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Miserable and seeking


Hindu Wannabe
With the risk of sounding stupid, aren't there these helpful little quizzes about "Which religion does your religious view belong to?"

I would have settled for Greek polytheism, but I wanted a group as well, so I chose Hare Krishna.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
After leaving Christianity in 2014, I must have tried most religions out there. I want a religion so badly, of the reason I am not totally sure, but I just can't seem to be okay with any. I feel lonely, untethered and empty. Not sure what to do. I am not a spiritual flake, just confused.

I ended up becoming an atheist because of the disunity within religions (sects) and conflict between each religion. I considered them all to be spiritually dead as the main purpose of religion I believed was love and brotherhood. So within religions why have they put theology above love and created thousands of sects? No love. Then why were religions who were taught to love killing each other - no love.

But eventually I learned to separate the people from the Teacher/Prophet/Educator

Krishna - to love God above all else and serve Him - I believe
Moses - He taught love and brotherhood - I believe
Christ - love thy neighbour and even those who commit wrong towards you I believe
Muhammad - transformed barbarians into a law abiding nation I believe
Buddha - taught to fight hate with love I believe
Baha’u’llah- taught to love all humanity I believe
Zoroaster - taught good thoughts, good words, good deeds I believe

How could I in my right mind reject any of These wonderful Teachers? I couldn’t so I accepted them all. How? Well easy. The clergy and priests are not a part of the teachings. Actually their disagreements often caused schisms. So they are not part of my belief. The age of priests and clergy is coming to an end.

So in the end I accepted all of the Great Teachers as They all teach truth. The result is no more confusion, no more rejection, no more condemning any religion as having a false Prophet.

To be at one with all truth is so spiritually liberating. Why limit my spirit to a strait jacket or as a bird in a cage. Now I can go to a Mosque, a church, a synagogue, a pagoda or temple and feel oneness with all.

Humanity is my family. This is the age of inclusiveness. So I choose to accept all humanity as my brothers and sisters regardless of race, religion or atheist or agnostic, nationality or culture. That is my religion.


हर हर महादेव
Premium Member
I must have tried most religions out there.

I did that before realizing Hinduism is where I belong. In my experience, going from one religion to another over and over eventually makes it seem like no religion has a transcendental origin, and that reality is only physical and meaningless. In order to have conviction that a religion comes from a higher source, and that life and the world is infused with meaning from that same higher source, one has to be committed to a particular religion.

I feel lonely, untethered and empty.

If this is tied to not belonging to a religion, it is likely because you are meant to be religious. If you are meant to be religious, there is very likely a religion for you.

I liked being accountable to a higher power and to have something that gave me comfort. I am not sure what to put in its place.

Perhaps something similar?

For some reason, I really like having a label. I don't know why. Maybe it's comforting.

For me, having a label is wonderful because I am able to identify myself and recognize who my fellows are in a world where there are so many different identities.

I do believe in a universal soul kind of thing, but then I think, "So what do I do with this belief?"

Perhaps 'become one' with it?

With so many deities, it seems hard to choose. I pray for one to "speak" to me, but I get nothing. At least I think it's nothing.

What pantheon are you ignoring or forgetting about?


Spam, wonderful spam (bloody vikings!)
With the risk of sounding stupid, aren't there these helpful little quizzes about "Which religion does your religious view belong to?"

I would have settled for Greek polytheism, but I wanted a group as well, so I chose Hare Krishna.

Doing a quiz might be helpful, though it can be quite superficial too, IMO.
I think it's much deeper than just having a set of beliefs, or "joining a club" where people have the same beliefs.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Im atheiest so can't give you advice on religion but i can wish you all the best in your search


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
After leaving Christianity in 2014, I must have tried most religions out there. I want a religion so badly, of the reason I am not totally sure, but I just can't seem to be okay with any. I feel lonely, untethered and empty. Not sure what to do. I am not a spiritual flake, just confused.

Is it possible the reason the religions you've tried on have fail is that you tried to shoehorn their dogma/beliefs/practices into your own personal worldview? Personally, I think this is the reason many seekers have trouble settling on a religion. Instead of finding a religion that conforms to their views, they attempt to adjust to their views to conform to those of the religion.

It's okay not to identify with a religion. I didn't for years. I struggled to even find a label that fit.

Ultimately, without even looking really, just as a result of years of discussions both on the internet and IRL, I found a religion that aligned with my views. Though I've made a few lifestyle changes since I've discovered the religion and read some things that help me to better understand my experiences and who I am, nothing in my views has changed.

I'm not saying this will happen for everyone, but never give up hope that you will find a religion that fits. Sometimes the finest things in life are stumbled upon without even looking. :)


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
After leaving Christianity in 2014, I must have tried most religions out there. I want a religion so badly, of the reason I am not totally sure, but I just can't seem to be okay with any. I feel lonely, untethered and empty. Not sure what to do. I am not a spiritual flake, just confused.
In my faith, He never leaves me nor forsakes me. He is my constant companion, faithful friend, ever merciful and His Holy Spirit fills me day after day.

I talk to Him and He talks to me (in a multifold way). For me, it is more than a religion, it is a relationship.


Free Natural Philosopher & Comparative Mythologist
After leaving Christianity in 2014, I must have tried most religions out there. I want a religion so badly, of the reason I am not totally sure, but I just can't seem to be okay with any. I feel lonely, untethered and empty. Not sure what to do. I am not a spiritual flake, just confused.
Don´t you worry :)
Be happy and look at the numerous Native Tribes all over the world, who have the NATURE ITSELF as their religious basics.
The term "religion" means a "double mutual connection" and this connection between humans and nature itself is what constitute a solid religion, both physically and spiritually.
If you are more interested, just contact me via my profile address.
My personal Mytho-cosmological website here.
Regards from
Natural Philosopher & Comparative Mythologist


Premium Member
After leaving Christianity in 2014, I must have tried most religions out there. I want a religion so badly, of the reason I am not totally sure, but I just can't seem to be okay with any. I feel lonely, untethered and empty. Not sure what to do. I am not a spiritual flake, just confused.
Beware the proselytizers. Best wishes on your continued search. Maybe take a break.
After leaving Christianity in 2014, I must have tried most religions out there. I want a religion so badly, of the reason I am not totally sure, but I just can't seem to be okay with any. I feel lonely, untethered and empty. Not sure what to do. I am not a spiritual flake, just confused.
This is how I felt all my life until I was born again in 1988, there is nothing I’ve ever experienced in life better than the fellowship with God that I have through Jesus Christ. There is no emptiness, but a longing for Heaven to be in His presence. There is no substitute for Him, everything else comes short.
The great thing about God is His arms are always open, He is always waiting for people to return, He watches and waits, it’s almost like He says give
Me a reason to bless you.
Psalms 107 is one of my favorites
Last edited:


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
After leaving Christianity in 2014, I must have tried most religions out there. I want a religion so badly, of the reason I am not totally sure, but I just can't seem to be okay with any. I feel lonely, untethered and empty. Not sure what to do. I am not a spiritual flake, just confused.
If you're having a hard time finding the things you miss from religion in a new religion, consider whether you have to get all of them from one source.

The place where you get fellowship, for instance, doesn't necessarily have to be the same place where you get purpose.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
After leaving Christianity in 2014, I must have tried most religions out there. I want a religion so badly, of the reason I am not totally sure, but I just can't seem to be okay with any. I feel lonely, untethered and empty. Not sure what to do. I am not a spiritual flake, just confused.
I have a few suggestions, but it depends upon whether you are in a metropolitan area. If you are in a rural area you have few choices.

Stage 1. The first thing is to find somewhere that will accept you without making you feel as if you need to conform. You need a place that is Ok with you on long term visitor status and that will let you participate in volunteer activities without being a member. If you can find this, then you can begin work on the next level of your search. So far I cannot find something like this in my area, so you may not either, but look around. Ask around. Find. Maybe it will be a volunteer position at a pet clinic. Maybe you will find a universalist church or quaker meeting. Perhaps there is a local gas station where locals hang out.

Stage 2. Having achieved stage 1, you can look for something better. Now you are looking to add to the place you have already found. You are looking to become a relied upon person -- someone that is part of a process in addition to the characteristics of your stage 1 location. So now you aren't judged, are accepted and are needed.

Stage 3. I don't know. I've never gotten this far. How about something which combines the above and also leaves room for you to talk about your thoughts and personal feelings. That would be good. Try Meetup or start your own meetup once you have achieved stage 2.


Well-Known Member
I ended up becoming an atheist because of the disunity within religions (sects) and conflict between each religion. I considered them all to be spiritually dead as the main purpose of religion I believed was love and brotherhood. So within religions why have they put theology above love and created thousands of sects? No love. Then why were religions who were taught to love killing each other - no love.

But eventually I learned to separate the people from the Teacher/Prophet/Educator

Krishna - to love God above all else and serve Him - I believe
Moses - He taught love and brotherhood - I believe
Christ - love thy neighbour and even those who commit wrong towards you I believe
Muhammad - transformed barbarians into a law abiding nation I believe
Buddha - taught to fight hate with love I believe
Baha’u’llah- taught to love all humanity I believe
Zoroaster - taught good thoughts, good words, good deeds I believe

How could I in my right mind reject any of These wonderful Teachers? I couldn’t so I accepted them all. How? Well easy. The clergy and priests are not a part of the teachings. Actually their disagreements often caused schisms. So they are not part of my belief. The age of priests and clergy is coming to an end.

So in the end I accepted all of the Great Teachers as They all teach truth. The result is no more confusion, no more rejection, no more condemning any religion as having a false Prophet.

To be at one with all truth is so spiritually liberating. Why limit my spirit to a strait jacket or as a bird in a cage. Now I can go to a Mosque, a church, a synagogue, a pagoda or temple and feel oneness with all.

Humanity is my family. This is the age of inclusiveness. So I choose to accept all humanity as my brothers and sisters regardless of race, religion or atheist or agnostic, nationality or culture. That is my religion.
Sounds to me like you have taken TRUTH snapped it into little bits, and then put the bits in a blender!


Well-Known Member
After leaving Christianity in 2014, I must have tried most religions out there. I want a religion so badly, of the reason I am not totally sure, but I just can't seem to be okay with any. I feel lonely, untethered and empty. Not sure what to do. I am not a spiritual flake, just confused.
Do you recall the story of the two builders?