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How Close is Your Personal Belief System to the Religion You're In?

Is What You Believe Exactly the Same as the Religion You Follow and Practice?

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Exaltist Ethan

Bridging the Gap Between Believers and Skeptics
But then I remember, maybe a lot of people let their religions tell them what to believe instead of joining a religion because of what they believe.


I had to look deep inside my thoughts to figure out the world for myself. I actually came to the realization of my own Exaltist beliefs before I heard about Earthseed. Now I believe in both. Exaltism is just a more clearly defined version of Earthseed, they are essentially both syntheist and pantheist. I don't claim to a prophet of any kind, I just feel like I'm ahead of the curb on some concepts. There's people who came to the same realizations as me before I was even born, like Teilhard.

It's not even like we're going to see global unity in my lifetime anyways...

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.

I had to look deep inside my thoughts to figure out the world for myself. I actually came to the realization of my own Exaltist beliefs before I heard about Earthseed. Now I believe in both. Exaltism is just a more clearly defined version of Earthseed, they are essentially both syntheist and pantheist. I don't claim to a prophet of any kind, I just feel like I'm ahead of the curb on some concepts. There's people who came to the same realizations as me before I was even born, like Teilhard.

It's not even like we're going to see global unity in my lifetime anyways...
The hardest thing about putting trust in God is knowing that God works for All and that means many of the great miracles we anticipate may not be for us/in our lifetime. But the way I see it, this lifetime is a miracle in itself for to be grateful for.

Exaltist Ethan

Bridging the Gap Between Believers and Skeptics
The hardest thing about putting trust in God is knowing that God works for All and that means many of the great miracles we anticipate may not be for us/in our lifetime. But the way I see it, this lifetime is a miracle in itself for to be grateful for.

Do you believe that fate is God?

Exaltist Ethan

Bridging the Gap Between Believers and Skeptics
I believe so, or at least it is a part of God. Do you?

I can’t control what YouTubers upload on YouTube, but I can control which videos I watch from the platform.

Basically, what I’m trying to say is, I can’t control anyone or anything, but I can control myself and what I do with my time.

Saying God is fate removes any personal accountability. So God is fate/everything else + yourself and what you choose to do with the little time you have currently.

Reminds me of a movie I watch from time to time… :D


The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
I can’t control what YouTubers upload on YouTube, but I can control which videos I watch from the platform.

Basically, what I’m trying to say is, I can’t control anyone or anything, but I can control myself and what I do with my time.

Saying God is fate removes any personal accountability. So God is fate/everything else + yourself and what you choose to do with the little time you have currently.

Reminds me of a movie I watch from time to time… :D

I personally believe that even my own actions are predetermined, however the illusion of freewill is here for a reason. I sometimes think God wanted to forget about the strings he put on himself for a while.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Yeah, as mentioned Druidry (along with Paganisms more broadly) aren't particularly creedal. One could perhaps liken it to music. Within music, there are genres that can broadly group particular songs together. But each song is particular to the one singing it. The song of my religion is mine alone, and cannot be replicated. It may be brought into harmonious chorus with those of similar genre.

Honestly, I tend to regard religion, while about connecting to something greater than oneself, as an inevitably personal affair. That is, each religion is unique to oneself, as one's on life circumstances and upbringing are also unique. Religion is an expression of how each person makes sense of what's around them and finds meaning there. Some of this is done together as part of culture/community, but it is also a very personal or subjective endeavor.

Exaltist Ethan

Bridging the Gap Between Believers and Skeptics
I personally believe that even my own actions are predetermined, however the illusion of freewill is here for a reason. I sometimes think God wanted to forget about the strings he put on himself for a while.

Ah yes, determinism. I’m a compatibilist. I will say though that free will accounts for like 5% (or less) of what happens, but my idea is that the little bit of free will you have in your life is God too and I believe the advancements we made prove this. In fact, Turing Church founder Guilio Prisco and I both agree that consciousness is free will, and extrapolating a bit, but the reason why we will have more divinity in the future is because we’ll have more free will.

Man, I’d love to talk to someone like you in person, someone who is as acknowledged as you on these topics. The apartment I lived in before had this awesome guy that I could talk about these subjects to, but unfortunately we moved out and I’m not in contact with him anymore, unfortunately.

Sometimes you can control fate, other times you can’t.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Ah yes, determinism. I’m a compatibilist. I will say though that free will accounts for like 5% (or less) of what happens, but my idea is that the little bit of free will you have in your life is God too and I believe the advancements we made prove this. In fact, Turing Church founder Guilio Prisco and I both agree that consciousness is free will, and extrapolating a bit, but the reason why we will have more divinity in the future is because we’ll have more free will.

Man, I’d love to talk to someone like you in person, someone who is as acknowledged as you on these topics. The apartment I lived in before had this awesome guy that I could talk about these subjects to, but unfortunately we moved out and I’m not in contact with him anymore, unfortunately.

Sometimes you can control fate, other times you can’t.
Use your freewill and come move to Iowa :D

Exaltist Ethan

Bridging the Gap Between Believers and Skeptics
I’m going to keep the label as Earthseed anyways because there’s documentation and proof that it exists outside of myself. But I’ll change my vote again as nearly the same rather than exactly. ‘Exaltism’ can be viewed as theosis in Orthodoxy, exaltation in Mormonism or entire sanctification in Methodism. When I ask ChatGPT about Exaltism it doesn’t know what that is but it does know what Earthseed is. Finally, Exaltist is in all of my names anyways so it’s implied already. I’ll still keep my ‘Explaining Exaltism’ thread running and my signature will still have a link to it if anyone wants to hear about what is essentially very elaborate Earthseed ideas. :)


Veteran Member
I personally believe that even my own actions are predetermined, however the illusion of freewill is here for a reason. I sometimes think God wanted to forget about the strings he put on himself for a while.
I personally believe that everyone's actions are predestined because they are written in the Book of Life, which is the Tablet of Fate. I explained what I believe about that on this thread:

Without God there is no hope

Predestined is not the same as predetermined. If all our actions were predetermined by God we would not have free will, because God would have laid everything out for us ahead of time. However, with predestination, we can make free will choices and we are determining what some of our fate/destiny will be. I do not think that all of our fate/destiny is subject to free will since many things happen to us that we do not choose.

So as I see it, part of our fate is determined by our free will choices but some of our fate is determined by choices that other people make that affect us. Other things that happen to us that no human caused, such as natural disasters, are also part of our fate.

I hope I did not just give you a big headache. I know I almost gave myself one. :)

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
I personally believe that everyone's actions are predestined because they are written in the Book of Life, which is the Tablet of Fate. I explained what I believe about that on this thread:

Without God there is no hope

Predestined is not the same as predetermined. If all our actions were predetermined by God we would not have free will, because God would have laid everything out for us ahead of time. However, with predestination, we can make free will choices and we are determining what some of our fate/destiny will be. I do not think that all of our fate/destiny is subject to free will since many things happen to us that we do not choose.

So as I see it, part of our fate is determined by our free will choices but some of our fate is determined by choices that other people make that affect us. Other things that happen to us that no human caused, such as natural disasters, are also part of our fate.

I hope I did not just give you a big headache. I know I almost gave myself one. :)
I think I understood you perfectly clear :)

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
I had to answer other, given that I don't have a religion (never have had such as a choice) and I am mostly atheist but somewhat agnostic as to any 'power' behind the universe existing. And I am more irreligious than anti-theist. I do recognise the good that religions often do, but along with so many come the harms, and hopefully we will not tend to need them in the future - being passing phases in our development like many other things. My overall views have hardly changed since a youth - being somewhat left-wing and having some general morality that usually coincides with that of most I believe, although there will be departures on some issues. Mostly this has come about from enough research so as to conclude we ourselves are our worst enemies as to what we might believe, or might not. :oops:


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Pretty straightforward question. I'll answer for myself.

Earthseed has three basic beliefs: (1) God is change. (2) Shape God. (3) The destiny of Earthseed is to take root among the stars. My beliefs are essentially the same but more elaborate. I believe that God is what nature is becoming (change), and that every religion, and every person, is doing something to create the divinity of God (shaping God). Earthseed's third belief, to take root among the stars, is aligned to my beliefs about extropy and cosmism. I would go further than that, however, and I would say that it is our duty to create as much life in the Universe as possible, but this is just a more detailed version of belief three and it's probably a given that members of Earthseed also believe this.

So overall I would either say it's almost exactly, or nearly the same. My vernacular is a more verbose and robust than what Earthseed entails, and I add some things that Earthseed doesn't touch on - such as, defining which changes creates the divinity in God, and my personal belief system that I call Exaltism isn't a 1=1 match to Earthseed, but it's very, very close as members of Earthseed tend to be pantheistic and syntheistic, just like me. So I'm going to answer "nearly the same" because Exaltism is a version of Earthseed that has narrower definitions of God and divinity than how Earthseed explains it.

How did you answer the poll and how close is your personal belief system compared to the religion you follow? Let us know how you answered the poll and any differences between your personal beliefs over your religion below. :)
Pretty much the same. There are nuances of interpretations but the basics are immutable.

Love, as defined by the scriptures, is the overriding principle.


Veteran Member
Pretty straightforward question. I'll answer for myself.
How Close is Your Personal Belief System to the Religion You're In?

Nice poll by the way; plenty of options:)

I voted for other, so I explain a bit:
I love Hinduism...this feels closest to me, since young age, esp. the non judgmental part, as we are all divine incarnations, and as such, to judge the other is a bit bizar, as you judge another divine incarnation (this differs from their actions)

I did put Sanatana Dharma, Ethernal Religion, which sounds so beautiful, as my Religion on RF. But I don't follow a Religion, outward rituals, I follow my Guru "inside"...my Higher Self, they gradually blend into One.

Sai Baba declared "I didn't come to establish a new Religion". So, again "no Religion for me"

Also He told us, that it's good to visit other Religious people/groups, because that way we understand them better, and naturally become less judgmental. Again feels close to me

So, since 2013 I do attend a Baptist Church nearby, because I enjoy the singing. I do disagree with their main Teaching "Jesus (the person) is the only way to God"...if the priest starts declaring this then I withdraw inside and "listen to God". Luckily for me, I see Jesus' Words differently, so this doesn't bother me

Also RF and the wide variety of beliefs has helped me also a lot to become less judgmental (monkey mind naturally easily jumps all over the place, esp. in the direction of making judgments, if I am not vigilant).

Following the inner way is probably the reason I don't feel I belong to a Religion. No need to convince others of my Path. I rather tell others (when asked) to stick to their Path (as long as they don't hurt others). Better dive deep in your own chosen Path and you will secure your Cintāmaṇi

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