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Kilgore Trout
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  • I hesitantly admit I did attempt to read Twilight- being curious about why certain books were bestsellers and reading them is a bad habit I picked up working at bookstores.
    I made it to page 80-something... Even the 12 year old girl in me couldn't hack it. <insert RF inappropriate joke>
    Reading the New Testament prepped me for the boredom of Jesus' heaven. Reading Twilight prepared me for the banality of vampires and the Mormon afterlife.

    My only consolation is that reading this VM may have felt like an eternity to you, and thus you could suffer my experience as well.
    Once again I was joking, but I will desist, it is obviously a tough room :eek: here is a breakdown of the joke just to kill it 100%

    I say I am avoiding you, you ask why and intimate you are hurt, I explain I was joking and give a huge hug emoticon, you again express sadness and hurt and I post an ignore emote, do you see how that is funny, flip flopping from regret to a callous re afirmation of the original sleight that I am claiming to regret ?

    Please don't hesitate to ask if you need any further clarification
    Yeah, this is definitely the most "active" I've been at a forum even if 99% of it is me being a benevolent troll and/or smartass.
    I used to spend time at JREF but have only lurked recently. Talk Rational is decent, I post there sporadically. RnR is a vast trollground of mean people that aren't too active- but that's probably why I post there. ;)
    You're right, but I was thinking of this really tortuous yoga position where both top and bottom were accessible simultaneously...
    RF has definitely made my brain all spongy like I have Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Hey, at least I remembered how to spell Creutzfeldt-Jakob. That's a good sign I suppose.
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