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  • Thanx for the quoting from a long like froobel.
    And for phlurbing simpler atheism.
    And for the both strong & weak atheist frubist.
    And for foolbring haggis being pretty darn good.
    And for the atheism including agnosticism froobism.
    May the sun shine over your life's journey and may your "friendly" frubals rain freely (thanks for the "letter" medal"
    Thanx for flurbing Californiastians knowingly building in deadly fire prone areas.
    And for fluorbing condolences for the English Equality Act.
    And for the copier guy scambaiting frubing.
    And for foolbring my vast body of grotty work.
    And for the Donald Trump a Christian froobian.
    And for phlurbing mental disconnect between belief & behavior.
    Thanks for the pair of likes and the winner frube on Coping with Face Masks! An exchange of ideas please....?
    Thanks for the like and winner frubes on Coping with Face Masks! An exchange of ideas please....?
    thanx for the bops, love that sweet little heart, love and kisses ....
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