words.


Veteran Member
I believe the Qu'ran (Koran) is the word of God. I believe the book of Mormon is a work of fiction.

I believe you can call it what you wish but the reality remains that it is God inspired.

As my math teacher used to say: show your work. As I said to a little girl when I was about five years old. You show me yours and I'll show you mine.

I believe it is not a snake book and God backs up the book.

I believe it is not the earth saying that but someone interpreting the earth as they please saying it. What they are saying is fantasy.
" interpreting the earth as they please"
Is the creo way. Examples abound on rf.
Including from you.


Resident megalomaniac
How would I at my age speak to a child? I’m not sure.

Perhaps I’d say that ...

Humans on this planet have had the run of the place for a very long time and, having forgotten the Divine Creator of all, made a pretty big hash of it.

Pollution, radiation, pandemics – the list could go on of the ways we’ve made this planet a place that doesn’t work. For almost anyone.

Many, perhaps most, of the citizens of the planet are tired of this. The planet itself is tired of it, so I’m told. And the Divine Creator of all is happy to oblige by inviting people to come help us, people who have the ability and the wherewithal to change things for the better.

Everyone has seen the “UFOs” and “flying saucers” in the day and night skies. These are visitors from other worlds here on peaceful missions to begin the work of cleaning up the planet, a task well beyond our Earthly means.

We made the mess but we don’t have the power to clean it up. We need the help of our nearest neighbors.

More in the library -

All the best!


Veteran Member
The constant chant:
" I believe..l believe...I believe"
Got that from church?

I've not the least trouble with data
and rational argument based on same.

All you ever have is "i believe".

Because youve very little education.
Yes, it is a chant with no reasonable argument ever.
