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What is the Gospel?


Veteran Member
Be happy to answer in a different thread but the whole Bible is authored by God who spoke through people by the Holy Spirit. So I will quote all of the Scriptures to answer the question What is the Gospel?

But you don't even know who penned it. So saying the whole Bible is Gods word is just some dream. I can't help it if it's offensive.

Anyway, you seem to be from a modern day minority who believes the whole Bible was authored by God.

So could you tell me based on that belief statement, if you believe the oldest bible found to be complete ever was authored by God? If you don't understand that question, you can ask for clarification. I ask because of your claim.
But you don't even know who penned it. So saying the whole Bible is Gods word is just some dream. I can't help it if it's offensive.

Anyway, you seem to be from a modern day minority who believes the whole Bible was authored by God.

So could you tell me based on that belief statement, if you believe the oldest bible found to be complete ever was authored by God? If you don't understand that question, you can ask for clarification. I ask because of your claim.
To you it’s a dream but can you answer the question What is the Gospel?


Well-Known Member
Which means that Jesus died for nothing. Well, to be precise, had the Passover weekend off for nothing.

So, let us have a management digest of the history of the Universe:

1) God created the Universe and the pinnacle of His creation, men and women, with the intention of them being perfect. or on His image, at least
2) Man and woman, apparently, screwed up almost immediately. Which would immediately raise questions about their perfection
3) Because of that, God had to change roadmap. Suddenly, what looked so good, turned into being really bad. Which would immediately raise questions about God's planning skills
4) God got so desperate about His own work that He decided to reboot (like other suboptimal designs like Windows). A universal deluge will surely solve things
5) It did not. Obviously. Like Einstein would say, a clear sign of stupidity is to do the same things while expecting a different outcome.
6) So, He decided to change strategy. He suddenly find some use for a third of Him. Send Him down and get Himself moderately killed to save humanity
7) That did not work, either, as you say

So, what should a moderately rational skeptic think about that, assuming she does not die from laughing first?


- viole

This copied from Matthew
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it. Beware of false prophets. They come to you
in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.…

So this was the warning - there's tons of false religions and only a minority will be saved. This is no different than in the Old
Testament. In Exodus an entire nation left Egypt, but only a handful found favor with God.


Veteran Member
I didn’t see your explanation on what the Bible says the Gospel is, the Good News?

I didnt see in the OP where it says "what the bible says the gospel is". And it's probable you have not read my response to the OP.

If you are offended and your replies are always because you are emotional, take some time. But in your turmoil, try not to respond with strawman attempts.

Hope you understand.
I didnt see in the OP where it says "what the bible says the gospel is". And it's probable you have not read my response to the OP.

If you are offended and your replies are always because you are emotional, take some time. But in your turmoil, try not to respond with strawman attempts.

Hope you understand.
What’s the post number, what’s the strawman?Where’s the turmoil? What makes you think anyone is offended? Unless you’re trolling and hoping for that…:cool:


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
This copied from Matthew
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it. Beware of false prophets. They come to you
in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.…

So this was the warning - there's tons of false religions and only a minority will be saved. This is no different than in the Old
Testament. In Exodus an entire nation left Egypt, but only a handful found favor with God.
So, do you think that the ones believing in the OT only, say the Jews, will be saved?


- viole


Christ has risen. His Kingdom come. Love God and one another. All are welcome to accept His gift


*Actually, the exceptions seem to appear after the Gospels.

  • No gays
  • No witches
  • No drunkards (almost makes sense)
  • No Democrats (modern take)
  • Especially, no gay drunken Democratic witches


Veteran Member
What’s the post number,

I don't know. Look it up. If you cant bother, don't make some accusations like "you didn't". If you don't know, simply and humbly say you don't know and then with that humility others will respond with respect.

what’s the strawman?

Saying some one has to respond with "what the Bible says what the Gospel is" which is not in the OP. Strange you didn't understand that in the post you responded to.

Where’s the turmoil?

Your emotional response. It's your turmoil, quoting books you have no clue of authorship, but saying they are all God's word, and not responding to question you have not understood or bothered about, about the earliest, oldest, comprehensive bible the world has ever found, which obviously you have no clue of because you seem not to care, etc, etc. Thats the turmoil.

What makes you think anyone is offended?

Since you are responding emotionally only without any rationality.

Unless you’re trolling and hoping for that…:cool:

Of course since you don't have a valid response, either you have to preach or name others with who you really are. Shameless isn't it?

So now that you think you have achieved your goal of shifting the focus away from whatever questions you could not answer, can you at least try to go back and answer those questions to yourself?


Well-Known Member
So, do you think that the ones believing in the OT only, say the Jews, will be saved?


- viole

There are TWO Messiahs in the Old Testament (OT) The Redeemer who will pay the price for our sin, and the King who will reign over
the nations. The religious Jews do not accept the Redeemer, despite scripture showing the two are the same (ie Zechariah foretelling
how the Jews will mourn when they see their Messianic king is the same lowly man on the donkey they pierced.)

All Jews who recognize and obey this Redeemer can share in his glory if they shared in his suffering and rejection. Most people (Jew
and Gentile alike) were not willing to follow the suffering Messiah, but long for the coming King.
Last edited:


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
There are TWO Messiahs in the Old Testament (OT) The Redeemer who will pay the price for our sin, and the King who will reign over
the nations. The religious Jews do not accept the Redeemer, despite scripture showing the two are the same (ie Zechariah foretelling
how the Jews will mourn when they see their Messianic king is the same lowly man on the donkey they pierced.

All Jews who recognize and obey this Redeemer can share in his glory if they shared in his suffering and rejection. Most people (Jew
and Gentile alike) were not willing to follow the suffering Messiah, but long for the coming King.
Well, since the vast majority of Jews do not buy that, obviously, do you think they will all go to Hell?


- viole


Well-Known Member
Well, since the vast majority of Jews do not buy that, obviously, do you think they will all go to Hell?


- viole

I cannot judge, nor am I allow to judge, who is or who is not saved. I don't even know of my own salvation.
But Zechariah says the Jews will 'mourn' when their king comes, as if to say they will not share in the glory of their Savior King.
And Zechariah was no Christian.


Veteran Member
These books were mostly written on papyri and scarcely survive. But literally HUNDREDS of fragments from Roman times did survive.

Establish your claims PP. If you cannot, they were just absolutely bogus claims.

Well I take it you cannot. So it's alright. there is no need to keep making things up in every post. Just leave it.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
I cannot judge, nor am I allow to judge, who is or who is not saved. I don't even know of my own salvation.
But Zechariah says the Jews will 'mourn' when their king comes, as if to say they will not share in the glory of their Savior King.
And Zechariah was no Christian.
I am sure the Jews are scared to death because of that. They are probably as scared as me when it comes to Christians claims about infinite destinies.

And what do you mean with "the king comes"? You guys believe in a God made of three parts. Who is the king? You mean the Holy Spirit, right?


- viole


Well-Known Member
Establish your claims PP. If you cannot, they were just absolutely bogus claims.

Well I take it you cannot. So it's alright. there is no need to keep making things up in every post. Just leave it.

There's some sort of strange logic fallacy embedded in this - if I can't 'prove' there were hundreds of surviving fragments of the letters
and the Gospels during the Roman era then my arguments are invalid. But the surviving fragments are in the public domain - in Wiki I
just found this, 'The New Testament has been preserved in more manuscripts than any other ancient work of literature, with over 5,800
complete or fragmented Greek manuscripts catalogued, 10,000 Latin manuscripts and 9,300 manuscripts
in various other ancient
languages including Syriac, Slavic, Gothic, Ethiopic, Coptic and Armenian.'



Well-Known Member
I am sure the Jews are scared to death because of that. They are probably as scared as me when it comes to Christians claims about infinite destinies.

And what do you mean with "the king comes"? You guys believe in a God made of three parts. Who is the king? You mean the Holy Spirit, right?


- viole

This Trinity business 'of three parts' was first found in Catholic doctrine, devised by King Constantine. It makes utterly no sense to me.
And the doctrine is something tacked onto the bible, which is strictly prohibited.
But these two Messiahs are real figures. I wil quote Job, who lived in the Iron Age.

I parsed the sentence, "I know that my Redeemer lives, and he shall stand on the earth in the latter day."

I… not someone else, me

Know… not believe, not think, not suppose, but know

My… not someone else's, mine

Redeemer… not a king, not a warrior, not a philosopher

Lives … not did live, not will live, but live as in now

He … coming as a man

Shall… not maybe, not possibly

Stand… not recline, lie down - but stand for something

Earth … here, this place

Latter day… in the future - for Job this about 1000-1500 years before Jesus.

And in like fashion I believe this Redeemer will return as a real figure and reign over the nations.