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Twilight Hue
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  • Thanks for the winner frube on European inflation hits 24 year high of 4.9%... much appreciated
    Thanks for the winner frube on When you die you know you're dead because the brain keeps functioning
    Thanks for the winner frube on People die, but we don't know what happens to their consciousness. I think I do though!
    Thanx for the Twinkertoy frubol.
    And for foolbring nutty cuckoo in Pee Wee's Playhouse
    And for furlbing AOC being the GOP's favorite comedian.
    And for the AOC prediction of the end of the world in 3489 days froobe.
    And for the can anybody read the answer frouber.
    And for furballing election campaigning starting next month.
    Thanx for phlurbing AOC's false accusation.
    And for the acts of kindness being not so bad fruball.
    And for frulbing free grub for the newbie.
    And for the yearly death rate of cops frubal.
    And for phloorbling 2021 vs the cops.
    And for the shrinking Carters vs inflated Bidens froob.
    And for foolbring Ms Biden is a jerk
    Thanx for the underdog froobil.
    And for phrubing the bickering children in government.
    And for the wormhole in spacetime frube.
    And for foolbring Sylvia Sidney as Grandma in Mars Attacks.
    And for the unreliable AOC phluurbit.
    And for phurlbing Cruz being bi-partisan.
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